Last wish

**Y/n's POV**

9 months has passed. Everything changed. So much things happened within these months.

Jungkook started to make his moves for me to love him back again as i just acted normal. Yeah i admit, i fluttered a lot when he's doing something, got jealous to some reasons sometimes. I maybe ahhh grew some love again.

And about Taehyung, his child is about to go out now that's why we are currently in the hospital to be with him too. He's really nervous as heck for real.

Taehyung's first child is a boy.

Taehyung: "Y/n, c-can you please....go with me inside?" He nervously asked with his trembling hands.

"I'm literally shaking right now and i don't know what to do. I just need someone who can calm me down." He continued with his eyes begging.

All of the boys, Mara, Eunha and Tae's parents nodded as i agreed too. I took his shaking hands and we both went inside the delivery room.

Tzuyu is laying down right there, suffering from the pain while the doctors and nurses are doing their work to safely deliver the child.

Y/N: "go beside her and hold her hand." I stated to him but he just looked at me with a widened eyes and slightly shaking his head.

Taehyung: "hey....i-....why?!" He whispered yelled

Y/N: "Tae she needs it. She need someone to hold onto. Just like you right now. You are just nervous yet you want someone to calm you down then how about her who's suffering from an extreme pain? If that was me who's laying down there, i totally need your presence and hand beside me!" I said to convince him and he sighed in defeat.

I went towards the other side of Tzuyu and hold her hand too as Taehyung did the same but i can tell by seeing his face that he's not used to it and he's hesitating but just did it for once. Tzuyu look at me with pain on her face but i just smiled at her to tell her that everything's gonna be alright.

Her parents didn't came here so she must have been feel so sad since she doesn't have her parents here to support her. Instead, we all Taehyung's friends and his parents came for them both and especially their baby.

**Taehyung's POV**

I just hold Tzuyu's hand as she squeeze it so tight. On the other hand, Y/n's comforting her too by holding her hand and wiping her sweats on her forehead. I'm thankful that Y/n's here. She's just not calming Tzuyu down but i am too.

Dr.: "Push! Push more! You can do it!"

Tzuyu: "ARGHHHHHH!! IT HURTS!!" She shouted

Dr.: "You can do it. Push more. The baby's near!"

Tzuyu gave all of her energy just for the baby to come out. I saw how her eyes rolled at the back and scrunch her nose. I can really tell that my hand would break so soon. Well maybe Y/n's condition is more worst than me because Tzuyu's nails pierced through her skin. That hurts but mine also.

Minutes passed when the cry of the baby can be heard in this room. I looked towards the doctor who's holding my baby. My baby boy. My treasure. Oh my god he's so beautiful like me! I bet Jin hyung would argue about this again.

It became so quiet for a seconds not until Tzuyu speak in a very weak and almost whisper voice.

Tzuyu: "Y/.....n." She called with her eyes that's about to close but she's holding it. This is giving me a bad vibe.

Y/N: "yes i'm here." She held her hand again and wipe her sweats.

Tzuyu: "p-please...d-do me a....big f-favor."

Y/N: "anything. What is it? Tell me. Your baby's waiting for you to hold him!" She happily said but Tzuyu just smiled weakly while i'm busy looking at my baby boy but listening to them.

Tzuyu: " the m-mother of m-my child. Even though y-you are in a relationship....with the other." She blurted out making all of us look at her.

Y/n froze while looking at her with wide eyes.

"Please." With that, Tzuyu's eyes give up as her grip on Y/n's hand loosen.

The doctor rush to her to check her pulse but sadly sighed after. The nurses check everything on her.

Dr.: "There's no energy left on her body as....she ran out of breath. I'm very sorry. We're giving our condolences." They bowed and started to take care of her and my baby.

I got so stunned to hear that she passed away while looking at Tzuyu's lifeless body while there's Y/n doing the same.

But i can't ignore the fact that she asked her a favor. A BIG FAVOR I SHOULD SAY!

Tzuyu's dead.....oh my god i didn't expect this! Yes i don't want to build any relationship with her but she's still the mother of my child!

Y/n went to me and hold my hands with a reassuring squeeze.

Y/N: "hey, hey Tae. Everything's gonna be alright okay? She did her best to take out your child. Ma-Maybe that was her last. It's going to be okay too."

Taehyung: "Y/ baby's mother...died." I said in disbelief. Y/n bring me to her embrace and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"Her favor. What are we going to do? Pretty sure y-you won't do-"

Y/N: "i would. That's her last wish before she passes away and she wished it on me. So i would do it Taehyung." She said, making me tear up because of what happened this day.