Mood and Life changing

*Your pov*

After the meeting, you went to your office and doing some works.


Mara: "Y/N!!!!!!" She shouted happily

Y/n: "i'm not fucking deaf!!" You shouted back

Mara: "i'm sorry, i'm just missing you."

Y/n: "then come back here"

Mara: "very soon! Kai is about to finish the project of our company here."

Mara and kai were in italy since kai has a company there. And yes!! Mara and kai were already engaged! They're going to get married soon!

Y/n: "so when and where are you both going to do your wedding?"

Mara: "of course there in korea. Our friends and families are there....and the wedding date is secret." She winks that mades you chuckled

Y/n: "how are you and kai?"

Mara: "always the same, sweet to each other, caring to each other and loving each other." She said "how about you and tae?"

Y/n: "same as always....almost planning the wedding too." You sweetly smiled

Mara: "ohh really?!?! It would be moooore better if we both get married in the same day!"

Y/n: "we both have the right time for that mara" you smiled

Mara: "then bye for now. Me and kai need to go somewhere."

Y/n: "yeah, take care." You cut the call. After finishing your works, you went to taehyung's company.

...Taehyung's company...

"Good morning Ms. Y/n" they greeted you with a sweet smile.

Y/n: "good morning too" you smiled back to them and went straight to tae's office.

As you opened the door, you saw yoongi talking with taehyung but their expression is different. "Morning" you greeted them as they both turned to you.

Yoongi: "morning y/n" he smiled to you showing his gummy smile as you both hug like always.

*Yoongi's pov*

I decided to visit taehyung in his office now 'cause i just want to talk to him with some stuff.

When i arrived at his building, every employees greeted me so i greeted back and went to taehyung's office. As i entered, his expression is so different from before. He's not like that. I felt something wrong so i asked him. "What's with you tae?" I asked as i sat down.

Taehyung: "why do you ask?" He said in a sad tone. I explained to him why i asked it and HIS EYES WAS TEARY!! I got worried to him. "Hyung..." he said and he's already crying. I got really really worried for him.

Yoongi: "y-yahh why are you crying?" I asked as i stood up

Taehyung: "why do i need to encounter this, hyung?" He asked as he cried more and more so i hug him. "I don't want to hurt her!" He continued. I never saw him like this before. I never saw him crying so hard like this. I think that his problem was so hard and painful.

Yoongi: "i won't ask your problem for now. Just tell me or us if you're ready to open it. Maybe that was really destined to you. We're always here for you tae." I comforted, hugging him. It would be better if i won't ask what's his problem for now. Maybe he's not yet ready to tell what is.

Taehyung: "i did a big mistake hyung. I'm very very sorry." He cried while i was comforting him. Wait...did he said BIG MISTAKE?! taehyung-ahh what did you do?...I need to tell the other boys about this. We don't want to see him suffering like this especially me! I really need to tell them. We need to help him to ease the pain. While talking, someone spoke.

"Morning" s/he greeted. We turned around to see y/n.

Yoongi: "morning y/n" i smiled as i went to hug her and sat down beside tae again.

Y/n: "what's with you both? Something wrong?" She asked while taehyung suddenly held my arm secretly, begging not to tell about it. I wonder if y/n know about this.

Yoongi: "of course nothing! We're just shocked when you spoke 'cause didn't knock."

Y/n: "ohh i'm sorry for that" she chuckled

Yoongi: "so i'll go for now guys." I stood up and stared at taehyung signing him to cheer up and be strong

Y/n: "be careful!" She said and i left.

*Your pov*

When you entered taehyung's office, they both get shocked. Their expressions also was something that maybe you never seen before to them. You was so hella curious and some questions were running in your mind but you brushed it away since they said that there's nothing wrong. After yoongi left, taehyung is just quite. You are worried to him because you care for him.

Y/n: "hey love are you okay?" You asked him as he stood up, held your hands and smiled.

Taehyung: "i'm just tired at working love. Don't mind me." He smiled so warm.

Y/n: "i hope i can remove your tiredness" You cupped his face and kiss him passionately as he kissed back while his hands were wrapped in your waist. After a minute of kissing, he broke it and hug you.

Taehyung: "thank you" he sweetly said

Y/n: "don't be thankful for now. That was just a trailer, and the official will be later." You said seductively as you broke the hug and it makes him smiled excitedly

Taehyung: "you're the best" he smirked and slammed his lips to yours again. After a minute of kissing again, he spoke while holding your waist and your hands in his chest. "i love you always" he said

Y/n: "i love you the most to the entire multiverse" you said that makes him giggled

Taehyung: "that's sweet huh" he said giggling.

Y/n: "let's have our lunch together since it's already 12 pm too."

Taehyung: "of course let's go" he smiled hold my hand and went out to his office to head in the car.

As you both arrived at the first floor of the building, some of the employees stood up and murmuring to each others while smiling.

Y/n: "why?" You asked as we stopped

Employee1: "we just notice Mr. Kim's mood now Ms. Y/n." She smiled

Employee2: "because when he entered the building, he's not in the mood. He is not smiling even in the meeting and after that. But when you visited he's smiling already." He chuckled same with the others as you looked to taehyung who can't stop from smiling.

Taehyung: "because she's my mood and life changing." He smiled same with you and you both leave the company without knowing that someone is watching and listening to you both and who's supposed to meet and talk to taehyung.