I'll love you always

*jungkook's pov*

While i am driving, i thought about that ahjussi said.

Jungkook: "what does he mean about achieving what i badly want to achieve when i lost my love to the girl i chose over y/n??" He confusedly said to himself "what i badly want??? I lost my love to irene because i started to regret what i've done to y/n and i really really want y/n to....be....mine.....again." he said cut by cut when he's starting to realized and getting what that ahjussi means. "He also said that i know what he means so, what i think is right? Y/n will going to end up with me 'cause she's the only one i want to be mine when my relationship with irene became so mess???" He asked that makes him smiled and blushed. "Yahh jungkook-ahh you got what that ahjussi means, but why the fuck are you hoping?!" He chuckled to himself "ohh come on Jeon Jungkook!!! You don't believe in a fortune teller!" He continued still chuckling and blushing.


We both finally arrived in taehyung's house.

Y/n: "come in and wait for awhile. I'll just need to freshen up before doing works so i don't need to do it after finishing it." She said as i just sat down in a living room while she went upstairs.

While waiting, a door in a modern design caught my attention.

Jungkook: "i didn't know that door here before" i confusedly said to myself that force me to take a look on it.

I stood up and walk slowly there. It wasn't lock so i entered the room to see so many pictures, hanging in the wall. I went closer to the pictures to see it clearly and some of it was our group pictures, Me, y/n, tae and the other boys. But mostly, it's y/n and taehyung's photos. I looked to them one by one. While looking, my chest aches and i didn't notice that my eyes became teary. I just continuely looking to their pictures. They're both happy together. They didn't waste their seconds, minutes, hours and days together while they are gone. They are so sweet in these pictures. They made a lot of memories now. While looking around, my gazed stopped in a slightly big frame of picture where taehyung and y/n were kissing. I'm just standing in front of that frame, with a teary eyes and aching heart.

"That should be me, kissing your lips." I said to myself as my tear fell down on my right cheek. "If i just didn't lost you before, there will be no regrets in my life." I continued as the door behind me suddenly opened.

"Jungkook?" Y/n said while walking towards me as i wiped my tears and turned to her "are you crying?" She asked when she's infront of me already. I didn't respond to her as i pulled her and make her leaned to the wall and kissed her smoothly and romantically while my tears flowed down. She tried to move herself to broke the kiss so i broke it.

Y/n: "yah jungkook-ah what are you doing?" She knitted her brows as i let her go.

Jungkook: "i'm sorry. I didn't meant to do that." I said as i wiped my tears and leave the room.

*Your pov*

After letting me go, he immediately left the room. I was shocked when that happened. I'm in a relationship with tae, but why i can't avoid these kind of things to happen?

"I'm sorry love, that was unexpected." I thought and leave the room too. I went straight to the library to do my works now. I didn't saw jungkook in the living room so maybe he went in the roof top or in thr guest room.

...in the library...

Before starting to work, i grabbed my phone to text jungkook for a while.

Y/n: "i don't know if you left already or not.  But if you're still here, just tell me if you need anything. The foods is in refridgerator. You didn't eat yet so it would be better if you eat. Just feel at home." I texted and started.

*Jungkook's pov*

While having some fresh air in the roof top, my phone vibrate so i take a look on it.


Y/n: "i don't know if you left already or not.  But if you're still here, just tell me if you need anything. The foods is in refridgerator. You didn't eat yet so it would be better if you eat. Just feel at home." She texted as i just smile.

Jungkook: "i can't leave you alone here so i didn't leave yet. Thank you and i'm sorry for earlier." I replied.

Y/n: "you're forgiven, but i hope that would not happen again." She texted that makes me sad again 'cause i know that kissing her and loving each other won't happen again.

Jungkook: "yeah" i replied and she didn't replied back, maybe she's working now.


30 minutes passed, and i went down. It was so quite. I wanna help y/n with her works now so i went to the office.


Jungkook: "y/n?" I knocked but she didn't opened and speak. "Y/n i--" i opened to saw y/n sleeping with her head down in the table. "Aigooo look at this girl" i whispered to myself, smiling. I went closer, sat down beside her and just staring at her sleeping figure. "I don't know if i'm believing what that fortune teller said about my future. I don't also know if you are the one he's talking about, about the one/thing that i want to get or achieve." I said to myself. "The beautiful girl who used to loved me and the girl i used to call mine before, is already owned by another guy now." I said while removing the hair that covered her face. Meanwhile, i carry her in a bride style to placed her in the bed. "I miss to carry you like this my love. I think this will be the last time." I sadly thought

Y/n: "love...." she murmured that makes my heartbeat skipped even though i know that i'm not the one who's she talking about. My heart beat skipped because that was our callsign before. I reached their room now and carefully placed her down in the bed.

Jungkook: "sleep well, y/n." I smiled as i put the blanket on her and then she murmured again.

Y/n: "i love you" she murmured that makes my chest aches again and my eyes get wet.

Jungkook: "i love you too my love. I'll love you always." I kissed her forehead "i'll leave now." I continued and left the room and the house.