Best man


you and taehyung are preparing now 'cause you both and the boys are going to eat ina restaurant. you wore a turtle neck outfit to cover your hickies.

Taehyung: "it's not that so cold to wear a turtle neck, love." he teased chuckling.

Y/n: "because of you being needy last night that's why i got these." you said and he just laughed "don't be so confident love." you suddenly said that makes him confused "i left some of you too" you smirked and he went in front of the mirror to take a look on it.

Taehyung: "but you marked me too. These marks of me and you are the proofs that we both owned each other. You're my property and i am your property."

Y/n: "okay Mr. Kim" you weirdly smiled to him.

Taehyung just wore a suit but it can hide his hickies too.


The both of you finally arrived at the restaurant and approached the boys.

Jin: "ohh they are here" he smiled as they looked to you and taehyung.

Taehyung: "did you already order?" He asked as you both sat down

Jin: "yeah"

Jimin: "are you cold y/n?" He asked

Y/n: "yeah, kinda." You pretended

Jungkook: "ohh come on y/n. You're not used to wear that kind of outfit when it's not cold. You're not going to wear that for no reason. I know you" he thought while looking at you

Taehyung: "ohh really?" He teased and chuckled

Y/n: "i wish i can kill you right away"

Suga: "then do it" he chuckled

Y/n: "i can't....change the topic" you said as they just giggled

Hobi: "by the way, when is the releasement of the magazine?"

Jungkook: "tomorrow" he said as they nodded

The food that they order is done and they served it already.

Y/n: "excuse me first" you excused yourself to go in the toilet for a while.

When you left, jungkook's phone suddenly rang.

Jungkook: "arghhh this always disturb me" he complained "excuse me first" he said as the boys nodded and he left to take the call.

*Jungkook's pov*

Jungkook: "yes?" i answered while i'm in the comfort room

Manager: "sorry for disturbing Mr. Jeon, but i'll just inform you that the releasement of the magazine will be early"

Jungkook: "then when it is?"

Manager: "later, afternoon."

Jungkook: "okay, thank you for informing." I said as i cut the call and about to go when i suddenly saw y/n, talking to the phone.

Y/n: "okay, thank you for the information." She said as she cut the call and about to go but i stopped her by grabbing her wrist and make her leaned to the wall as i came closer.

Jungkook: "did they informed you already?"

Y/n: "yeah...why are you acting weirdly again?" She knitted her brows and my eyes suddenly landed on his covered neck and it's forcing me to look what's behind the cover...i didn't hesitate to pull down the cover. Seeing it makes me go out in my own world. I don't know, but i feel hurt.

Y/n: "yah Mr. Jeon, this is not right." She knitted her brows again as she removed my hand to her neck "why are you acting in this way? In my parents' anniversary, when i gave your clothes last time, in the photoshoot, and now...i can't understand you." She said, a bit mad.

Jungkook: "you can't really understand it 'cause you don't know what's my situation"

Y/n: "whatever your situation is, can you please don't get me involve on it? Or if i'm involved with it, then tell me, can you? We know each other so well, we've been in a relationship in the past. You know what i hate the most, and that is making me uncomfortable." She said that makes me get back in my mind, realizing what i am just doing to her. I'm disrespecting her.

Jungkook: "i'm sorry" i looked down as i released her wrist.

Y/n: "fix yourself, kook." She smiled as she patted my shoulder and left.

Jungkook: "this is so hard!" I thought while holding my head and left too awhile later.

*Your pov*

Why? Why?! Why is he acting like that?! I don't really understand! This started when i cameback. When we broke up, i left this country immediately and i was gone for 3 years. So what's his point for being like that to me? Does he wants to play with me? He wants me back? Does he want to ruin my relationship with tae? Or maybe, he still love me again??? No no no!!! What are you thinking Y/n?! Are you insane?! That's impossible!

...while eating...

Jungkook: "the magazine will be release later"

Suga: "it change" he said as you and jungkook nodded.

Y/n: "love, are you going to work later?"

Taehyung: "why?"

Y/n: "we need to sign the magazine. So if you're not busy, i want you to go with me."

Taehyung: "i have some work to finish in office but we can just tell them to send their secretary and bring the magazine that you need to sign"

Y/n: "that's right, thank you." You sweetly smiled to him and the others were looking at you two.

Jin: "yah! Stop being so sweet!"

Taehyung: "is it our fault why you didn't bring your girlfriends here?" He asked as you both chuckle

Rm: "never mind, change the and my fiancè planned to get married next month" he happily said that makes y'all get shocked.

Jimin: "really?!" He happily asked "make sure that i'll be your best man!" He jokingly said

Jin: "aishhh what are you saying?! I'm his best man!"

Suga: "what? You? Come on, i'm sure it's me."

Hobi: "what are y'all saying?! You're just saying nonsense! We know it here that it's me!"

Jungkook: "just back off! Don't fight over that! It's me okay?! It's me!"

Taehyung: "aigooo these guys never realized it. That it's me from the start until now so stop arguing." He argued back that makes y'all laughed

Rm: "act like a grown up you boys! So who else are planning to get marreid this year?" He sincerly asked and they all looked at you and taehyung.

Jungkook: "ahmm i need to go now boys. I need to sign early the magazine 'cause i have some works to finish as soon as possible. Hope y'all understand." He smiled

Hobi: "here you are again jungkook-ahh" he thought while looking at jungkook

Jin: "okay, be careful." They smiled as he left.