Mara and Kai's Wedding

**Y/N's POV**

It's been a week already when i met Taehyung at my company and when Irene showed up.

But today, it's my girl's and boy's wedding day.

I've been staying in Jungkook's house for week too but i'll move out after Mara and Kai's wedding since the renovation of my house were about to finish too.

I owe him a lot.....

Anyways, i am here in my house for awhile since all of my clothes were here.

My room was a bit mess. All of the materials can be seen anywhere.

Thankfully i can use my bathroom and i can still go through my walk in closet.

After taking a bath, i started to scan my dresses.

My attention got caught by a white dress, it was long, has a long slit to the left side, a bit tight and it's backless with crossed strings.

I pulled it out from the closet and see it closely.

Y/N: "not that bad." I said to myself.

I picked heels and a white chanel purse that will fit into my dress.

I wear it along with my heels and got my light make up done.

Seeing myself in the mirror for one last time.

Y/N: "how can this beautiful and kind hearted girl always got a heart broken in return?" I sadly giggled.

Grabbing my purse and my key, i went out of the house and drive to the veneu.

As i arrive, i straightly went to the room where my bestfriend is.

"How's the most beautful bride doing?" I smiled when i opened the door to only see the beautiful bride infront of the mirror.

Mara: "finally you're here." She turned to me.

"Woah look at you!"

Y/N: "w-why? Is it really that bad?" I asked looking down to see my dress.

Mara: "what the hell! No!"

"You're stunning! You're looking so beautiful and hot Y/n!"

Y/N: "ohh come on Mara, the word beautiful is yours for now." I winked

"Thank you anyways."

Mara: "hey i'm nervous." She said, bitting her red lips while fidgeting her fingers.

I grab it and give it a squeeze.

Y/N: "because it's your special day idiot."

"But enjoy it. It may get you nervous at first but it will become alright in the end."

Mara: "yeah yeah thank you."

Y/N: "you're the second most beautiful bride i've ever seen."

"My mom always come first of course."

"Remember the promised dream we made back then? That we must see each other getting married."

Mara: "of course." We giggled.

Y/N: "you're achieving it today." I smiled, still holding her hands.

"I'm so happy for you!"

Mara: "you're about to achieve it too but...."

Y/N: "don't bring it up buddy."

"I don't wanna ruin my make up." I sadly smiled as she just hugged me.

Mara: "i feel so sad for you."

"You don't have to go through all of this. You don't deserve any of it."

Y/N: "i said don't make me cry." I broke the hug.

"Leave the pain to me. You should be only happy."

Mara: "i admire you so much. You're a strong girl." She smiled.

Then the door opened.

Auntie: "hey my beautiful daughter." Her mom comes in.

"They are now waiting for you."

"You look so beautiful as always Y/n."

Y/N: "thanks auntie." I smiled.

"Your soon to be husband is now waiting for you."

"Get rid of your nervousness girl. You can do it."

With that, she left with her mother as i also left to go to the bride's maid area.

I met Namjoom, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok's girlfriends and fiancè here. They are stunning.


Mara: "I Do."

Kai: "I Do."

They both said there vows.

Preist: "you may now kiss the bride."

Then they both kissed each other with so much love.

My mind got clouded with thoughts again.

I was about to experienced that too.

I was about to be his wife and about to be my husband too.

I was about to achieved it too.

I was about to get married and be a new wedded couple too.

But it got all shuttered by just a one night.

My thoughts got interrupted by the claps of the guests.

Mara and Kai's parents told us to go to the middle of the aisle for Mara to throw her bouquet.

I was forced to go since i insisted.

Mara threw the bouquet and it landed on my hand.

I didn't even intended to catch it.

The newly wed, bride's maids, and the guests claps their hands when it landed on me.

I sadly chuckled on myself while looking at the bouquet.

This is NOT for me NOW.

Turning around, i make my way towards the groom's best men where the 7 boys are.

Handing the bouquet to Jimin.

Y/N: "find your bride Chim." I smiled to him teasingly who's looking shocked.

Jimin: "yah! I'm not the only one who's single here! Why are you so mean?!"

"As you just got single too!" He complained, making me chuckled while going back to my place.

Hoseok: "that's the sign Jimin-nie." He teased too.

**Taehyung's POV**

Fixing my suit one last time, i got out of my room.

Taehyung: "i already got you a driver to send you to your house."

"The driver's gonna inform me if you got home safe. No need to call or text me."

I said to the girl who have my baby. Not even daring to glance at her.

Tzuyu: "thank you." She calmly said.

Taehyung: "i'll send money to your ATM card every month. Only call me if there's any problem of the baby."

"Hope there's none so there's nothing to worry."

"Just make sure that the baby's always healthy."

Tzuyu: "i understand and thank you again."

"But what will i tell to my parents if they ever ask some questions?"

I turned to her this time, looking at her seriously.

Taehyung: "then tell them the truth. There's no need for you to lie."

"Pretty sure you already told them why you got pregnant."

"So if they ask you why i send you back there, tell them about my situation and my relationship that WE MISTAKENLY RUINED."

"No offense but it's the truth.

"Explain it to them clearly so that it won't ruin my image."

I reached the door and opened it.

Tzuyu: "thank you and sorry again."

With that i already left the house and drive to the venue.


The bride started to walked in the aisle, slowly approaching his fiancè that will become his husband after a few minutes.

My eyes travelled to those bride's maid that was standing by the other side.

Scanning the girl i love that was standing there beautifully.

She's looking at her best friend with so much love.

And then my mind got occupied with so many thoughts again.

I remembered those moments when Y/n told me about the promise that She and Mara made.

She's about to get married too after a month or months.

She's about to be my wife and be his husband.

She's about to achieve her dream.

But all of that got taken away from her because of the mistake i did.

The couple already said their vows and the preist announced them as a Husband and Wife.

Their parents told the bride's maid to go in the aisle for catching the bouquet.

But then, it landed on Y/n's hands perfectly.

I witnessed how she sadly stared on those flowers and chuckled.

Guessing that she maybe told herself that, that bouquet wasn't for her for now after what just happened.

She turned around and make her way towards us then stopped infront of Jimin.

Y/N: "find your bride Chim." She teasingly smiled at him.

She passed the bouquet.

She passed it because she know it wasn't for her now.

She passed it.....

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for breaking you.

Along with your dream.