
**Y/N's POV**

We spend more hours, discussing about our plans that needs to stop or cancelled.

After fixing everything about us and Tae, i left his house first.

They try to stop from leaving first but i insisted. I beg for my own space and thankfully they agreed too.

I left and drive anywhere, not knowing where to go.

I drive and drive with my tears that can't stop falling and my chest not calming down.

My phone rang and vibrate many times but i didn't answer any of it.

I'm too busy with myself.

I park my car in the side of the road when i found a place that i agree to have a peaceful time.

The sun started to hide, letting the moon to come out so soon.

I sit down at the bench that was facing the view of the city.

Cold breeze brush on me, making my hair sway.

I close my eyes and do the inhale and exhale to calm myself.

Tears started to fall down again.


I am now here at the bar, sitting one of the stools and having a drink.

I already drank 3 glass of alcohol when my phone started to ring again.

The screen shows Mara's name. I answered it and put it on my ear.

Mara: "Y/n where are you? They are asking me if you're here."

Y/N: "i just want my time alone."

Mara: "i understand you. We're just worrying. What if something happened?"

I just stay silent.

"You're drinking again, am i right?"

Y/N: "it hurts." I sobbed.

"It fucking hurts."

Mara: "Y/n please...."

Y/N: "i guess i am meant to be unfairly paid for everything i did." I sniffed and cut the call.

"One more glass please."

Bartender: "Miss Min, i think it's not good for you to drink more." He concernedly said.

Y/N: "i'm paying for the service so just please do your work."

"I'm in a worst situation right now." I calmly said as he just sighed and pour my glass again.

**Jungkook's POV**

It's been an hours now since Y/n left.

Her parent's along with Tae hyung's parents already left too.

As we the boys stayed for Taehyung hyung.

Tzuyu left for awhile so we're the only people here.

Taehyung: "it's.. it's over now." He cried with his head, bend into the counter top.

"I messed it up."

RM: "Taehyung-ahh, it's a mistake."

Taehyung: "if i just didn't got drunk, this won't happen!"

"I'm such a stupid fiancè!!"

Jin: "Kim Taehyung!! Stop now! Blaming yourself can't do anything."

"Help yourself to move on and ease the pain."

Taehyung: "it hurts hyung."

"It hurts like hell! I don't wanna lose her. I want her all my life." He cried again.

I feel so sad about them. Seeing them like this is not a good thing.

I may still love Y/n but i am really okay with their relationship.

Speaking of Y/n, she didn't still replied to my texts and answer my calls.

I also called Kai and Mara already but they said they don't know where she is.

I check the cctv at my house here on my phone already but i didn't spot her.

Her house is under renovation so she can't be there.

Worry got the best of me.

It's near midnight already yet there's still no response.

I excused myself and went outside to call Mara if she already contacted her and yes she did.

Mara told me that she's at the bar here in the seoul but don't know the exactly location.

Not wasting anytime and not saying goodbye to the boys, i quickly hop in on my car and drive.

I call Y/n one last time now and after a few seconds, she finally answered the phone.

Jungkook: "where are you?! We're calling you many times but you're not answering!"

: "a-ahmm Mr. Jeon this is not Ms. Min Y/n. This is the bartender here in the xxx bar."

Jungkook: "where is she?"

: "she's already drunk and some guys were trying to drag her."

"Please come here quickly."

My grip in the steering wheel tightened making my knuckles turn white as i increase the speed of my car to reach the bar quickly before they can even touch her more.

I can't let the same thing where Irene took Y/n to get her rape by some other guy, to happen again.

I reached the bar and went inside.

While looking around, i heard someone say.

"Fuck off!! Leave me alone!"

My eyes look into the direction to only spot a man, trying to lift Y/n up.

Jungkook: "and what the fuck do you think you are doing?" I asked between my gritted teeth.

Man: "trying to hook up with this sexy nice ass woman." He smirked making my blood boiled.

Jungkook: "well you just got the wrong girl 'cause this sexy nice ass woman you are saying is MINE."

"So you better hand her to me before i can't even control myself anymore."

This fucking man were about to say something but didn't got the chance when Y/n kick his private part using her knee.

Y/N: "that's what you get bastard." She drunkly said.

I quickly grab her hand and run outside.

I put her in the passenger seat as i got into the driver's seat and drive away.

Y/N: "sexy nice ass woman huh." She smirked while looking out of the window as i also smirked.

Jungkook: "i wanna ask you something."

"What did you do to move on when we broke up?"

I heard her sighed heavily.

Y/N: "i tried to commit suicide."

My heart skips a beat, when she says it.

"To move on. To end all the pain i was feeling."

"But Tae stopped me. He got me on time when i was about to jump off the building."

"After that, he help me to move on. He tried so hard to cheer me up and year passed, i healed."

Jungkook: "never ever try to suicide again Y/n. I don't want it. No one wants that idea."

Y/N: "i just came up on that idea because of the pain Jungkook."

"Because the pain doesn't want to leave me."

"I loved you so much that time, i gave all of my love and myself to you but you just hurt me."

"As far as i know i didn't fail to give you everything but when you fell in love with her, that's the moment i realized that i was wrong."

"That i'm still wasn't enough for you because you still fell inlove to someone."

"So i just entrust you to her. I gave up everything for your happiness."



"AS HERE I AM AGAIN AND AGAIN. GETTING PAID UNFAIRLY AFTER GIVING ALL MY BEST." She said still looking outside the window as tears escaped her eyes.