
**Jungkook's POV**

Pressing the 'Enter' in my keyboard and signing the last file, i released a heavy sighed.

Finally, i finished my work. I looked at my watch to see what's the time and it's already 12:30 in the morning.

Before going to sleep, i went down stairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

While i'm on my way, i heard some sniffles and a little voice from the kitchen.

"Mom, why i am so unlucky when it comes to love?"

It's HER.....

After hearing that, i stood up leaning in the door frame and just stand behind there listening to her secretly.

She was dressed up in a night wear dress that we both endorsed.

Still looking sexy from behind...

Y/N: "i did everything to keep the man i love. I gave everything they want. I love them with all myself. I stayed loyal to them. I made them happy."

"But why did i got the opposite thing in the end?"

I feel so sorry for her. It hurts for me too. Seeing her suffering because of a man again makes me feel the pain too.

She doesn't deserve all the pain she was feeling.

Y/n is a beautiful woman who have a kind heart. Her personality is what makes her so special.

Y/N: "it's just that i'm hurting so much. It's not so easy to move on especially i love the person so much!"

"I...i can't handle the pain mom. It's swallowing me. I love him very much and you know that."

Y/N: "you can't blame me."

"I'm suffering."

Y/N: "i still have 3 bottles here mom. I want to let the pain out of me."

"Goodnight and thank you mom."

After her heart breaking words with her mom, she ended the call and grab the third bottle, gulping it like a expert drinker.

Before she can even make it to half, i snatched it away from her along with the other bottles.

Jungkook: "STOP.DRINKING." I told her.

She stared at me with a reddish eyes with a bit pouty lips.

Y/N: "that's mine! Why are you taking it away from me?"

Jungkook: "Y/n you are already drunk. Stop drinking."

I put the remaining soju in the fridge as i throw the empty bottles on the trash bin and walk back infront of her, across the table.

Y/N: "you can say that i'm already drunk but i'm not. I can still feel the pain here. I still know what i am doing and saying so give it back to me."

She sadly said pointing her chest and stood up to walk pass me and head towards the fridge but i stopped her right infront of me.

Jungkook: "alcohol can't help you that much  Y/n! Instead of helping yourself, you're just like torturing yourself!" I scold, as i make her look at me by cupping her cheeks.

"Please Y/n. I can't see you like that. I don't want you to suffer. I wanna help you."

Her eyes were just piercing on mine with a tears that was threatening to fall from her eyes.

We stared at each others for a minute when she suddenly lean in, closing the gap we have.

I stayed standing froze. Just got stunned of her sudden move.

When her hands moves towards my neck, that's the time for me to kiss back.

My hand were placed on her waist while the other was in her neck to deepen the kiss.

I taught kissing her in their photo room in their house back then was the last kiss with her, but i am wrong.

Her fingers were gently stroking my hair as they reached the hair around my nape that makes me let out a soft groan.

I lifted her up and put her in the counter top. My hands were traveling around her body. From her neck, to her shoulder, to her back, to her waist and to her exposed legs.

The 'CAUSE' of missing her body....

My hands started to rub her legs up and down 'til i sneaked inside her dress and grip her waist tightly.

I broke the kiss. We both stared at each other with so much lust on it.

She bit her lower lip while looking at me as i smashed my lips towards her neck.

She moan when i reached her weak spot, sucking it and leaving a mark, which i still know where her weak spots is.

Removing my hands under her dress, i place it to her shoulder and slid down the straps of the dress that makes it fall on her waist since the dress wasn't fitted.

I lifted her up as she place her legs in my waist with her arms being locked in my neck while i catch her night dress that was about to fall in the floor, and leaving her in just her underwears.

My lips find it's way on her lips again as my hands grip her butt to keep her not to fall, instead of her waist.

We went to my room while Y/n started to unbutton my shirt now as it fell in the floor along with dress since i drop it.

Her hands travel down from my neck to my abs, doing what she used to do in the past.

Her lips were now in my neck also sucking and leaving some marks.

I gently place her towards my bed, hovering her and kissing her romantically.

When i was about to place my hand on her private part, i realized something that mades me stop from kissing her.

I flopped down beside her, facing the ceiling as i released a heavy sigh.

I looked over Y/n who was now looking at me with a confused face.

Y/N: "why did you stop?" She asked but i just looked at her

"Jeon Jungkook." She continued. With that, i know she's in her right mind a bit. She called my name seriously.

Jungkook: "you rest now Y/n."

Y/N: "no. Since you stopped, i'll continue to drink." She said and got out of the bed, walking towards the door.

I also quickly stood up, picked my button up shirt and stop her.