
Y/n: "yes i know that but why did you suddenly brought that up? I know there's something."

Taehyung: "jungkook is your ex boyfriend and..." he paused

Y/n: "and what?"

Taehyung: "i know that he still loves you." He murmured while looking to his plate but it is enough for you to hear.

Y/n: "tae i heard it and i know about it." You said and he suddenly looked up to you

Taehyung: "what do you mean by you know about it?" He knitted his brows

Y/n: "the night where i informed you that i'll meet jungkook and the night when you left to have a fun with your friends. He told me about it. He said that he still loves me but i said that i can't do anything about it now 'cause i already have you. Tae we are already fiancès so stop worrying over that. You know that i'll choose you 'cause i love you. So please love, please don't think that i'll leave you because of him. I love you with all my heart and that will never change." You said and he stood up and hug you.

Taehyung: "i'm afraid. I'm scared y/n. I'm scared that one day i'll lost you. I don't want that to happen. I can't live without you. I love you. I love you more than myself."

Y/n: "i love you more love. We will get married soon so that no one can apart us anymore. I love you and i'll always will." You smiled and kiss each other.

Taehyung already left the house same with you but tae head to his company already while you went straight to meet jungkook.

*Jungkook's pov*

While fixing my suit, my phone suddenly ring. I looked at the person's name and it was taehyung.

Jungkook: "hello?"

Taehyung: "hey kook! The meeting got cancelled yesterday because we left right?"

Jungkook: "exactly, and?"

Taehyung: "so go to the restaurant that we used to eat. I already booked the VIP room."

Jungkook: "thankfully the meeting will be carry on now!"

Taehyung: "sorry dude! I am really a busy person now!" He giggled as i did the same

Jungkook: "no it's okay i understand. So i'll leave now." I said as he said okay and cut the call.

I remember what my mom said again earlier. If they are really fiancès then i'll just support them for the best. I know it's hard to accept but i need to do it, for my good sake....after getting ready, i grab my key, the files and left my house. After a few minutes of driving, i finally reached the restaurant.

Jungkook: "good morning!"

Receptionist: "good morning Mr. Jeon! I will lead you to the VIP room" she smiled as she lead me.

Jungkook: "thank you" i smiled and she left.

*Author's pov*

Little did jungkook know that he will going to have a meeting with the girl he love.

*Y/n's pov*

While i'm on the way, i called tae.

Y/n: "love"

Taehyung: "yes love?"

Y/n: "where do i meet him?"

Taehyung: "oh yeah right i forgot! It's in our favorite restaurant. Where we used to eat with the boys."

Y/n: "okay bye i love you!" I smiled

Taehyung: "i love you the most!" He said as we both giggled and cut the call.


Receptionist: "good morning Ms. Min!" She greeted me with a sweet smile

Y/n: "good morning too!" I smiled back

Receptionist: "Mr. Jeon is already in the VIP room. I'll lead you." She said as i nodded and follow her.

Y/n: "thank you and have a good day" i smiled as she left. I slowly open the door and there he is, looking so calm while waiting. "Hey morning" i greeted as he turned to me.

Jungkook: "oh y/n morning too." He said and i sat down in front of him. "Why are you here? Are you with tae?"

Y/n: "no he's not with me and i am here to have a meeting with you?" I said as i noticed his brows knitting. "He asked me if i can be the one to talk to you about your and tae's business partnership. Yeah i shouldn't be the one to have a meeting with you when it comes to this especially that i am the CEO of my company not his, but because of his busy schedules and a bunch of files to work, i just agreed."

Jungkook: "oh okay" he nodded

Y/n: "so can i see the files?" I asked and he bring it out and gave to me.

*Jungkook's pov*

While i was waiting, the door opened. I turned back as i heard a sweet voice and to my shock, it's y/n. Why is she here? Tae must be the one to come here. But it brightened my day as i saw her coming in. We greeted each other with a smile and she sat down in front of me. She explained why is she the one who attended and i understand it now. She asked for the file so i gave it and she's taking her time to read. I was just so quite watching her. I can't hold it. I can't hold myself from staring at her. She's so beautiful. I can't deny it! My heart and attention were always been cought by her. The girl i love is sitting in front of me now. We were just having a time with each other. Ohh come on jeon jungkook! It's a meeting!!!! I put my head down in the table and bit my lower lip secretely.

Y/n: "hey are you okay?" She asked as i looked up. Shit! I forgot that she will noticed me!

Jungkook: "y-yeah of course!"

Y/n: "then why stuttering when you're okay?"

Jungkook: "nothing. I just forgot that you're here." I lied! WTF?! Is that even a reasonable?!

Y/n: "weird. You should see a doctor." She said as we both laugh. "So taehyung were gonna buy some of your shares?"

Jungkook: "yeah. He'll buy it 'cause it will help his company and same with mine."

Y/n: "why? Why are you selling it?"