
**Jungkook's POV**

I'm currently sitting down here while i watch Taehyung, his son and of course Y/n, play around.

Watching them happily play around brought smile to my face but secretly hides the pain. What if the accident pregnancy didn't happen and the wedding didn't got cancelled?

Then this scene would be more painful for me. A small family. Their small happy family. Isn't it lovely? So lovely to see yet painfully.

Three years passed since i started to make my moves to get her back to me again but still, she's taking so long. She's showing affection too whenever i'm around but why not confess what she is feeling? If she really doesn't want to go back then just go straight to the point and tell me to stop rather than making me wait for so long.

Because honestly, I'm getting tired too especially i overthink a lot about not ending up with her after doing my best.

I stood up and called Y/n for awhile as we both went towards the gate.

Y/N: "what is it?"

Jungkook: "i'll get going now. I don't wanna disturb those two so i just called you instead. Explain it to Tae-Hyun too." I smiled

Y/N: "wait me here." She said and just leave me behind, confused on what she is up too.

Minutes later, she came back with her sling bag.

"Let's go."

Jungkook: "huh? I don't understand you."

Y/N: "I'll go with you." She shrugged

Jungkook: "and to where?"

Y/N: "to wherever you are going."

Jungkook: "i'm go-" My sentence got cutted when she started to drag my arm towards my car.

Y/N: "shut the fuck up and let's just leave." She complained, making me just chuckled as we drove off.


We're both here in my house. Y/n didn't said anything though when we reached here since she said that she'll go to the place i'll go.

It's already 8 in the evening so Y/n decided to cook for our dinner while i went upstairs to freshen up myself.

Getting out of my room, delicious smell of the foods downstairs hit my nostrils. As i went down and head towards the kitchen, i found Y/n stirring something in the stove.

Without any thoughts and hesitation, i went behind her and embrace her from the back, planting my head on her neck that's been tempting me.

Y/N: "stop appearing like that for goodness sake! You're startling me." She warned but i didn't listen and just focused on smelling her scent. My favorite scent.

Jungkook: "i smell a little bit Taehyung from you...." I murmured

Y/N: "i uhh just hugged him and Tae-Hyun before we left there."

Jungkook: "then i'll replace it with mine." I then tightened my grip around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck.

Y/N: "Jeon..."

Before she could say anything else, i spin her around to face me as i gently push her towards the table, my hands stayed around her waist and attached my forehead to hers while staring deep into her soul.

Jungkook: "why? Why can't you just come back and be mine again?" I sincerely asked.

Y/N: "I-" I didn't let her finish by crashing my lips on her lips.

Jungkook: "i don't need your answer." I said

"Anymore." I sadly added but to my mind only and connect our lips again but this time she's responding with her arms being locked on my neck.

After that hot kissing session, i hug her tightly and put my head on her neck again.

'I guess i've done enough. I guess i already did everything to show how much i love you, how deep the love i have for you. I'll stop here my love.' I thought.

Y/N: "let's eat?" She asked as i nodded with a smile and peck her forehead before retracting from her to sit down.

This is called 'Lovesick', i guess.