
**Y/N's POV**

We're now here at the reception, enjoying the wedding party.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" We all cheered as we toast for Kai and Mara.

Mara: "thank you so much guys."

Kai: "thank you for supporting us and staying by our side."

They sincerely said.

Jin: "ohh come on. You both need to return it all in the end too." He said making us laugh.

RM: "so what's your plan after this?"

"Like you know, the wedding will not be complete without going out for honeymoon." He said while wiggling his eyebrows making Mara blushed.

Kai: "we'll going to Hawaii tomorrow."

Y/N: "that's good. Just make sure you both will enjoy it especially when the night com-AWW!!" I didn't complete my sentence when i recieved a smack from Mara.

Mara: "stop it Y/n."

Y/N: "why would i? In fact that you're blushi-AWW!!!" Another smack as everyone laughed.

Mara: "one more Y/n!! One more!!"

Y/N: "you like it!!" I teased again since she said one more.

Mara: "arghhh this girl."

"Why did you passed the bouquet earlier?!"

Y/N: "ahh that. Jimin deserves it." I said, teasing Jimin now who's enjoying the funny situation.

Jimin: "yah stop it with me!"

Mara: "like seriously Jiminssi. Y/n have a point." She teased too as laughter erupted again.


With that, Kai and Mara stood up and went to the dance floor.

Namjoon went with his fiancè, Eunha.

Jin went with his girlfriend, Ji-hyun.

Yoongi went with his girlfriend, Yoonji.

Hoseok went with his girlfriend, Jiwoon.

Leaving me with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin.

The four of us stared to each others awkwardly.

Y/N: "well you know, it's getting awkward already so imma go and just grab a dr-" I said standing up but got pushed down again by Jimin.

Jimin: "if you both dance with her," He pointed towards Jungkook and Taehyung.

"It will become more weird and awkward. So since i didn't do something to her like you two did, i'll just take her to the dance floor." He now stood up, taking me along  with him.

Y/N: "yah Jimin, i'm too lazy to dance!"

Jimin: "if you don't want to dance with them in a so awkward situation, you have no choice Min Y/n." He insisted as i just sighed on defeat.

"Park Jimin!" The two men we left, shouted in unison.

Jimin and I dance happily and span me perfectly.

We talked about some stuff while dancing.

Jimin: "so how are you now? Is it still worst?"

Y/N: "actually yes but i'm trying my best to get over it since i can't do anything too."

Jimin: "Jungkook told us that you've been staying at his place for awhile since your house were under renovation."

Y/N: "yeah. I don't want my parents and Kyle to see me suffering as always, so i'm thankful that Kook were helping me."

"As he also help me to move on."

Jimin: "didn't Tae did that before when you and Jungkook broke up?"

"Tae stayed beside you when you're in pain and at the end, you both ended up with each other."

"Don't you think You and Jungkook will comeback together again?" He stated, wiggling his eyebrows.

Y/N: "i know he still have feelings for me but you all know my situation now too."

"I can't think of that for now. I'm focusing on myself to get back the better of me again."

"So instead, find your girl man. You're single for so long!"

Jimin: "you're starting again." He rolled his eyes, making me laugh.

"I don't wanna dance with you anymore." He pouted like a cute baby that makes me laugh more.

He started to walk away giggling as i was also walking but Jungkook approached me and take me in the middle again.

Jungkook: "you can't sit down when i didn't dance with you yet." He put my hands around his neck as he held my waist.

Y/N: "You and Jimin really doesn't want to leave me alone, aren't you?"

Jungkook: "Tae hyung will take you too Y/nie. He's just having a call."

Y/N: "arghh these guys." I said, shoking my head.

He gently pulled me more closer to him as he said something to my ear.

Jungkook: "you look so beautiful. Your dress fits you so well."

Y/N: "thank you for that kookie."

"You look so handsome too." I smiled

Jungkook: "like always." We both chuckled.

We dance with the romantic song that was playing.

Later on, we both stopped too.

Jungkook excused himself to talk to his hyungs for awhile.

I walked towards the bartender area and sat one of the stools.

Drinking tequilla alone.

**Taehyung's POV**

The driver that i assigned to send Tzuyu home just called that's why i needed to go out for awhile since it's loud inside.

He said that Tzuyu arrived home safely.

I got back to only watch Y/n, having a dance with Jungkook.

Knowing that Jungkook still loves her, he didn't hesitate to take her in the middle.

I watched them 'til they stopped.

Jungkook left as Y/n made her way towards the bartender area as she ordered her drink.

My eyes betrayed me so i can't help but to check her out.

Her long white dress with a long slit to the side, showing her milky leg.

Her back was exposed and some of her cleavage too.

She's hot as fvck....

I unintentionally lick my lips and look back at her beautiful face.

It was her 2nd glass now. She's been drinking these days.

I made myself sat down one of the stools beside her.

As she's about to drink the 3rd glass, i grab it from her hand to put it back down.

Taehyung: "stop drinking."

She frowns at the glass i am holding but just sighed when she met my eyes.

Y/N: "i can't help it."

Taehyung: "alcohol can't help you also."

Y/N: "give it to me." She tried to grab it but didn't succeed.

She pouted a bit. That's her habit. She always do that when i tried to stop her to do something inappropriate.

I can't resist that cuteness!!!

Taehyung: "fine."

"But not here. Let's drink somewhere else."

She started to stood up so take that as a yes.

I grab one more full glass of tequilla and vodka.

We both made our way to the balcony that was a bit far away from the hall.

Y/N: "so how have you been?" She asked as she took a sip on her drink.

Taehyung: "not very good unlike before." I said, making her look at me.

Y/N: "why?"

I look so deep on her eyes that was staring back at me.

Taehyung: "you're really gonna ask my why?" She looked away

Y/N: "sorry."

"How's Tzuyu and your baby? She's staying at your place right?"

I know she doesn't want to ask it but she can't help it anyways.

Taehyung: "they are alright."

"But i sent her to her house earlier."

Y/N: "what? Why?"

"You're supposed to take care of her."

Taehyung: "Y/n, why aren't you getting the point?"

"I don't want her around except for the baby of course. I don't want any connection with her."

"As i also don't want to build any connection."

"Our relationship got ruined because of that night."

"I don't like her. I don't love her. I don't want any connection with her. So she doesn't need to be around me."

"My child is the only i am concern of. Not her."

"Y/N i am still in to you...."

She just looked down, staring at her drink

Y/N: "i understand."

"But that's your responsibility now."

"You're supposed to take care of her for your baby's sake."

Taehyung: "she understand why i sent her back to her house."

"I told her to explain it everything to her parents."

"I told her to contact me if something's wrong with the baby."

"I'll send money to her every month."

"Is not that still enough?"

"Yes i want to be around my child but as long as the baby's not yet born, there's no need to stay with that girl."

Y/N: "fine. That's your decision. I'm out of it." She look infront, staring at the city lights.

Taehyung: "how about you?" I asked but she just sadly chuckled.

Y/N: "the same as you." Her gazed went to my own.

It was full of pain and sadness as it reflects mine also.

"What will you expect? Be happy? Celebrate? Dance around? Sing my ass of-"

I cutted her by pressing my lips on hers.

It didn't take too long when she kissed back.