
**Taehyung's POV**

Door closed, dark and messy room.

I barely eat my foods and do office works.

I've been miserable like this since Y/n found it out.

It feels so empty, different and hurt when her presence wasn't around me.

When she's not beside me. When she's not smiling and laughing with me.

My world feels so dark and cold.

Sitting here to the corner of my room with my phone and picture frame on the floor beside me.

I'm tired crying all day and all night. The others boys always visit me here too everyday to check on me.

They forced me to eat and go out but i'm not in the mood to do that.

About Tzuyu, she's been staying here for days since i have my child on her tummy.

We'll decide those few things soon, after fixing my relationship with Y/n.

I heard the doorbell rang. Must be the boys to visit me again. I didn't bother to go down since Tzuyu was down there to open it.

I stayed quite in my room while the lights were off.

Y/n, i'm missing her. I want her only. I only want her love, care and presence!

Tears escaped from my eyes again after thinking of her. I place my head down to my knees with the support of my arms.

Later on, my door slowly got open as the person slowly approach me too.

I felt that they kneel down in front of me then held my arm.

The touch and warmth, it feels familiar.

I slowly looked up to see who it was.

My tears poured more down as i quickly hug the person.

**Y/N's POV**

My parents and Jungkook forced me in to this and since they have a point, i have no choice but to face it.

After a few minutes, the three of us arrived same with his parents. Dad called them too to have a sincere talk about it.

The 5 other boys happened to be here also

I rang the bell as it opens to reveal her.

Tzuyu: "Y/n..." She said as she looked behind me that makes her look down. She step aside to let us in.

They all sat in to the couch except me.

Y/N: "where is he?" I sadly asked

Tzuyu: "in his room."

I went upstairs to head on his room.

I took a deep breathe and slowly open it.

As i am slowly opening his door, coldness, darkness and messy room welcomed me.

Sniffles can be heard and when i looked at the corner, there i saw him sitting down with his head on his knees.

His phone and a picture frame which is our picture, was placed beside him.

I took small steps to approach him but when i come nearer, my tears started to welled up as my chest tightened.

Remembering the pain and that we can't be together anymore.

I kneel down and gently touched his arm. He's crying.

He slowly looked up to me then i saw his red eyes and nose.

Y/N: "Tae...." I called, trying not to break down but he quickly hug me tight and cry more that makes me tear up now too.

Taehyung: "Y/n."

"I miss you so much. Please don't leave me. I Love You with all my heart."

"I didn't meant to do it. I swear." He cried.

My love, he's breaking down too that makes me more hurt.

He's hurt too because he didn't meant it.

Y/N: "let's have a talk downstairs, Tae." I calmly said while wipping my tears a he broke the hug and look at me.

"Let's fix this." I continued

We both got down to see them all.

Taehyung: "w-why are they all here?"

Y/N: "they want to fix the problems already too, Tae."

Mom: "have a well closure." She sadly said.

The two of us head to his office room here which has a wide glass window that our parents and the others can watch. 'Cause just in case, one of the two us suddenly freak out or something worse, they know.

I sat down in the other chair as he sat down across the table.

Y/N: "love...."

Taehyung: "i'm scared. I'm scared to lose you." He sobbed, making me tear up again.

Y/N: "i'm scared too. Scared more than i expected because i love you so much Taehyung."

"But what was just happened, already happened. We can't take back the time."

Taehyung: "i'm sorry Y/n, i really didn't meant it. Please trust me. I was drunk that day." He begged, crying as i am.

Y/N: "i know Tae."


Taehyung: "b-but what?"

I took a deep breathe before saying the main words.

Y/N: "we need...."

I looked down 'cause i can't really handle the pain inside that makes my chest wants to explode.

"T-To end our relationship." My chest tightened and my eyes closed shut while trying hard not to fall on my knees and cry my heart out as those words came out of my mouth, hurts more.

Taehyung: "i don't want this. No one wants this."

"I don't wanna lose you. I want you always beside me. I always need your love. I always crave for your warmth."

"I proposed to you as you lovely said Yes. We both promised to marry each other and have a beautiful and happy family."

"But what did i do?" He cried

"I ruined it all."

Y/N: "Taehyung, please stop."

"Don't always blame yourself."

"We need to separate our path, whether we like it or not."

Taehyung: "but i don't want, same as you."

"I love you. I only love you Y/n."

"I want my child to be your child also." He said while looking at me.

I stood up from my chair and approach him as he stand up to, facing me.

Y/N: "yes i know Tae. I love you so much and i also want you only."

"But you're gonna have your child soon, with the girl you got pregnant."

"You need to do your responsibility as that child's father."

"And about me, i need to distance myself from you because of your child's mother."

"All of that is a must." I said with my hands, cupping his cheeks as we're both crying.

"We are both scared to lose each other. I am hurting and you are too."

"Yes it hurts a lot 'cause i'll lose you. The man i love, the man i am treasuring the most, the man i wanna marry, the man i want to be the father of my child, the man i wanna be with me forever."

"But seems like faith is not with us. We need to accept what's the truth."

He just hug me tight and burried his face on my neck, crying a lot.

It's hard....

It's hard and it hurts to let go of someone you love the most. It will never be easy to move on and forget the pain.

Taehyung: "I Love You Y/n. I'll always will." He cupped my cheeks as i did the same.

Y/N: "I Love You Too My Love and I'll always will."

With that, we kiss each others for one last time.

Taehyung: "i don't want you to let go but, i need to do it."

Y/N: "letting you go is not in my plan and vocabulary, but i also need to do it."

We slowly lose in touch and i walk out the office, followed by him.

Mom: "Y/n...." She called out.

Y/N: "i wanna be alone for awhile." I sobbed and made my way upstairs and went inside the guest room.

I sat here in the corner and cry all the pain.

It hurts a lot. My chest feels like ready to explode anytime.

Having a hard time to breathe because of crying.

I'm sorry but i can't handle it.