Drug Mission

**???(girl) & ???(boy) POV**

We both went somewhere secretly while all of them were busy celebrating.

???(boy): "Did you bought the right drug?" He asked quietly.

???(girl): "Yes, don't worry. I asked some guys there at the market about the drug so this is right." She answered with a playfully smirk on her face.

???(boy): "Then here's the mission. You must put this drug on her drink without noticing you, While I'll distract him." He explained while keep on looking his sides.

???(girl): "This will be easy for me. She trust me a lot." She proudly said as he just rolled his eyes.

???(boy): "But after this, she won't anymore."

"Let's just do this mission so clean and successful. I want something to happened between them."

???(girl): "Of course. That's why I agreed to this plan. Now let's go."

Both of them separated their ways as if nothing happened and proceed on doing their mission.

???(girl) calmly approached her target and started a conversation as the ???(boy) went to his target and started to distract him.

**Y/N's POV**

As usual, I went to the bartender area to have a drink. Not planning to get drunk though.

I asked for a drink called sex on the beach.

I'm enjoying my drink while just looking at everyone who's having a party that's making me laugh sometimes.

Y/N: "hey you pretty lady. Why don't you sit here and join me?"

Mara: "that would be better single lady." She smiled and asked her drink as i just chuckled.

"So how's your life? Improved a lot? 'Cause it seems like you are based on my point of view."

Y/N: "yeah, i'm doing well. Thanks to Jungkook though. He did his best." I giggled making her smile suspiciously while wiggling her brows.

"Stop that!!"

Mara: "i can already see your both's future. Reminder, he still likes you."

Y/N: "i swear to god Mara if you don't stop!"

Mara: "geez calm down. But for you to know buddy, i ship and support you both."

Y/N: "oh my god, i can't with this girl."

"Excuse me for awhile. I need to pee." I then stood up and left her for awhile.

**Jungkook's POV**

All 8 of us were having a drink too here at the other bartender area since the reception has two.

Namjoon hyung is really happy of his wedding day. Of course who wouldn't right?

The bartender serves us a new glass of whisky.

Jin: "Namjoonie already have a chance to have a baby so soon!!"

Yoongi: "make sure to enjoy the honeymoon." They teased as we laughed.

Hoseok: "it would be better too if Jungkook and Jimin would find their love one. Let's just leave Taehyung for now 'cause of his child."

Jungkook: "stop targetting me then when it comes to this!! Not just because y'all already have fiancès doesn't mean we should have too." I complained.

Jimin: "yes. You should have too."

Jungkook: "you know hyung, you deserve a second beating."

Jimin run again for the second time this day as Jungkook chase him.

**Jungkook & Y/N's POV**

When Y/n went back to the bartender area, Kai is there with Mara.

Kai: "hey Y/nie. I'll take Mara with me for now."

Y/N: "sure." She smiled as the couple left.

Y/n continued her drink and drank the whole glass.

Minutes passed while just watching around, her sight became dizzy. Her body feels so hot as she hold to the counter top to balance herself.

While Jungkook were busy drinking with the boys too, he suddenly felt the same with Y/n.

His eye sight became dizzy and he suddenly feels so hot that he badly wants to take off his tuxedo.

Namjoon: "hey Jungkook, you okay?" He held his shoulder to keep him straight 'cause he's losing his balance.

Jungkook: "n-no. W-why does my head...feels so...heavy?"

Taehyung: "maybe you're drunk already."

Jungkook: "no...i swear."

He held his head so tight and squeeze his eyes, trying to fix his eye sight but got failed.

Hoseok: "hey, hey hey! Y/n!" He shouted as he quickly stood up from his chair and run towards her.

Jungkook forced himself to look at Y/n when Hobi shouted.

He's worried for her but confused too.

She's balancing her self like what were Jungkook doing. She's about to fall down but Hobi catched her in time.

Jin: "what the heck is happening to the both of you?!"

Namjoon: "Y/n, what's wrong?"

Y/N: "why am i feeling hot and dizzy? I'm not even drunk..." She weakly said while leaning her forehead to Hoseok's shoulder.

Kai worriedly came and looked at the two.

Kai: "what's wrong here?!"

Yoongi: "we don't know also."

Namjoon: "just help me take them both outta here, Kai."

"And you boys just wait me here. I'll take them 'cause there's a friend of mine that's near here and can check them up." He explained as they nodded.

Kai help Y/n as Namjoon help Jungkook.

They all went out and stop by Kai's car.

Mara: "are they okay?" She worriedly asked.

Namjoon: "take them to the comfy hotel. Make sure everything's alright. Take care of them."

Mara and Kai nodded as Namjoon left.


Y/n and Jungkook are locked up in one room.

They both already know that they have been drugged by someone and found out what drug is it.

It was the drug that will boost their sexual desires and lost control on their own body.

They both knew that they have been locked up in one room 'cause those people who drugged them wants them to sex.

Jungkook: "we can get through all of this Y/n. Just hold and trust yourself." He reasured

Y/N: "it's hot. It's rising inside of me. I can't...i can't stay like this for so long."

Jungkook: "i know Y/n, i know because we're feeling the same way but we need to hold up. If we don't, we will both gonna end up in that bed, naked and hovering each other."

Y/N: "i have no control...." She clatched her dress tight while bitting her lip.

They are both trying so hard to fight the desires that's rising through them.

But truth to be told, they can't anymore. They are losing and losing more control.

Without them processing it, they are now already touching each others. Their eyes full of lust as their action shows their desires.

Kissing, touching and hovering at the bed, they fully removed their clothes and began to fulfill their sexual desires.

Pleasure can be now feel. Unnoticedly enjoying the night.

Leaving love marks whenever they want to place it.

Moans filling the dark room as their clothes were laying on the floor with the door being locked by those who drugged them.

One of the person who drugs them approached the door and listen properly by pressing the ears to the closed door.

Their moans filled the person's ears as a smile plusterred on.

The person grabbed the phone and called the other person who planned this too.

"Something pleasurable is happening now. The mission is successful Namjoon-ah." The person proudly said.

Namjoon: "we did great, Mara." He proudly said too.