Ex with Benefit

**Author's POV**

Y/n and Taehyung left the reception after that kiss and conversation in the balcony.

While the others were looking for them.

Jungkook: "hyung did you see Y/n around?"

Jimin: "nope."

"The last time spotted her was when she's having a drink at the bartender area."

Jungkook: "hmm okay."

He went to find Mara and Kai incase they saw her.

Kai: "hey Kook, what's up?"

Jungkook: "i'm looking for Y/n."

"Have you both seen her?"

Mara: "nope. Since we left y'all for dance, i didn't saw her after that."

Kai: "maybe she just went to the restroom."

Jungkook: "i'll just wait for her."

"Have a good time." He smiled and excuse himself to just wait in the balcony that happened to be the same place where the two had a conversation.

Few minutes passed, yet he didn't still spotted her.

He grab his phone and just dialed her phone but she didn't picked it up.

He called her many times but it just always end and turned to voice message.

Then Jimin approached him.

Jimin: "Jungkook, have you seen Tae?"

Jungkook: "i didn't spotted him."

"I'm busy looking for Y/n-" He stopped and look towards Jimin.

Jimin: "you are thinking what i am thinking, don't you?"

Jungkook just sighed as he run his fingers on his hair.

Jungkook: "of course. Is there any option? None."

Jimin: "aishhh those two!" He sighed too and left Jungkook alone.

He turned around, rest his arms on the railings and look at the city lights.

"They are both with each others again...."

"Why do they keep seeing each others? Their relationship is over. They're supposed to move on!" He thought.

Meanwhile in Taehyung's house.....

Both of them were laying down on Tae's bed.

Moans were filling the room as they are both doing a pleasurable things.

His lips travelled down to her jaw, to neck, to collar, 'til he reach her chest, with his hand pinning both of her wrists above her as his other hand were holding her waist while he keep on thrusting.

Y/N: "T-Tae...." She moaned, arching back her head as she felt a knot forming on her abdomen.

Taehyung: "let's..come...together!" He shouted, mixed with their moans as they released their orgasms.

Both were breathing heavily as his face snuggle in the crook of her neck.

Taehyung removed himself on her top as he flopped down beside her and cuddle each others.

Y/N: "i miss you."

"I miss being with you. I miss my time with you. I miss all of you." She sadly whispered.

Taehyung: "i miss you everyday too Y/n."

"I miss you so so much. I miss your everything."

"All i want is you." He said and kissed the top of her head.

**Y/N's POV**

Sun lights reflect through the window as it touched my face.

I looked to my side to see Taehyung sleeping peacefully.

While staring at his perfect face, what happened last night flashed on my mind.

We just did a wrong thing.....

We aren't supposed to do that. We are over. We should move on. This is all not right.

'This is not right Y/n.'

'How can you let him go if you two keep on seeing and bumping to each others?!'

I thought as i released a heavy sigh.

Retracting myself from him and sat up.

Grab a robe, wore it, picked my dress that i wore last night and went to the bathroom to change.

I washed my face and look at my reflection in the mirror.

Y/N: "you are doing this wrong."


I applied foundation on my neck that has Tae's marks. I might bump into our friends and worst to our parents.

Finishing it all, i went out to see Taehyung who's sitting in the bed with his head hanging low.

Y/N: "morning." I murmured.

He stood up and went towards me. Thankfully he's wearing his short already.

Taehyung: "good morning too." He smiled as he sneaked his arms on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

Y/N: "Tae this is-" He cutted me by locking our lips.

Taehyung: "i know Y/. I know what we are doing is completely wrong."

Y/N: "exactly. So we need to stop this Tae."

"Even though we don't like it." I said, staring at his eyes that was bouring into mine.

Taehyung: "it's just that.....i'm used to be around you. I'm used to do the things we used to do." He looked down.

I cupped his cheeks to make him look at me.

Y/N: "we need to do our best to avoid these things. This is for ourselves too."

Taehyung: "y-yeah." He sadly murmured.

Y/N: "we will be okay someday." I smiled then he leaned it, connecting our lips again.

"This is the last." I said as soon as we broke the kiss.

Taehyung: "the last." He said and leaned his foreheads on mine.

Y/N: "i need to go. I need to work."

I went out of his room and come downstairs.

I open the front door to be welcome by the people i plan to not bump this morning.

"MIN Y/N." A blank and serious voice stated, looking me dead in the eye.

I heard Taehyung's footstep behind so it means he comes down too.

"D-dad." I stuttered, looking at him and the others whose standing behind me, confused.

Jungkook and Tae's Dad are standing behind my Dad.

Dad: "what are you doing here?" He said, still having the serious tone.

Y/N: "T-Tae got drunk last night so i...i took him home." I lied, feeling nervous all over my body.

Uncle: "the other boys can take him here."

Taehyung: "i remembered that i insisted her to be the one to take me home." He lied too.

My gaze landed to Jungkook who's intensely staring at Me and Taehyung as if he knows the truth.

Dad: "you two."

"You're supposed to move on not to continue seeing each others! You two was over!"

"What are you both doing?! Help yourselves! This is not what you're supposed to do."

"We've talk about this." He said.

Disappointment is so obvious on his voice, making me feel guilty and just look down.

Y/N: "i'm sorry."

"T-this will never happen again."

Uncle: "exactly. This needs to stop."

Dad: "get out of here. Now."

I bowed a little and passed by Dad and Uncle.

Y/N: "drive me to your house please." I said to him as he followed me towards his car.


Jungkook: "something happened to the both of you, am i right?" He asked as soon as we reached the living room of his house.

"I won't buy your both's lies Y/n."

I closed my eyes and breath heavily, controling my emotions.

Y/N: "Jungkook please...."

Jungkook: "Y/n,"

"I know you know what's right and wrong. Let's say you two can't help to miss each other's prescense but geez!"

"Do it for yourself so that you can't hurt yourself in the future."

"I'm just concern."

"I can handle everything but not your tears Y/n." He sincerely said making my eyes teary.

Y/N: "i-i'm sorry." I looked down.

He just went infront of me and pulled me to his embrace.

Jungkook: "i want you to be happy so i'll try my best to cure your heart and bring back the happy you." He whispered to my ear, making a tear to slip from my eyes.

Y/N: "i'm giving you my permission to drag me away from him whenever we are going too far again." I said as he broke the hug, looking at me unbelievable.

Jungkook: "if that's what you want." He chuckled.