Fortune teller; Past and Future

Girl: "what?" She confusedly asked

Jungkook: "ohh nothing" he smiled

Girl: "then i'll go for now to roam around the park oppa and unnie" she waved and left.

Y/n: "are you happy now? Are you having fun?"

Jungkook: "yeah. You don't want that little girl to know that we're not couple anymore so you just let her to think that we are." He smiled

Y/n: "i don't want to disappoint her. You're so stupid, you made her confused by what you just said."

Jungkook: "okay i'm sorry" he chuckled

The two of you were just walking and talking around the park.

Y/n: "ohhh god!" You startled when an homeless old man suddenly came infront of you two as he hold your hand. Jungkook slightly hid you behind of him to protect you.

Jungkook: "what do you want ahjussi?"

Ahjussi: "i just want to talk with you two"

Jungkook: "then you shouldn't come to us like that."

Ahjussi: "i'm sorry" he bowed

Y/n: "it's okay" you said to him "we can just talk over there at the bench" you smiled and the three of you sat down.

Ahjussi: "i'm sorry for earlier. I quickly went to you 'cause i found out that, the stories of you two were something." He said that makes your brows knitted same with jungkook. "I'm a fortune teller. I can see and tell your past and future by just holding your hands."

Jungkook: "is that real? Some nitezens are not believing on that."

Ahjussi: "yes. I tried to see a past and future of some people. Some of those people that i told about their future were true and some of them was not too."

Y/n: "soooo?" You confusedly asked

Ahjussi: "when you both passed infront of me, i felt something that's why i immediately went to you." He explained "i wanna hold the hands of you two, to comfirmed this feeling. So may i?" He asked as you handed your hand same with jungkook. That ahjussi held your left hand to his left hand. He held jungkook's right hand to his right hand as that ahjussi closed his eyes.

After 5 minutes, he opened his eyes as he removed his hands to yours and to jungkook. "You both were in relationship in the past, am i right?" He asked as you and jungkook looked to each other.

Y/n: "maybe you knew us since before that's why you know it"

Ahjussi: "the reason why you both broke up because this boy lost his love to you." He said that makes you two shocked a bit. "And you were in a relationship now with someone this boy know, while this boy were suffering a lot because he's regretting."

Jungkook: "h-how can you know about it?"

Ahjussi: "that was only your both past. I also saw what will going to happen to the both of you."

Y/n: "it's a worst or good?"

Ahjussi: "one person of your life that you were really really close with, will going to encounter a mistake that you didn't want and will turn your relationship to each other into a mess. But someday, also one person will never ever leave your side and will going to comfort, love and protect you. You're going to be happy too at the end." He said that makes you so confused and your brows knitted. "While this boy will going to achieve what he badly wants when he lost his love to the girl he chose over you, and i think you know what i mean Mister." He said to jungkook that made him confused too.

Y/n: "you made me confused and scared at the same time by what you just said ahjussi....i think it is not right to spoiled us about our future especially when it's scary like what you just said about me."

Ahjussi: "i'm sorry about that Miss. I didn't meant to scared you but that was i really saw in your future...if you both don't want to believe, it's your choice Mr. and Miss. I'm not forcing you. But i have a feeling that, that will going to happen. Thank you for the time." He stood up, bowed and left. You were just quite, thinking so deep about it.

Jungkook: "you okay?"

Y/n: "it's just that....i don't know but it really made me worry."

Jungkook: "hey! Did you really believe it so much? He said that some of those people he told about their futures were not true, so how can you worry about it? I didn't even believe that much of what he said about me 'cause i'm not hoping."

Y/n: "you're just saying that because he mentioned nothing negative about of your future."

Jungkook: "what if he just didn't saw it even though i really have?"

Y/n: "never mind." You said as you put down your head into the table. Your phone suddenly rang. call...

Y/n: "tae?"

Unknown: "hello y/n, this is not tae. I'm his friend. I called 'cause he's so drunk now and if it's okay, let him to check in here for awhile."

Y/n: "why need to check in if i can just fucking go in that damn place to pick him up?" You asked a bit mad

Unknown: "because this place is not in the seoul. It's a bit far so it's better if he is going to go home tomorrow and you just wait for him 'cause it's already night also, you can't drive now for your safety."

Y/n: "fine...i'm not there to take care of him so please be the one."

Unknown: "don't worry" he said as you cut the call and released a sigh.

Jungkook: "what happened to tae? You seemed a bit angry earlier."

Y/n: "he's so drunk now that he won't be able to come home 'cause it's not in the seoul but i suggested that i'll pick him up."

Jungkook: "but you can't also go there 'cause it's night and something might happen to you. I won't allow you as well." He said and makes you just looked to him.

Y/n: "yeahhh. It's just sad 'cause everytime he's going to drink, i'm always telling him to not get drunk but he always ended up like that....i'm also going to be lonely in the house while doing some office works."

Jungkook: "then do you want me to come over while he's gone?" He asked

Y/n: "no it's okay. It's better to finish all your works rather than staying there without doing unimportant."

Jungkook: "i already finished them so i have nothing to do. Also, i can help you with your works."

Y/n: "fine. That's what you want." You said as you both stood up, went to your cars and drove to the house.