I'm also going to take karate lessons

Gabby walked over to Michael and rolled her eyes when she saw the man grinning, helping him to his feet and patting the dirt on Michael's shirt.

"Where else is hurt?" Gabby asked, she touched Michael's forehead and was relieved to see no blood coming out.

Michael closed his eyes, enduring the pain as Gabby touched his forehead again, "Just my forehead." He replied smiling as he lowered Gabby's hand.

Gabby frowned and thought that maybe Michael was still in shock so he couldn't think straight. The girl then put Michael's arm around her shoulder and helped him walk, "Don't be afraid, I'll always protect you."

The man did not answer her, just paused and saw Gabby's smiling face and then retracted his gaze again. Gabby thought that this man really couldn't think clearly anymore, "Let's go to the infirmary."

As Gabby passed Billy, she paused and kicked his sore leg again, "Don't mess around with Michael!"

"Ouch! Alright alright!" Billy said, protecting his feet from the girl's kick.

As Gabby walked away with Michael's arm resting on her shoulder, Billy lifted his head and could hear his subordinate Jeremy grumble, "What did I tell you, she's a crazy woman."

Billy just clicked his tongue and before he had time to curse his friend, there was a shrill voice from a distance, "All of you there, stop!"


As they arrived in the infirmary, the nursing teacher immediately helped Gabby bring Michael to the available bed. The teacher immediately rushed to get the first aid kit and rubbed oil on Michael's forehead slowly.

Seeing the situation before her, the teacher couldn't help but laugh and said, "Usually, the boys helped the girls. But this is the other way around."

However, the teacher immediately stopped laughing when she saw Gabby giving her a sadistic look, "Don't say that." The girl growled.

"Ah, yeah, sorry." The teacher exclaimed quickly, after she finished rubbing oil on Michael's forehead, she immediately rushed out with the excuse of wanting to make Michael warm tea.

After seeing the teacher leave, Gabby looked away and put on a serious face, "Hey, is there anything that still hurts besides your forehead?"

Michael immediately opened his eyes and met Gabby's gaze. He shook his head, "No. Don't ask me to talk anymore, I'm still amazed by your action there."

Hearing that, the red blush immediately appeared in her face. It spread from her cheeks and reached her neck, when the boy looked at her with a look of admiration, "Stop that nonsense!" Gabby replied, punching Michael in the shoulder.

"If they dare to ask for money from you again, I will make sure they will be rushed to the hospital!" Gabby said suddenly, feeling emotional again when she saw the forehead of the young man lying on the infirmary's bed.

Michael looked at Gabby, opened his mouth but no words came out and then closed it again. A few seconds later he said quietly, "I want to learn karate."

"Are you serious?!" Gabby said, shaking Michael's shoulder, not believing the words that came out of the boy's mouth. Gabby then stopped doing that when she saw Michael's forehead crease in pain.

"Yes I am serious. I don't want to be a weak boy." Michael muttered softly, his black eyes looked sad. 'Besides that I also want to take care of you.' Michael thought to himself.

Hearing the happy news, she nodded her head excitedly, "Alright! We'll go to my tutoring place later, and I'll talk to coach Hendrik!" With this, she would be able to train together with him.

Michael recalled the strong kick that the coach had when he watched Gabby's training as soon as he heard Gabby mentioned coach Hendrik's name. It made him want to take back his words earlier and cancel his intention to practice Karate.


When Gabby told coach Hendrik that Michael wanted to take part in karate training, coach Hendrik's face looked hard to explain. Maybe like seeing a ghost would be the right words to describe the look on his face.

Coach Hendrik looked at Michael standing with a serious face, then exhaled his breath and wondered why did that boy suddenly want to practice karate. His body looked weak to learn martial arts.

"You, do you really want to practice karate?" Coach Hendrik asked him coldly.

Michael just nodded his head.

"Hmm... Karate is not easy, young people, your body ..." Coach Hendrik swept Michael's figure from head to toe and then returned to his eyes, "...looks so weak, not mocking! It's just that you are more suited to playing musical instruments!"

"Coach, are you looking down on my friend?" Gabby asked, tilting her head.

"Not like that! I'm just worried that he won't be able to keep up with our studies." Hendrik said in a low voice, trying to calm Gabby.

"I mean, I want to study seriously." Michael interrupted, his face looked serious.

Coach Hendrik blinked many times when he looked at Michael. He exhaled his breath then nodded his head slowly, "Hmm okay then."

"Hooray! Coach needs to really trust Michael, he really wants to learn karate!" Gabby said excitedly, being too excited without realizing that her hands were clenched tightly.

"Yes, I know." Coach Hendrik turned his gaze to Michael then continued, "Next week, come here to start your first lesson."

Gabby turned and looked at Michael with sparkling eyes. Michael bowed his head in embarrassment because there were four pairs of eyes intensely looking at him. He then looked up and answered coach Hendrik, "Alright. Thank you for accepting me."


After Gabby defeated Richard and the Black Snake gang, she became increasingly famous at school. Everyone, whether it were boy or girl, they all wanted to be her friend.

At first, when Gabby's mother heard that her daughter was able to fight against a group of evil teenagers by means of violence, she scolded her badly but when she found out that many of her daughter's friends felt helped, Gabby's mother felt proud.

That morning, Gabby hurried to eat breakfast provided by her mother and immediately ran toward the exit, "Daddy! Mother! I'll go first, okay!"

"Be careful, ok!" Exclaimed her mother as she followed behind Gabby.

Her mother saw Gabby running with her school bag to Michael's house. The child nearly fell because she tripped on her own leg. Since the incident at the restaurant, Agnes handed over the task of taking Gabby to school in the hands of her future son-in-law.

Even though every morning Daniel always grumbled not accepting Michael as his son-in-law, Agnes never paid attention.

Arriving in the car, Gabby opened her bag and took out her patties, "Have you had breakfast yet? Here I bring jam bread." She said, handing him a pat of her meal.

Before Michael put on the gloves Gabby gave him, he received the meal and immediately put the jam bread into his mouth, "Thanks."

Even though Michael had had his breakfast with Adam's vegetable salad, he still ate Gabby's bread voraciously, and tried his best to swallow it.

After Michael managed to swallow the bread Gabby made, he frowned when he saw that there was only one bread left. Michael saw Gabby's face and asked, "Is that your lunch for this afternoon?"

"Hmm, yes." Gabby nodded her head, then quickly continued when she saw the frown on Michael's forehead, "I'll also buy lunch at the cafeteria later! Don't worry."

Michael looked into Gabby's eyes and then sighed, "You can eat lunch with me later."

When she heard the sentence leave Michael's mouth, without realizing it, the woman's mouth opened a little. Gabby couldn't help but wonder, 'Why is he being nice to me? Isn't he usually the most twisted guy I've ever met? Did you bang your head on the door this morning?'

Michael lowered his head then opened his school bag. He fumbled into his bag for a while then took out two lunch boxes. One was light blue and the other was yellow. Michael looked at the woman and then handed her the yellow box on his right hand.

Gabby's eyes sparkled when she saw the patties in front of her. She took it and then looked at Michael with a look of disbelief, "How come you bring two lunches?"

"Just in case." Michael replied briefly, he then put down his lunch and continued wearing his gloves.

The truth was, last night Michael deliberately asked Adam to bring him two lunches tomorrow because he was afraid Gabby would ask for his lunch again.

"Geez! You're really good!" Gabby exclaimed while pinching Michael's left cheek hard and made the man grimace in pain.

"Ouch! What the heck, it hurts you know." The man stroked his cheek and then pretended to straighten his gloves, hoping Gabby wouldn't notice that his ears were now as red as a tomato.

Outside the car, Adam could only try to put on a flat face when he watched the two of them act like a teenager who was drunk in love. He still didn't expect that the once cold and almost never smiling Young Master would now become Gabby's future husband.

Adam shook his head slowly so as not to appear to be trying to get rid of his thoughts, then lowered his head in salute when he saw Michael drive away leaving the front yard of the house.


-Please support my other title in the webnovel application

"Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO" : https://www.webnovel.com/book/hidden-marriage-with-my-imperfect-ceo_17881455306500805

"My Supermodel Wife (For Sale!)"https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-supermodel-wife-(for-sale!)_17881524506501205

"Trial Marriage Husband : Beautiful Wife For Satisfy The Wild CEO" : https://www.webnovel.com/book/trial-marriage-husband-beautiful-wife-for-satisfy-the-wild-ceo_18245634206004805