
**Y/N's POV**

It's a been a days now since Mara and Kai got married.

And i am still here at Jungkook's house but my house's renovation will finally finish after some days.

I am currently here in a room i'm using, doing some files since i need to finish it tonight.

Jungkook: "hey Y/n come, let's have a dinner." He said while leaning at the door frame.

Y/N: "you go first. I'll just finish this files." I smiled to convince him to go first 'cause i know he won't again.

Jungkook: "no."

Told yah.

"Everytime you say that, you are always ending up not eating. So no, let's have a dinner together." He insisted as i just sighed and stood up.

We both made our way to the dinning area and started to eat.

Y/N: "you cooked this?"

Jungkook: "yeah. Why?" He asked back, making me chuckle because of the taste i remembered.

"Yah stop chuckling and tell me why!" He shouted making me more laugh but not that loud.

Y/N: "n-nothing." I continued to eat and not minding his stare of confussion.

Jungkook: "is that not delicious?" He pouted

Y/N: "it's's not like that." I laughed.

"I just remember the cooking competition we both did when we're still in a relationship back then."

"We are bored that time so we came up in that idea. There's a time limit so we cooked it quick that's why the taste of our dishes was horible." I laugh making him laugh too.

Jungkook: "so you are saying that the taste of the dish i made back then was the same of what i cooked tonight?!" He retort making me choke on my food because of laughing.

Y/N: "n-no! This is delicious! Heck Jungkook you are so funny!"

Jungkook: "at least i made you laughed." He smiled making me calm down from laughing.

Y/N: "yeah thanks."

"I missed those times though." I said while munching on my food.

Jungkook stayed quite so i looked at him.

His eyes were bouring unto mine, and it was like his eyes are saying that 'i missed those times too'.

"Yes i did. I sometimes missed our moments too. There's always some things that will remind me about our memories. Just like this food you cooked, it reminds me of you." I confessed while he just slightly giggled and looked at his food.

Jungkook: "so i'm not the only who miss our memories huh."


"Always remember that Mr. Jeon." I said that makes him smile.

"By the way, how's your company?"

Jungkook: "it's slowly improving again." He sighed.

Thankfully i'm doing the files now so that his problem will be solved already.


I went back to my room to finish the files after we both finished our dinner.

It's already 11 in the evening and i'm about to finish too.

Few minutes passed. Before standing up to head in Jk's room, i gathered the files first.

I made my way to his room. I knocked but no one open the door. Knocking for the second time, still there's no response so i just went in but as soon as i entered, i stood froze.

**Jungkook's POV**

After taking a bath, i grabbed the towel and wrapped it in my waist.

As soon as i went out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door so i went to open it.

I was about to hold the door knob but it was too late when it got open.

Y/n stood in front of me frozen with some files on her hand.

I noticed how her eyes scan me from my face, down to my chest 'til she reach my tone abs.

Jungkook: "miss it?" I teased with a smirk displaying on my lips.

She quickly looked up at me as her eyes widened.

"I can't just lie that i noticed you checking me out." I continued.

Her cheeks blushed still with widened eyes, making me smile.

Y/N: "y-yah! I-it's not like that! I didn't...arghhh screw you Jeon Jungkook!" With that she stormed out of my room, slaming close the door.

"Put your fucking clothes on immediately and meet me at your office you asshole!!" She shouted from outside that makes me chuckled.

I grabbed an black oversize shirt and a grey sweat pants.

After that, i went to my office to find Y/n sitting already.

Jungkook: "so what is it?" I asked as i sat down across her.

Y/N: "just need your signature." She sweetly smiled.

She put the white folder on the top of the table that was place in the middle of us.

Jungkook: "what's this?" I confusedly asked but i picked the folder.

Y/N: "find it out yourself."

I open it and started to read the files.

My eyes widened a bit as my heart beat became slightly fast and my hands were trembling when i processed everything.

Jungkook: "this is the investment file...." I looked at her with so much love and thankfulness.

I can't find any words to say because of how happy i am inside.

Y/N: "yeah it is. 'Cause i think that if i'll do it so soon, you and your company will be at ease already." She shrugged.

My eyes becomes teary now while i'm still looking at her but all she did is to smile at me.

She grabbed a ballpen from my work table and leaned towards the files.

Turning the files and flipping it to the other pages as she stopped when she reached the last page.

Her fingers trace the paper down where the signatures need to put, then she signed it without hesitating.

"Your turn." She handed me the pen and turned the files.

I looked down to the papers to see her signature above her name already so i signed it too without hesitating.

"Perfect! I'll visit the real estate after Namjoon's wedding i guess." She then stood up with the files on her hand now.

Jungkook: "Y/n." I called before she can even leave already.

I approached her and hug her. It didn't take too long when she hugged back as i stayed hugging her.

"Thank you so much. I am really really grateful for this. I'm so happy that i don't know what to do."

"You'll gonna help me so much."

Y/N: "i'm relieve that i'd be able to help you with this."

"Although this is not enough for what you did for me to move on. Thank you so much Mr. Jeon."