Engagement ring

Jungkook: "honestly, some problem came up in my company. I have many stocks of real estates 'cause it's really hard to find a investors now. I am selling some of my shares so that i can improve some of the company's properties."

Y/n: "that's bad. For sure if you didn't fix that immediately, it will drag your company down and that will be really hard for you." She has a point.

Jungkook: "that's right. So i really need to focus on it, use my best strategy and also do my best to fix it. Dad will totally kill me" We both giggled

Y/n: "by the way, what happened to your real estates? You has so many investors of it and it is really going well." She asked as i sighed

Jungkook: "my investors already chose those well design houses and there's some left of it. My investors didn't want to invest of it. Maybe it didn't satisfied their tastes. I can't upgrade it right away 'cause the company's money will get spend according to my plan. So i don't know what to do on those property." I explained and she suddenly smiled. Why?! And why that smile hits me so hard?!

Y/n: "Maybe i could help you."

Jungkook: "h-help? How?"

Y/n: "I just thought that if i'll invest my company's money to your stocks of real estates, your problem will be immediately solved. Since you just said that you has many of it, that most of your investors didn't want to buy it anymore." She said that it makes me really happy! This girl, she really helped me with this! Arghhh!

Jungkook: "damn for real?!?!"

Y/n: "yeah...if i already invest on it, i'll upgrade the houses and if your company get back again, it's your choice if you wanna get back your real estates again or if you don't want to get it back to you anymore, it will help my company to earn more money too."

Jungkook: "y/n is this for real???" I asked, can't believing it.

Y/n: "what's wrong with you? Of course it's real!" She giggled "i'll buy it to you officially" she continued. I just stood up and hugged her so tight.

Jungkook: "you will really help me a lot y/n. You don't know how big you will help to me!" I said almost tearing up. I'm not over reacting, it's just that i can't let the company down and just let it get bankrupt because my dad worked hard of it.

Y/n: "you're always welcome" she smiled as i sat back "make sure to give me a high price." I shockly looked to her.

Jungkook: "euuu??? (Pronounce as 'ehhh')"

Y/n: "if you won't give me the highest price, it is not enough to solve it! I mean, yeah of course it will solve it 'cause you will give the price that you think it is enough but it is more better if you'll give me the highest price so that you still have a extra for your other ongoing projects." She explained. I really can't stop smiling while listening and looking at her. "Hey! You okay?" She asked

Jungkook: "yes. I just can't process anything right now. You will really do a big help to me now! I mean it. Dad worked so hard of the company so i'm really afraid that i'll drag it down.... i don't know what to feel y/n. Thank you so much!"

Y/n: "i'm thankful too that i can help you" she smiled "so we will talk about that investments soon. Let's just focus about your partnership with tae for now." She said as we continued to discuss about it.

"Y/n's pov*

After an almost one hour of meeting, we ordered a food to eat since we got hungry.

Waiter: "here's your orders Mr. Jeon and Ms. Min." She smiled while putting down the orders and left.

Jungkook: "i heard that taehyung is already your fiance." He suddenly said that mades me looked at him. How did he know?! We've been hidding it...oh yeah i'm wearing the engagemet ring.

Y/n: "ohh y-yeah" i awkwardly said. why did i stuttered???

Jungkook: "the ring looks so good in your finger." He said while looking at my hand.

Y/n: "thank you for that" i smiled same with him but i can tell that it is forced.

Jungkook: "why did you both didn't tell us? You both were hiding it, am i right?"

Y/n: "we're sorry. We really planned to not tell it to everyone but our families knew it already." I explained as he just nodded and started to eat quitely.

Jungkook: "congratulations to the both of you" he smiled sweetly

Y/n: "ohh thank you so much....you should find your girl too! You're successful now and you are getting tired too so you need a girl who's going to take good care of you. Don't get old alone." I chuckled same with him

Jungkook: "ohh come on y/n, don't bring that up!" he said

***I'll comment the engagement ring***

*Jungkook's pov*

As the waiter dropped our orders, my gazed landed to y/n's ring finger. Mom is right. There's an engagement ring on her finger. It fucking really hurts. It feels like someone just shot my heart. Why can't i just move on from her and support their relationship?! Why do i need to suffer from everything?! Why it is so hard to get over from her? Why i am still loving you so much even though you're not feeling the same anymore?.....okay enough of that!! All the matters for now is that she's going to help me! That's it and i am so thankful of that.


Y/n: "so i think i need to go now since we're done discussing it. I still need to visit my parents too." She said

Jungkook: "i need to go too 'cause i need to do something...thank you for today and send my gratittude to taehyung too." I smiled sweetly to her as she return it back.

Y/n: "you are always welcome. All the best for your partnership with tae and we'll going to discuss about investments soon."

Jungkook: "ahhh i'm really really felt so happy today. Thank you so much y/n. Dad will be so thankful too." I hugged her as she hugged back and later on, we broke it.

Y/n: "send my regards to them" she smiled and later on we bid goodbye and left the restaurant.