
**??? POV**

I got so many problems these days.

I wanna free myself from that.

I don't know if i am still living the life i wanna live.

Everything becomes so mess since i was still college.

Earlier, i just had a fight with my mom because of me being a dumbass.

My parents wants me to live a happy and successful life.

But i became crazy over a man i love.

Now i went out and came here, at the bar.

I am just sitting in the stool, having a tequila.

Enjoying this loud bar. Full of drinking people, drunk, and also crazy people.

While drinking, i heard a familiar voice near my right side.

I looked to see Y/n, having a phone.

The girl i fully hate.

The girl i call, the destroyer of my life!

Why she had everything?!

She has a fiancè now but why do she still have jungkook's attention?!

After having a phone call, she went to a VIP room.

Now, it's time for me to ruin you again Min Y/n.

If you ruined my life, then you're supposed to have the same.

I waited for her to come out of the room since i'm pretty sure, she will go out to dance with the person she's with.


After a long wait, she finally came out with.....


Huh she cameback now with her soon to be husband.

Lucky you mara, i only need to have fun with Y/n tonight.

A smirked showed in my lips as i fully drunk my tequila and went into a one private room.

Boy: "ohh what are you doing here?" He asked me as i just approached him and sat on his lap.

This guy won't give the thing i want if i won't do something or won't pay him.

I know what's the personality of this guy since i had a one night stand with him when i am still in a relationship.

Since i don't have enough money with me tonight, i'll just flirt with him to get what i want.

???: "just need something to you."

Boy: "my whole fucking body?" He smirked.

I leaned closer to his ear and whispered.

???: "that's not what i need for now. Don't worry, we will do it if i already finished what i want to do tonight."

Boy: "then tell me what you need."

???: "drug." I said as he stood up and grabbed the drug

Boy: "here you go."

???: "you're the best." I winked on him

Boy: "we have a deal here. Don't you dare to break it."

I just smiled and went out to the toom.

As i went out, i saw Y/n and mara in the dancefloor.

Good luck to you Y/n.....

I went to the bartender area and order 2 different drinks.

I mixed the drug into Y/n's drink and called a waiter.

???: "give this one drink to that girl who's wearing a color black dress and give this one drink to the girl who's with her." The waiter left and went to them

Let the fun begin!

**Y/N's POV**

While me and mara were dancing, a waiter approached us.

Waiter: "hello ladies, this is a free drinks for you both."

Me and mara looked into each other confusedly.

The waiter grabbed one drink and handing it to me as i get it same with mara.

Y/N: "thanks." We both smiled as he left.

Mara: "got a free drink huh!" We chuckled.

While drinking, we are enjoying our dance too.


As i already finished my drink, i feel something.

I already felt dizziness.

Mara: "hey, are you okay?"

Y/N: "yes don't worry. Excuse me first."

I excuse myself to mara and went to bathroom.

I opened the door, stood infront the mirror and stared at myself.

What's happening to me?

I don't have headache but i feel dizzy.

There's something inside my body.

It feels like there's growing inside that i don't know what is it.

I'm not that drunk too.

Should i just ignore it?

But it's strong.

After washing my hand and wipping it, i open the bathroom door to only got drag by someone.

I'm trying to get out of their grip but they put a handkerchief in my nose and everything slowly went black.

**??? POV**

I saw how they get the drinks.

Look how stupid they are HAHAHA

After they got their drinks, i went to look for two boys here in the bar.

I didn't took so long to find.

The one i also commanded to get Y/n succeeded.

Y/n is finally in the room.

Later on, me along with the two boys arrived at the room where Y/n is.

???: "good job. You may go now." I said as he left.

"What a poor you are Y/n." I smirked while looking at her who's laying in the bed.

Guy1: "is this the girl?"

???: "yeah."

Guy2: "she's so sexy. She has a perfect body." He smiled as he licked his bottom lip.

???: "all i just want the two of you to do is to touched her wherever you want."

Before i tell them to start touching her, i grab my phone to call the two important boys in Y/n's life.

Boy1: "who's this?"

???: "ohh hello there." I chuckled evily

Boy1: "you! What do you need?!"

???: "chill~ i'm not the one who need something...it's you."

Boy1: "what the hell do you mean?!"

???: "do you know where's Y/n?"

Boy1: "she's with her parents, why?!"

???: "parents?? Then you are wrong *********** she's with me. I put drug in her drink to boost her sexual behavior."

Boy1: "WHERE IS SHE?!?!" He angrily asked that mades me laugh

???: "in the room, with two boys." I smirked


???: "wanna save her? Then come to the xx bar." I said and cut the call.

I called the last one.

Boy2: "who the fuck is this again?" He coldy asked

Aww why is he so cold?

This is about the girl you always love.

???: "it's me. Remember?"


???: "why are you so mad already? I didn't even still saying my purpose of calling you."

Boy2: "then what do you want?!"

???: "the girl you really love is with me." I evily said

Boy2: "what do you want from Y/n?!!"

See? I was right.

He really do love her so much.

???: "i just want you to know that i putted drug on her drink that will build her sexual desires."

Boy2: "where the fuck are you?! WHERE IS SHE?!!!"

???: "she's in the room.....with two boys."


???: "wanna save her? Then come to the xx bar."


I heard car sounds from his phone. It means he's already in his way.

Look how much they care for this bitch girl.

???: "opsss! Sorry but the boys were already touching her." I said and cut the call.

Guy1: "can we touch her now, Miss Irene?" He impatiently asked.

Irene: "yes you may." I sat down at one of the sofa in this room and watch them.