Big mistake

-timeskip- -Morning-

*Your pov*

The sun shines so bright that the sun light hits me and it makes me woke up. I look at the time and sat down.

Y/n: " far as i know, i fell asleep in the library. How did i ended up here?" You confusedly ask yourself as you soon realize that jungkook was in the house last night. "Maybe he put me here....oh right taehyung!" You said and quickly got up to check him in the living room but he's nowhere to be found "he's not still here" you sighed and get back to the room to take a bath.


When you're done taking a bath, you wore casual outfits 'cause you're going to work at your office now. You didn't leave the house yet 'cause you were waiting for taehyung.

30 minutes passed and finally he came back.

Taehyung: "love" he said as soon as he opened the door. He quickly went to you and hugged you so tight. "I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." He said, at the edge of crying.

Y/n: "no need to apologize that much." You said as you broke the hug, cupped his face and smiled to him. You noticed his teary eyes. "Why?" You worriedly asked but he just hugged you again.

Taehyung: "i'm sorry my love"he said as his tears fell down on his cheeks

Y/n: "it's okay love, don't cry. I won't leave you, okay?" You said and wiped his tears. "Did you eat already? Are you hundry?" You asked him

Taehyung: "i already eat. How about you?"

Y/n: "i had it while i'm waiting for you."

Taehyung: "ahmmm are you going to your office?"

Y/n: "yeah, i have a meeting. How about you?"

Taehyung: "i need to go too but you can go first love. I still need to take a bath and as you said, you have a meeting."

Y/n: "then i'll leave now. I love you."

Taehyung: "i love you too" you both kissed and you left.

*Taehyung's pov*

When i left the house, i went straight to daegu where my friends invited me. We had so much fun. Talking, laughing, teasing and drinking until i drunk so much already. I fell asleep and my friend was worried so he ask his cousin to take me for awhile in a room in the bar.

Tzuyu: "Mr. Kim let's go." she said while helping me to stand up. We both fell down in the bed 'cause we both out of balance. I was in the top of here. I immidiately move and lay down. But later on, i felt hands in my cheeks and a sudden kiss. I opened my eyes to saw tzuyu kissing me. I am out of my mind that i didn't know what's happening and what i am doing. Tzuyu slowly sit on the top of me and slowly removing my clothes as she did the same to hers.

Tzuyu: "just this once Mr. Kim" she whispered in my ear.


I woke up in the morning with a headache. I turned to my side and i saw tzuyu sleeping, with her body covering the blanket. I was so shocked to see that i am naked too. I immidiately get up and wear my clothes.

Taehyung: "YAH WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" i shouted angrily at her that mades her woke up

Tzuyu: "i'm sorry but something happened to us last night"

Taehyung: "you just take advantage at me!! I have a girlfriend tzuyu!!"

Tzuyu: "we're both drunk taehyung."

Taehyung: "and i know that you're the one who first moved!"

Tzuyu: "but you didn't push me away" she said. I am so mad at her and same to myself. I left slammed the door and went quickly to my car to go home.

Taehyung: "what did you do taehyung?!" I said crying with anger inside of me, while driving. "If you just didn't got drunk, this will never happen!" I continued and i suddenly got a text message. I checked it and it was from unknown number. That person sent a video and it was the video last night while doing the mistake. I know that it was tuzyu who sent it. After sending the video, there's some photos too.

Taehyung: "WHY?!?!" i shouted as i cry more. I watched the video but i didn't finish it 'cause i can't. "Why i didn't push her?! Why i didn't stop her?!" I cried more and more. Later on, i finally arrived at the house and i quickly get inside to see y/n. I opened the door and there is y/n sitting and waiting for me. I just hugged her and keep saying sorry to her as i cry. "I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." I said

Y/n: "no need to apologized that much." She noticed me crying so she cupped my face and smiled at me so sweet "it's okay love, don't cry. I won't leave you, okay?" She said that makes me more hurt. She has no idea. She only thinks that i am saying sorry 'cause i didn't come home last night! I feel so sorry to her! She loves me so much but i just hurt her. I love her and i don't want to hurt her but this worst mistake already happened.

After she left, i went to our room to take a bath. I soaked in the shower as i cry and cry. I am so mad at myself. I'm going to hurt y/n! She will going to suffer from pain again because of me!! I didn't mean to do that y/n. I'm really really sorry. I'm so so scared if you're going to leave me. I don't want that to happen. After a minutes of crying, i finished taking a bath, wear my clothes and went to my company. my office...

After the meeting, i'm just staying at the office, don't know what to do. My secretary came in.

Secretary: "Mr. Kim, Mr. Min is here." He informed as he left then yoongi entered and sat down in front of the desk.

Yoongi: "what's with you tae?" He asked

Taehyung: "why do you ask?"

Yoongi: "you're not like that. When me or the others will visit you, you're going to smile and ask how's the day. Your face reaction also." He said and my eyes became wet, near to cry.

Taehyung: "hyung...." i looked to him as my tears already falling down on my cheeks.

Yoongi: "y-yahhh why are you crying?" He stood up worriedly.

Taehyung: "why do i need to encounter this, hyung?" I cried as he went to hug me "i don't want to hurt her"

Yoongi: "i won't ask your problem for now. Just tell or us if you're ready to open it." He comforted "Maybe that was really destined to you. We're always here for you tae."

Taehyung: "I did a big mistake hyung. I'm very very sorry" i cry and cry while hyung is comforting me.