Namjoon's Wedding

>After 1 Month<

**Y/N's POV**

It's been a month already since Me and Taehyung cutted our relationship.

As for Jungkook, he stayed beside me. Thanks to him though. He did a lot to help me to move on.

He did his best, like taking me out to movies, going to amusement parks, doing crazy things, making the company works more enjoyable and more.

And for Taehyung, he was moving on too finally. He tried hard but was improving.

We moved on for the sake of us two.

But truth be told, there's still something inside me for him. A small feelings for him. I'm sorry but that feelings doesn't want to disappear.

It was made for Taehyung. He loved me whole heartedly. We loved each other like there's no tomorrow. The love we made was true love.

And that Jeon Jungkook. That freakin' guy, i think he did something to me again. Everytime he's with me and doing crazy things, there's something that was coming back.

I don't know what is it but it's like sparks inside of me.

I'm thinking of something that might be the reason but it can't be!

No! I can't like or love him back again.

It's just weird. Heck he's my ex-boyfriend....

**Taehyung's POV**

One month. It's been one month since Y/n was still mine.

I admit, one month without her is so hard. Those things that i'm used to do with her are so different now.

But thank God, i managed to moved on. I managed to get rid of my feelings yet there's still this small feeling inside of me.

It's so hard to remove it. I don't know but i feel like i can't.

And about my child, yeah he's or she's healthy. Tzuyu said that there's nothing wrong with the baby which sent me relief.

Maybe next month we can find out the gender already.

It's Namjoon hyung's wedding so we are focusing on that for now.

**Jungkook's POV**

One month. My life in one month was so good with her.

My days with the girl i love is so lovely. It's been so long since i experienced this again.

But it's really not that easy for her to moved on. It's hard for me too. I did a lot of things to help her but thank god, i succeed.

She improved a lot. She stopped making her life more suffer. She stopped drinking and doing stupid things.

I didn't leave her side. I stayed for her comfort.

And last thing about her, she keeps getting flusterred sometimes whenever i'm with her. Not all the times though.

But that makes me feel joy. It makes me happy everytime she's getting flusterred because of me.

I would be happy if ever she's being like that because i have an effect on her. It's like you know, i'm being the reason why those feelings back then were coming back on her.

I'll wait Y/n. I'll wait 'til those feelings will come back to you. I'll try my best to get you again. To make you mine again.

So anyways, i'm now on my way to pick Y/n up for Namjoon hyung's wedding.

I told her that we're going there together and since i insisted, she agreed too.

She already moved back to her own house not too long ago that's why.

Pulling up infront of her house, i fixed my outfit and got down.

I rang the door bell and waited for a minute but i got no response.

Ringing it for the second time, i still got no response so i banged on the door.

I was about to bang again when it got open, revealing a pissed beautiful lady.

Y/N: "can't you wait?" She asked but i'm too mesmerize by her beauty and outfit.

"Earth to Jeon Jungkook!" She yelled, making me comeback on my senses.

Jungkook: "damn. You are so beautiful." I smiled.

Y/N: "and you are so ugly too." She sweetly smiled making me giggle.

Jungkook: "may we go now beautiful lady?" I offer my arm for her to hold.

Y/N: "Namjoon will beat us if we're late."


**Author's POV**

They both reached the veneu and placed theirselves to where the others are.

Later on, Namjoon and Eunha said their vows as the preist announced them as husband and wife.

After the wedding ceremony, we drove to the reception to celebrate.


Namjoon: "thank you so much for being with me from the beginning until i met Eunha."

Eunha: "also thank you for accepting me too as Joonie's partner. I appreciate it so much."

Hoseok: "oh come on you two, we are family here!"

Mara: "Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin are next! You three better make your fiancès walk in the aisle as soon as possible!" She said, making them chuckled.

Yoongi: "there's Y/n, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung too. Stop targetting us when your bestfriend herself doesn't have someone."

Y/N: "nah ah. I'm okay being your rich single crazy bitch friend of y'all. Like when we're gonna hang out together, imma be like walking alone without any man beside me as i'm wearing a gucci gloves."

"Your rich ass bitch friend." She demonstrate, looking more proud as they just laughed at her.

Jimin: "rich or not, you are totally a bitch asshole." He said as he rolled his eyes.

Y/N: "mwo?!!" She shouted while Jimin prepared himself and run for his dear life.

"Yah Park Jimin!"

With that, she put down her wine and chased the scared cat.