Unexpected moment

**Y/n's POV**

📢: "Ladies and gentlemen, XXX Airline welcomes you to Switzerland. The local time is 10:00 PM. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate."

Minutes passed after the crew announced that we can already go out. By that time, i called an uber and drove me at the apartment near this one detached condo that i'll be guarding.

I already fixed my stuffs at the closet as i also took a bath and wear my nightwear. Since sleep is nowhere to be found, i decided to call the hotel room service and deliver a wine here.

Y/N: "thank you." I kindly thanked the waitress who delivered it here in my room as i told her that i'll serve myself now.

Pouring the wine in my glass, i picked it up and went out in the balcony to see the perfect view that i'll be seeing from now on.

What a breath taking view we have here.

As i'm sipping my drink, i looked down at that one detached condo that's placed just right infront of this hotel and that i can also clearly see in my balcony.

While just staring at it, the door of that condo opened. Revealing him, wearing a coat to keep him warm.

There you are, Jeon Jungkook.

I took out my phone and call his number while he's still infront of his house.

**Jungkook's POV**

I grabbed one of my thick coat that's hanging at the wall before going out for a peace night walk.

I'm here for two days now but i still didn't got a time to roam around and have a peace mind. Well that's because on my first day, i spent my whole day fixing all of my stuff. My second day got spent by shopping things and foods that i'll be needing everyday.

I walked out of this fine condo that i am renting. As soon as i locked my door and about to start my track, my phone started to ring.

"Y/n?" I asked myself after reading the caller id, but then i picked it up.

I didn't received any text and call from her since the day i left korea. Honestly, i got really sad but confused at the same time. Sad because if she didn't text or call me after finding out, that only means i got a negative result for my hardship. And confused on why she still didn't send any text even though just to ask why did i left.

-On The Phone-

Me: "Y/n-"

Y/n: "how was your day these days after you left, young man?" She asked with a tone i couldn't quite get.

I released a sigh before answering her question.

Me: "I'm doing fine."

Y/n: "oh really? Doing fine after taking a wrong path, Jeon Jungkook?"

The tone she is using is literally intimidating. Like a sarcastic one.

But wrong path? What's up with her?

Jungkook: "Y/n i can't-"

Y/N: "look up at your left side." She boldly stated.

I got confused for a second but did what she said.

And then there at the balcony of the hotel a bit far away from here but can still see clearly, is a lady in a red silk robe with a phone pressed on her ear, the other hand holds a glass while she's staring right at me.


My eyes widened as soon as i saw her. What on actual earth is she doing here?!!

Y/n: "good eye sight Mr. Jeon." She said through the phone.

Jungkook: "what the-" I got cutted again for the fucking third time.

Y/n: "have a good night, bunn." She said as she hanged up but i still didn't look away from her.

She then wave at me using her fingers while drinking her wine as she went inside the room after that.

Why the hell is she here?! What's her purpose?! How did she know i'm here?!

Oh gosh, my mind got clouded by so many questions as i went back inside my condo, having no intentions to have a 'peace' night walk after that moment.

I dialed a number as soon as i reach my room.

-On The Phone-

Me: "Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi: "ohh dear kookie!"

Me: "why the hell Y/n is here?"

Yoongi: "you've seen her already?" He asked, really sounding like it's nothing.

Me: "hyung please! Why is she here?! How did she knew that I'm here?!"

Yoongi: "you didn't tell me what country you are in, right? So how am i supposed to know?"

Me: "stop this bullshit and just tell me the truth!" I yelled as i gripped my hair because of frustration and confusion.

Yoongi: "i don't really fucking know! Why can't you just ask her about it since you saw her already?"

Jungkook: "she's acting weird! I can't just also go to that hotel she's in since it's already midnight here."

Yoongi: "then do it tomorrow."

Jungkook: "you're not easing the situation hyung." I grunted and hanged up.

I dialed Y/n's number this time but the line said that it's unreachable.

"This is driving me crazy!" I loudly groaned while gripping my head.