Over work

**Author's POV**

Y/n woke up so early in the morning to get ready for her work.

She decided to always come to her company now to avoid the painful scar in her heart.

She thinks that doing many company works will make her forget about the pain.

Does that idea even good?

She took a bath, change to her office outfit and went to the kitchen to cook their breakfast.

It will be surely rude if she just make herself breakfast. Not making Jungkook some.

While she's preparing the foods in the table, Jungkook came while fixing his office uniform too.

Jungkook: "morning." He greeted with smile

Y/N: "good morning too." She greeted back and was about to approach him to fix his tie, forgetting that he's not Taehyung.

She stop on her tracks when she remembered as she face palm herself.

"What am i even doing?" She sadly murmured

Jungkook: "you're used to do it with Taehyung hyung everyday that's why you forgot." He sighed

Y/N: "i'm sorry." She said, sitting one of the stools as he did the same.

Jungkook: "it's alright."

"You sure you can work already?"

Y/N: "that would be better for me."


Sec.: "here's the paper works you want me to bring to you CEO." Y/n's secretary told her as she put heavy files on the top of her table

Y/N: "thank you so much." She slightly smiled and begin to work again.

Sec.: "CEO are you sure about this? More of these files are my work. You just only need to sign it. It's totally my work to fix these."

Y/N: "just please. I'm doing this for me."

Sec.: "alright but you didn't eat your lunch yet. That's bad for your health now. You also didn't take a rest." She worriedly said

Y/N: "just get me a cup of coffee."

"Please. Thank you."

Her secretary can't do anything since it's her work to obey her when it comes to Y/n's commands, so she just sighed and left the office to get her coffee.

While she's fixing the files, her stomach growled as her secretary came in to give her coffee.

"Thank you." She smiled and her secretary left.

Y/n took her all time, working those bunch of files.

She didn't leave her office since she doesn't have any important things to do outside. Just gonna go out if there's any meeting to attend.

It's already 10 in the evening but she's still working.

Her leave was supposed to be 7 but she worked over time.

While working for the last file, her phone  started to ring.

Y/N: "why did you call Jeon?"

Jungkook: "you'll really going to ask me that?"

"It's literally 10 in the evening, yet you're still working there."

Y/N: "i'm about to finish too."

Jungkook: "finish that work already and come home."

"I'll be waiting, so you better be quick. You're supposed to be here by 7 not 11." With that he hanged up as Y/n just sighed and work quickly.

Getting scold in that state of her, will not help her to have a better rest.

Half of an hour had passed already. She turned off her laptop, fixed her table, grab her bag along with her phone, and closed her office.

While walking in the hallway, her track got stopped to see the person in front of her.

She was looking at that person so emotionally. She wants to cry but her eyes were dry, as her heart were painfully beating faster.

They both stared at each other, as if they are having an eye contest. Though Y/n broke the silence.

Y/N: "w-what are you doing here, Taehyung?"

Taehyung: "I..ahmm just gonna get some of my files that i forgot in your office."

"That's why i'm here."

They both feels so sad seeing each others but feels so awkward at the same time.

Y/N: "i was...about to leave too."

"You can come in my office to get it."

They went to her office as Taehyung waited for Y/n who's getting the files in her drawer.

When Y/n got the files and turn to Taehyung, she found him looking sadly at her.

Taehyung: "can i,"

"Can i hug you?" He asked, holding the tears that was in the brim of his eyes.

Y/n put the files on the top of her table and approach him.

They both embrace each other like they really don't want to break it, which is true.

Y/N: "i miss you."

"So much." She said burrying her face in his chest.

Taehyung: "i miss you more,"

"My love." His tears started to fall down on his cheeks already.

Y/n felt him crying as she also felt her own tears that was threatening to fall.

She broke the hug and cup his cheeks, wipping his tears.

Y/N: "i can't handle it anymore if i'm seeing you crying."

"So please don't."

Taehyung: "then please stop over working yourself too."

"I never allow you and never want you to tire yourself so much."

Y/N: "this is the only way that came up to avoid the pain."

Taehyung: "i'm sorry." He looked down, another tears coming out of his eyes.

Y/n make him look up to wipe his tears again.

Taehyung can't help his self so he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers.

Y/n didn't pull away and kissed back. Feeling the kiss they both miss so much.

They pulled away later on, touching each others' forehead.

"I'll love you always." They both said in unison and sadly smiled.

Taehyung: "sorry for everything i did."

"You don't deserve any of it." He kissed her forehead.

Y/N: "i need to accept it if that's my faith." She smiled

"you can get your files now."

"I need to leave already."

Taehyung: "take care."

Y/N: "take care too."

They both parted their ways and left the building.

Her way back home became so hard.

She can't help herself but to teared up after seeing and having a talk with her 'Ex-fiancè'.

-Jungkook's house-

Jungkook waited for her in the living room.

The front door got opened, revealing Y/n.

Jungkook: "your idea was never been good, Ms. Min."

Y/N: "what else should i do?"

"Go up to the building, stand at the end and jump?" She asked, making her way towards the kitchen.


"Stop mentioning that also."

He went to the kitchen also to talk to her.

"I called your secretary earlier to ask about you."

"She said you worked all time and never eat your lunch and dinner."

Y/N: "Jungkook..." She sighed.

Jungkook: "never ever do that again."

"Or else i won't let you work again. I don't have any rights to do that, but it's for your own good."

Y/N: "i just met Tae and had a talk with him."

"Your scold won't help me feel relieve for now. I understand that you're concern. So thank you for that."

He looked at her concernedly. He doesn't know what to do to cheer her up, but willing to do his best to make her happy again.

Then suddenly, the door bell rang.

Jungkook went to see it while Y/n stayed in the kitchen.

Jungkook: "look who decided to show up." He said between his greeted teeth.

"What the fuck are you doing here Irene?"

Y/n tensed up after hearing him saying her name.

She didn't came up and just listen, with her anger slowly rising up.

Irene: "i...i came here t-to apologize for what i did."

Jungkook: "you did so many freakin' things."

Irene: "about drugging Y/n...." She looked down.

"Jungkook, i didn't meant it."

Y/n can't help her anger now so she showed up and went to the living room where they are.


"Really? You didn't?"

"You, just sitting behind with your fucking lips that was smirking, WHILE WATCHING ME GETTING R*APE BY THOSE TWO GUYS YOU PAID."

"Still, you have some guts to say that you didn't meant any of it?"

Irene: "what are you doing here?" She knitted her brows.

Y/N: "don't change the topic and just answer my damn question!"

Irene: "i did it because i hate you! I did that because you make me angry by thinking and knowing that you still have Jungkook's love and attention even though you already had Kim Taehyung!!"

Y/N: "that's not my problem anymore Irene!"

"Is it my fault why he didn't like your personality? Is it my fault why you didn't reach his standards? Is it my fault why he left you? And is it still my fault why he doesn't love you?"

"You know how miserable yourself is Irene. Don't blame someone who did nothing and who's more better than you. 'Cause at the end, you'll realize that it was all your doings why you ended up like that."

Irene: "yeah you're right for that Y/n, but i still had Jungkook and took him from you."

Y/N: "that's because you seduced him! You freakin' did your best that's why you had him. You took him away from me and i just let you."

"You already had your chance 'cause i did nothing. But what did you just do? You wasted it! You kept your legs wide open for those guys and didn't think of him!" She angrily said.

Y/n let out all those pain she had when Jungkook broke up with her.

While Jungkook listened and felt the pain of every words she said.

Irene: "you won't have him anymore Y/n! I swear!"

Y/n turned back to Jungkook, pulled down his neck tie and pressed her lips to his.

Y/N: "how's that?"

Irene was about to slap her but Y/n stopped it and slap her instead.

Irene: "You!!"

"Losing Taehyung is what you deserve!"

Y/n's chest tightened by that and was about to pounce at her but Jungkook grip her shoulders.

Y/N: "you have no right to say that!!"

Irene: "it's--"

Jungkook: "GET OUT!!" He shouted to Irene so she did and slam the door.

As soon as she left, Y/n breath heavily.

Jungkook hugged her to comfort her.

Y/N: "how dare she?" She asked as her tears stream down again.

Jungkook: "i'm sorry."

Y/N: "no, i'm sorry. Sorry for...kissing you."

Jungkook: "it's alright."

"Listen Y/n. Everything will be alright again okay?" He reassured as Y/n just nodded.

"I'll cook your food. You need to eat."