Mara&Kai cameback

**Y/N's POV**

As our meeting was done, i straightly went to my parent's house to have a dinner with them since tae will have a dinner with the 6 boys.

Dad: "Y/n, kyle! The dinner is ready. Stop playing now." My dad shouted as me and kyle went down stairs to the kitchen.

In the middle of our dinner, my mom and dad keep on asking about me and tae.

Mom: "so how are you and tae?" She happily asked.

Y/N: "we are both okay mom. Quite busy on our works too."

Dad: "you both were engaged since last last year. When is the wedding?" He happily asked too.

It's so good to know that my parents were keep on happily asking about the love of my life.

I can't describe how thankful i am to have this happy family.

Y/N: "we're still planning on it dad. As we all know that we became busy on our works."

Dad: "but! Even though you are both so busy, leave some time to spend for you two."

Y/N: "i know dad. You know me! I'm not wasting any second, minute or hour when it comes to my love one. I'm always making it memorable and unforgettable." We all giggled on it

"Actually, we decided to do our wedding after namjoon oppa's wedding."

Mom: "oh yeah right! Namjoon will get married soon. When is it?"

Y/N: "next month mom."

Mom: "so you are saying that your wedding will be next next month??"

Y/N: "we don't know mom. Maybe." I smiled

Kyle: "sis!"

Y/N: "yes kyle?"

Kyle: "you forgot something." He sadly said

Y/N: "huh? Did i?"

I know he's talking about his upcoming birthday.

How can i forget the birthday of my little brother?!

Let's just pretend that i forgot it hihihihi

Kyle: "YOU!! Nevermind." He sadly sighed.

Ohhh that's nice you didn't continue to say it

It's good that he didn't say it and let me remember.

'Cause i'm planning to surprise him on his birthday. I'll pretend that i'm not remembering his birthday and i'll start to act now until his birthday.

Dad: "by the way Y/n, i found out that you're planning to invest on jungkook's company." My dad changed the topic.

Of course my dad and mom are on my plan

Y/N: "ohh how did you know that?"

Dad: "Mr. Jeon called me. He thanked me even though i'm not the CEO anymore." He chuckled

Y/N: "hmm okay. Actually, their son and me had a meeting earlier and jungkook mentioned the problem of his company so i decided to invest to help him. That will help my company too." I smiled

Mom: "that's great then! How is he?"

What the?? Why are you asking me mom? Are we both living in a same house?


Y/N: "he said he's okay. Focusing on his company too."

Dad: "is he already dating someone?"

Dad?! You too?! Why are you both asking me about him?!

Y/N: "nope." I answered as i keep on eating my food

Mom: "maybe, he's still inlove with you?"

Y/N: "MOM!! DAD!! Why do you both keep on asking me about him?! I didn't interview him okay?" I complained as they just laugh

While eating, my phone suddenly ring.

I looked at the caller name and it's mara.

I answered it, still eating.

Y/N: "hey mara. What's up?"

Mara: "Y/n go to the xx bar now!"

Y/N: "what? What am i going to do there? Is that important?"

Mara: "yes it is! So now go! Someone is waiting for you there!"

Y/N: "okay i'll go." I said as i hanged up confusedly

Mom: "why what happened to her?"

Y/N: "she said that i need to go in a one place and it's a very important that i don't know why." I said as i stood up

"So i'll go now mom, dad and kyle." I hugged them.

I went upstairs to change my clothes.


It's been so long since i went into a bar.

I picked up my phone to call mara

Y/N: "YAH!! Where the goddamn person you were freakin' talking about?"

Mara: "that person is waiting in a VIP room number 137."

Y/N: "why can't that fucking person just showed up in the hall?! God!!!"

Mara: "by the way, do you still know how to fight?"

Y/N: "a bit. Why?"

Mara: "nothing. Just always be alert." She said and cut the call

What the fuck?!

How dare this girl to set me up into a meeting without me knowing it?!

Anyways, i already reached the door of the VIP room number 137.

I knocked first but no one open the door so i just open it myself.

Why is it so dark here?

I turn on the lights to see MARA STANSING BESIDE THE TABLE, HOLDING A WINE!!!!

Mara: "Y/n!!!" She rushed to me as she hug me so tight

Y/N: "hey is this real?!"

Mara: "come on Y/n it's real!" She chuckled as we both hug again.

We sat down while having a drink.

Mara: "i missed you so much!"

Y/N: "same goes to me idiot!" We giggled

"When did you arrived? Where's kai?"

Mara: "earlier morning."

Y/N: "then why didn't you just tell me?!"

Mara: "do you know the word surprise?" She asked as i just smiled

"I even saw you with jungkook in the morning." She said with a teasing smile

What the heck is wrong with this girl?

Y/N: "we just had a meeting okay?"

"Let's just enjoy this night. I really missed you."


We keep on saying curse words HAHAHAHAHA

Y/N: "what?"


Y/N: "ohh sorry. I didn't know that it's you."

Mara: "and for that, we need to go to the hall and dance until we were already satisfied!!"

Y/N: "fine!!"

Mara: "by the way, where's tae?"

Y/N: "he's with the other boys."

While talking about our lives, we are eating our foods too and having a wine.

I can't let myself get drunk.

I might lose control in myself again.