
**Jungkook's POV**

Mom: "are you really sure about this Kookie?" My mom asked in concern for the hundredth times now.

Dad: "you know son, you have many chances to take and change your decision." He also pleased

Jungkook: "mom dad i already explained my side and you understand me too right?" They both sadly nodded.

Mom: "okay fine, but last question dear. Do you really wanna move on? ARE YOU READY TO MOVE ON?"

I sadly sighed as i looked down at the luggages that's settled on the floor.

Do i really want to move on? Am i really ready to move on and make my feelings for her fade? No. But for my good sake i'll try my best AGAIN.

Jungkook: "it's for my own good mom. I'm doing this for myself. It's time for myself too." I sadly smiled and hug both of my parents since we heard a honk outside the house already, telling us that  Yoongi hyung arrived and ready to send me off.

"Have a safe flight son." Both of them said as i smiled and went out.

Getting inside the car as i already put my luggages in the trunk, Yoongi hyung drove off.

He and my parents are the only people who knew about this.

Yoongi: "you won't really change your mind?"

Jungkook: "hyung please. I'm tired explaining over and over again."

Yoongi: "because this decision of yours is all of a sudden. What if Y/n really have a feelings for you again and you just didn't notice it? What if you are being controlled by your negative thoughts again?"

Jungkook: "if there's really feelings that she have for me then why took so long to tell it to me? Hyung years passed yet there's no result for all of my doings."

Yoongi: "fine this is your choice but i'm telling you young man, you are taking a wrong path this time." He said while shaking his head.

Minutes passed then hyung pulled up infront of the airport as he help me with my luggages to take inside.

Jungkook: "alright, this is it." I chuckled but also feeling sad since i'm leaving them. My friends, my parents, Y/n, my whole family. I'll miss them.

Yoongi: "i'll literally laugh at you when you're gonna receive the outcome of this stupid decision of yours. Remember that." He told me while pointing his finger.

Jungkook: "yeah whatever hyung. I'll get going now. Please take care with everyone. I will miss you all." I smiled as we both hug.

Yoongi: "take care too man. Have a safe flight. We'll miss you too."

Jungkook: "good bye." I waved, turned around and leave to head towards the gate to where the airplane i'll be having.

This is it Jungkook. You are doing this for yourself. It's time for myself too. I've done enough for you Y/n yet you are just tiring me.

I do love you. So so much that i'm really obsessed and longing for your touch and presence.

But.... I think coming back is nowhere to be found on your vocabulary anymore.

I love you, Min Y/n.

**Y/n's POV**

I let out a heavy tired sigh after closing my laptop. I've been working whole day and didn't leave my office to not waste time.

I lazily grabbed all of my belongings and head out of my office as well as the building.

I can already hear bed and rest calling for me but Yoongi has another idea before my day ends. He called me earlier and told me to meet him up at this one coffee shop, so that's where i am going.

Reaching the place, i parked my car and went inside to only spot him at the corner side.

Y/N: "so what is this thing you are going to tell me that didn't allow me to go home and let the sleep swallow me?" I asked.

Yoongi: "hell, you seems really tired Y/n. Your office works really sucked the hell out of you." He reacted as he eyes me up and down, checking my fucked up look.

"I uhh guess we should just continue this tomorrow and go home for rest. You are really fucked up now Y/n, and i guess....this will not be the right time to tell the 'thing' to you."

"I swear you can't grasp everything because of your state right now." He said as i can clearly tell that there's sadness and worry lacing on his voice.

Y/N: "look, i know you are being concern right now but i'm already here Yoongi and i'm all ears now too. So please, let's just go direct to the point."

Yoongi sighed and looked down.

Yoongi: "Jungkook...." He started but still didn't look me in the eyes.

Y/N: "what about Jungkook?" I asked, slowly getting frustrated because he's taking long and just don't blurt it out.

Yoongi: "he left." He said that makes me froze for awhile but just lowly growled and tightly close my eyes as i can't take my frustration anymore.

Y/N: "listen. Why do you need to inform me about him leaving? So what if he left? I should be at home right now, sleeping because i'm tired as heck! I don't really get why the hell-"

Yoongi: "the country Y/n. He fucking left this country!" He whispered yelled as he scratched his head, getting annoyed too.

My face drained out. My whole body getting froze for the second time as i just stared at him, feeling my chest tightening.

He what? He left the country? For what?!

"He just left earlier, just before i meet you here. I'm the one who sent him off at the airport. I did told him about being stupid on making that decision but he won't listen."

Y/N: "what's....his reason?" I asked in more weak tone.

Yoongi: "he's doing it for himself. He told us that he's tired too. Tired of chasing you. He said he did his best already to get you back but you are taking too long to give him the result of his hardship."

"Y/n he's giving up now. He is moving on from you. Me and his parents tried to make him back off but he didn't listen. He let his thoughts to swallow him. Thoughts of you rejecting him."

"But i also don't understand you Y/n. I sometimes noticed you showing your hidden love to him but why taking forever? What's your feelings towards him?" He asked with his brows furrowed, sounding concern yet annoyed too.

Y/N: "where? What county?" That's all i could asked, still trying to grasp this painful news.

Yoongi: "i don't know. Only Mr. And Mrs. Jeon knows it." He sighed.

I stood up, ready to leave already with breaking heart.

Y/N: "thank you for telling me. You are right. I can't grasp it with this state of mine." I then started to walk and head outside but his question stopped me.

Yoongi: "do you really love him? Again?"

Tears escaped from my eyes and slowly turned to him.

Y/N: "I do. I do love him. Again." I sincerely said as he smiles at me.

"That's why i'll do anything just to get him back here, so he should also do the same. He should keep me this time, now that he's close to getting the result of his hardship. He MUST keep me this time because he failed in our past relationship." I said as i angrily wiped my tears.

Yoongi: "i knew it. I also knew that he's taking the wrong path and being stupid again. Seems like someone will receive my mocking and laughter." He giggled.

"Go on Y/n. I'll support you with whatever your plan is. Get your man."

Y/N: "thanks." I smiled and hopped on my car.

That stupid motherfucker asshole! How dare he leave this country?!

"Stupid as always!" I shouted as i hit the steering wheel of my car.