
**Jungkook's POV**

Waking up from my slumber, i lightly groaned when my head started to aches.

My hands went it's way towards my forehead and rubbed it to lessen the pain a bit.

When i managed to open my eyes and saw the unfamiliar room, what happened last night clicked on my mind.

My eyes roam around the room. Clothes scattered on the floor and naked bodies on the bed.

Y/n's still sleeping peacefully with the blanket covering our bodies. Hickies on her neck and a slit at the corner of her bottom lip.

We did lost control, didn't we?

Is this how am i going to start my morning today?

This thing that happened to us is not that really bad for me, but just for me. I consider Y/n's side. Her opinion is important 'cause she's involved with this.

Yeah i honestly think that it's okay for me 'cause i love her, but there's also a part that it's wrong because of Y/n.

My hand found it's way on her soft hair and strokes it softly. She started to shuffle and hummed then i removed my hand to not wake her up but she did.

She rubbed her eyes to adjust her sight as she looked around the room and maybe found it unfamiliar too since her reaction shows confusion.

**Y/N'S POV**

Unfamiliar room welcomed me. While looking around, i saw clothes that's in the floor which confuses me more, just then when i looked beside me to only find a shirtless Jungkook who's leaning against the headboard of the bed, last night's event flashes.

No shit sherlock....

I looked down to my body and saw i'm naked.

I just screamed mentally as i rubbed my face and looked down.

Y/N: "we fucked up, aren't we?" I asked with a disappointed giggle.

Jungkook: "yeah 'cause one of our friends made this happened. What will make it worst if it's not just one of them but all of them planned it." He sighed.

I too sighed and looked down.

Y/N: "sorry if i lost control." I apologized but he just stayed quiet as i can also feel his gaze on me.

Jungkook: "why are you apologizing? I too lost control. It's not our both fault. If you have to blame someone, then it's the one who drugged us." He said and he really has a point but something clicks off.

Y/N: " 'if i have to blame someone'? What does that mean?"

His eyes widened a bit and looked away just to avoid gaze.

Jungkook: "i-i mean... If you're going to blame someone, not yourself!" He suspiciously defend.

Oh really Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Pointing something huh.

Y/N: "so only me huh? You don't want to blame someone, oh correction, you won't blame someone because what?" I asked with a raising brows.

He just stare at me and smirked.

Jungkook: "and what if i tell you i really won't and have no problem with this for me?"

"Wanna know the reason? But for sure you know what is it. That i still-" I cutted him by throwing the pillow on his face.

Y/N: "shut the fuck up." I said between gritted teeth.


Jungkook and I separated our ways since we need to get ready for work.

As usual, there's meetings i need to attend and files to sign and finish.

While doing some works with my laptop infront of me, my secretary came in.

Secretary: "CEO, today's your schedule to visit JEON's Real Estate." She announced, making me feel a bit uneasy.

I still feel embarrassed on what happened to the both of us last night! He remembered but i don't.

I mean...just a bit.

Y/N: "can you perhaps reschedule it?"

Secretary: "i'm sorry Ms. Min but we can't reschedule it. All of your important meetings with other companies and some other important about our company has been scheduled perfectly already."

Y/N: "what time?" I sighed in defeat.

CEO: "after lunch and you don't have any company meetings to attend this afternoon so you are free." She said as i nodded and she left.


I got out of my car when i reached the place. I walked around and stopped at a place where i can clearly see the houses.

"I thought you're gonna be late." Someone said from behind.

I looked back to find Jeon Jungkook, walking towards me.

What happened last night came back flashing again. I closed my eyes in irritation because of remembering it over and over again.

Jungkook: "what's wrong?" He asked, giggling as he stand next to me.

Y/N: "nothing." I said and cleared my throat.

"So this is it?"

Jungkook: "yeah. These houses has simple designs that's why my investors didn't took it because of their high taste."

Y/N: "the upgrading of these will be easy. You can trust me with it."

Jungkook: "i know you have a good taste so there's nothing to worry."

"When are you going to renovate it?"

Y/N: "as soon as possible."

Jungkook: "looking forward to it." He said with a wink.


Y/N: "WHO?" I asked as soon as i entered the living room.

All of us meet here before Namjoon and Eunha go for their honeymoon.

Jin: "what who?"

Y/N: "WHO THE HELL PLANNED THE THING THAT HAPPENED ON NAMJOON'S WEDDING?" I asked once again with a threatening tone.

They all looked at each others with confusion while there's this someone who seems so happy as i also suspect this person.

"As one of my friend, why don't you help me find the other one who planned it with you, Mara?" I asked with my raising right brow.

Yeah, Mara. I've been suspecting her. I did remembered some things from last night. She's the one i saw who closed the goddamn door that never opened again 'cause she locked it.

Mara: "me?!" She chuckled

"Why don't you confirm it by asking Namjoon?" She continued.

Wow. So this is like confessing the truth huh.

Jungkook: "you're involved with it Namjoon hyung?" He unbelievably asked.

I never expected Namjoon to be part of this too.

Making my way towards the single couch, i flopped down in it and sighed heavily.

Y/N: "what was your reason?" I asked in defeat.

All i just want to know is their reason.

Reason on why they have to planned it? Why they want Me and Jungkook to intimate?

Namjoon: "we want something to happen. There's still this chemistry, you know?" He explained, pointing something we actually know.

He's hoping for Me and Kook to get back too?!


Mara: "like seriously Y/n and Jungkook, if there's nothing to prevent you both, why don't get back and try it again?"

I looked over Jungkook who's already staring at me. He started wiggling his brows when he noticed my stare too.

I rolled my eyes, followed by a groan as i rubbed my face with my palms.

Namjoon: "who else from us who wants them to get back together?" He excitedly asked.

They all raised their hands except Me, Jungkook and...

Hoseok: "Taehyungie?"

Jimin: "what does that mean, Tae?"

Taehyung: "nothing. I just didn't raised my hand 'cause i don't want to get involved with it in case Y/n and Jungkook doesn't really want to get back together."

"I'm siding no one." He shrugged as i just giggled at his cute expression and words.

Y/N: "Tae's the best!" I winked at him as they all just chuckled