Her parents' opinion

Jungkook: "Y/n i stopped because i'm thinking of your condition!"

"If you are in a normal state right now, you won't do this."

My hands were gripping her shoulder to make her stop.

She just keep on staring at me, while explaining it.

Y/N: "i just wanna forget the pain." She murmured as she slowly sat on the floor.

This girl really wants to forget the pain by doing unpleasant things, aren't she?

I made her stand up again as i wear my button up shirt on her.

Jungkook: "come on Y/n, i'm here to help you."

Y/N: "help my foot. You just stopped when you're about to help me." She said while pouting that makes me chuckled.

Let's see what will your reaction tomorrow, princess.

Just be thankful that i'm a gentleman.

Jungkook: "let's just sleep."

I made her lay down on the bed as i lay beside her.

"Good night." I kissed her forehead as we both drifted to our sleep.


**Y/N's POV**

My eyes slowly open, signing that i'm awake now.

A sun light reflected through the window and curtains that made me shut my eyes again.

After some seconds, i realized that the other side of the bed was sunked in.

I traveled my eyes to the other side of the bed to spot shirtless Jungkook who's sleeping behind me.

What the actual fuck?!!!

I quickly sat up and check if i am wearing any clothes and yes i am. But it wasn't mine.

Jungkook: "morning, crazy girl." He greeted in a husky voice

Y/N: "good morning too bastard!!"

"Why i am here?!"

Jungkook: "i knew it. I'm right since last night." He cutely giggled, showing his bunny teeth while rubbing his eyes.

What is this guy talking about?

Y/N: "i'm asking you Jeon Jungkook." I said as he sit up too.

Jungkook: "you wanna know?"

Y/N: "i won't ask if i don't want."

Jungkook: "then look at this." He point his neck and i saw some hickies in a different parts of his neck that makes my eyes widened.

Y/N: "w-who did that?"

Jungkook: "who's the one i just slept with?" He asked but i just stared at him

"It's you Y/n. You did this."

Y/N: "that's impossible! I will never do that!"

No. There's no way.

Unless, i'm drunk....

Jungkook: "oh really?"

"Remember when you bought bottles of soju?"

"You drank 3 of them last night and got drunk."

Y/N: "but still....."

Jungkook: "you told me that you wanna forget the pain so you chose this way."

"You kissed me first so i gave in for you."

"That make out gone wild that we both ended up here in my bed."

Y/N: "that's....that's inappropriate." I said blankly.

Jungkook: "EXACTLY." He smirked

I can't believe i did that.

To him!

Taehyung will never want this!

But i also don't want that mistake he did.

"But be thankful, i managed to stopped you."

I looked up to him after hearing that.

Y/N: "s-so you mean, n-nothing happened?"

A bit of hope was in my eyes right now.

Jungkook: "yeah." He said as i released a heavy sigh.

Y/N: "thank God. I thought i would end up doing the same mistake as Taehyung did." I looked down.

An index finger was placed under my chin and make me looked up.

Jungkook: "do you think i'll let you do that?"

"I considered your situation Y/n that's why i stopped you." He said that mades me smile

Y/N: "thank you."

Jungkook: "but...." He continued while i knit my brows.

"I'm sorry."

Y/N: "for what?"

Jungkook: "for this." He slid down the collar part of the shirt to reveal my neck.

"Turned to your back and look at the mirror."

I did what he said, and i spotted some hickies in my neck too.

Y/N: "Jeon Jungkook!!" I shouted as he laugh.

Jungkook: "yah chill! I can't help it okay? You turned me on. It's not my fault."

Y/N: "aishhh!! How can i face my parents now?!"

Jungkook: "the way you kissed me last night turns me on."

"The way you touched my whole body."

"The way you stroked my hair."


Y/N: "Oh My God Jeon Jungkook! Shhhhhh!! Shut up now will you? Hmmm?!" I beg while my hand was placed on his mouth to stop him but he just burst out laughing.


Jungkook and I looked to each others after hearing it.

Jungkook: "i'm not expecting someone to come here."

"Are you?"

Y/N: "I....my parents, but i didn't tell them yet where i am."

Jungkook: "i'll go see it. Fix yourself." He stood up, grab a shirt to wear and went downstairs.

Meanwhile, i just fixed my hair and Jungkook's shirt which i am wearing. I make sure that the hickies aren't visible. After that, i went downstairs too.

I saw my parents, sitting down in the couch.

Y/N: "Mom, Dad." I called as they both looked at me.

Some of my conversation with Mom last night, flashed in my mind.

Mom: "my dear Y/n." She worriedly said as she hugged me so tight.

Y/N: "mom let's sit."

Jungkook: "i'll go get something to drink."

Daddy: "thank you." He smiled as JK excused his self.

Y/N: "how did you both knew that i am here?"

Mom: "Mara told us." I nodded

Dad: "but, why are you here?"

Y/N: "i don't wanna go home so Jungkook took me here which i agreed."

Jungkook went back with drinks in his hands as he sat down in another sofa.

Mom: "how are you feeling my dear?"

Y/N: "still fresh." I sadly giggled.

Dad: "Me and your Mom don't exactly know what was just happened between you and your fiancè."

"And i guess as we are your parents, we have a responsibility to know what's happening to our daughter."

I looked over Jungkook with a worried eyes as he gave me a reassuring smile.

I never wanted to make my parents worried and hurt because of me.

Y/N: "we...." I looked down, having a hard time to tell them.

My Mom hold my hand to rub it gently.

"We won't continue our jurney anymore." I continued, feeling the tears in the brim of my eyes.

Mom: "what's the reason Y/n-ahh?"

Y/N: "h-he will gonna have a family soon." By saying that, tears were now falling down on my cheeks.

Dad: "what?!"

Y/N: "he made another girl pregnant, Mom and Dad." I looked at them both to see their mad and sad reaction.

Mom: "how can he do that?" She asked with her tears falling down already too.

Dad: "TELL ME WHERE IS HE!!" He madly said

Y/N: "Dad it's a mistake. He's drunk."

Dad: "even though it's mistake, if he's not stupid enough to get drunk, it's the same!!"

Y/N: "dad please!" I beg, crying more.

"This is the reason why i don't want to stay with you both when i'm like this because i don't want you two to freak out and get worried!"

Mom: "because you are hurting Y/n! We don't want our daughter getting hurt by a man when we knew you can't do that to them!"

"We know you very much. You hate hurting people. You can't stand it when you knew that there's someone hurting by you. You never cheat. You love every people equally, You stayed loyal, but what did you got?"

"A broken heart."

Y/N: "i know Mom and Dad. I know you're concern. I just don't want you both to feel the same with me. I'm just concern."

Dad: "then so we are, Y/n."

Y/N: "just please, Leave it to me."

Mom: "fine."

Dad: "but we need to go to him and talk about it."

"Have a closure."

Jungkook: "i think your Dad is right Y/n. That would be better for the both of you."

Y/N: "it hurts seeing him."

"I can't stand it. I'm just going to break down more."

Jungkook: "then what do you want to do? Keep that pain forever? You're just going to torture yourself."

"You need to face it for your own sake. Do it for yourself."