Full filled

The both of you finally arrived at taehyung's house now.

Taehyung: "let's change now, i wanna sleep already." he said

Y/n: "yeah you really need to sleep already" you said thinking of what he just said earlier

Taehyung: "you're wrong my love, i didn't forgot what i just said" he think as he smirked.

You and taehyung went to the room now. you both will going to freshen up first before going to sleep.

Taehyung: "i'll go first" he said so you nodded.


taehyung was done and you just went out to the bathroom too.

...while you're changing...

Y/n: "love? can you zip this for me?" you asked as you turned around to him, put your hair in the side. taehyung stood up and went to your back.

Taehyung: "do you think i forgot?" he said in a deep voice as he kiss the back of your neck

Y/n: "no....you never forgot something like this."

Taehyung: "smart girl" he smirked and keep kissing your neck

Y/n: "Tae..." you murmured feeling his kiss as you closed your eyes.

Taehyung took off your shirt and you're just wearing a bra now. he smashed his lips to yours, carry you without broking the kiss and placed you to the bed. he broke the kiss for a while and took off his shirt too.

He was in your top and kissing his every favorite parts of your body.

Taehyung: "you are only mine Min Y/n" he stopped and looked deeply in your eyes as he slowly moved his hands in your back to unhooked your bra.

When he finally took off your bra, he quickly suck your nipples and pressing your boobs

Y/n: "ahhhhh~" you moaned

Taehyung: "we're just starting y/n....save your moan, you need to moan my name more." he evily said and suck your neck again. he removed all of his clothes as he removed all of yours too and you both were naked now. "I LOVE YOU" he whispered to your ears that gives you goosebumps as he enter his private part inside of you.

Y/n: "ohhh shit" you said as you held tight in the blanket while he's keeping thrusting in and out.

Taehyung: "no one's gonna take you away from me. i'll never ever let anyone to take you." he said and kiss your lips passionately while he's still thrusting. he travels down to your exposed neck and chest now, leaving a purplish marks.

He moves faster now.

Y/n: "AHHHH FUCK!!" you moaned loudly

Taehyung: "who owns you?"

Y/n: "only you" you said while your eyes was closed, your wrist was being pinned by him and feeling the situation.

Taehyung: "who's me?" he asked again as he moves faster and faster.

Y/n: "AHHHH FUCKSHIT!!" you screamed out

"o-only yours, Kim Taehyung." you said holding his back so tight "i-i'm cumming" you sweetly moan

Taehyung: "you always makes me horny. especially now that you are moaning and screaming my name with your sweet voice, baby." he evily said as he sucks your breast still thrusting that makes you finally cum. "how hot" he smirked and pulls out his private part and went closer to your face "i wanna taste your juice" he smirked again and went down to your wet private part. he started licking it now, his tongue traveling around it and play your clit.

Y/n: "taehyung-ahh~" you moaned holding so tightly in the blanket.

he keeps licking it to make you feel so good. when he's done, he went closer to your face again and kiss you.

Taehyung: "i love you so much" he sweetly said to you

Y/n: "i love you more" you smiled as you cupped his cheeks and kissed each others again.

Taehyung: "i won't let jungkook to take you again...he still loves you y/n, he wants you to be his girl again and i don't want that to happen. I WON'T MAKE IT HAPPEN." he thought between the romantic kiss "you are my girl, you are only mine now. everything of you is my property." he continues. You both feel tired now.

Taehyung: "you let me fill my wish today. you make me more happier now" he smiled as he cuddle you

Y/n: "everything for you" you sweetly said "but don't make it as your habit."

Taehyung: "i can't promise that, love." he chuckle and you both fell asleep.


it's already morning now. you woke up and felt taehyung hugging you, while he's still sleeping. you remove his arms and grabbed a towel to cover your naked body 'cause you're going to take a shower now.

while you are showering, the bathroom door suddenly opened that makes you shocked.

Y/n: "yah!" you said as you quickly cover your body but he just ignored it and continuesly walk towards you.

Taehyung: "good morning, my love." he said smirking to you "why are you covering it? i just saw it last night"

Y/n: "i-i'm not yet done taking a bath, let me finish first then you can take later." you said as he reached you "shit you are starting again" you said and he suddenly removed the towel

Taehyung: "i'm craving for you again" he kissed you passionately while hugging you.

Y/n: "tae..." you pushed him that makes him stop and looked at you knitting his brows "we did it last night right? i told you that don't make it as your hubby" you calmly said and he got a bit mad/disappointed. he just looked down, turned around about to leave that makes you sighed so you pulled him to you and kiss him as the water flowing down from the shower to your both bodies so he kissed back.

Taehyung lift you up as you lock your arms to his neck same with your legs to his waist. he insert his private part to yours and keep thrusting in and out while kissing you, down to your neck and breast.

"AHHHHH~~" you both moaned

Taehyung: "these purplish marks in your neck was made by me. this is the prof that you're mine." he whispered and sucks your neck while still thrusting

Y/n: "stop" you said as he stopped from kissing you neck "stop kissing me and just keep thrusting" you smirked and you're the one who's sucking his neck now as he just doing what you said.

-after a few minutes of fvcking-

Taehyung: "thank you for full filling it again" he smiled and pecked your lips.