Become the boss of the black snake gang

When they arrived in the class, Michael and Gabby were greeted by several of their classmates. Most of them greeted Gabby. After the girl put down her bag on the table, she heard two deep voices screaming from behind her.

"Come on in, the class is here!" Said the voice, making Gabby turn and look their way. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw two familiar faces.

Jeremy was standing behind Billy, his arms folded behind him as if he were the boy's guard. Gabby noticed that Billy's trousers were tucked up, revealing the brown bandage on his leg.

"Come out, we have something to say." Jeremy exclaimed coldly. After saying that, they turned around and left Gabby feeling confused.

Gabby frowned and just as she was about to get up from her chair, Angel walked over and gave her the advice, "Don't come out! What if they ask you to fight again later?"

"They might want to take revenge!" Lauren also said as her classmate.

Angel nodded her head then continued, "Yes! You better just stay here or you go now and report them to the counseling teacher."

Gabby thought for a moment and then remembered that their faces didn't look like they wanted revenge, then she shook her head, "It's okay. Why should I be afraid? It's a school, there's no way they mess with me. Besides, they can't possibly hurt me."

Hearing that answer, they fell silent and felt that what Gabby said was true. Angel then stepped aside and gave Gabby a way out of the classroom.

When Gabby wanted to walk outside, she felt someone tug at her back. She turned and found Michael's black eyes staring at hers.

"Be careful." Michael said in a soft voice.

"Of course." Gabby answered, nodding her head.

As Gabby walked out of the classroom, she walked for a while then turned right and left looking for them, then heard Jeremy's deep voice, "Hey, we're here!"

Gabby turned to follow the source of the sound and saw Jeremy who was waving his right hand at the end of the corridor. She then walked over to the man. As Gabby stood in front of Jeremy, the man turned and opened the door to a room that Gabby didn't know before.

"There are important things that the boss wants to say." Jeremy exclaimed in an even tone.

As it turned out that the door Jeremy had opened earlier led to the school's warehouse, Gabby thought the room must be dirty and dusty. But when Gabby was in the room, she saw that there were several tables and chairs that were not used anymore, neatly arranged so that they formed a round table similar to the ones used in conference.

Billy, the leader of the Black Snakes gang, occupied the chair in the middle of the table. Gabby narrowed her eyes as the boy just watched her, making no sound.

Gabby swallowed and then asked, "Are you looking for me? Do you want a fight?"

Billy just shook his head and still didn't make a sound. The man looked back at Gabby with a sharp gaze. Gabby returned Billy's sharp gaze as if they were fighting the longest not to blink.

Finally, after a few seconds, Billy looked away then looked at Jeremy who was standing next to Gabby. He then gestured for Jeremy to leave the room and give them some privacy.

After Jeremy came out, Billy exhaled, closed his eyes for a moment and then looked back at Gabby, "I want you to replace me as boss in the Black Snake gang."

"Huh?" Gabby thought she heard it wrong and then poked her ear, "Can you repeat what you said?"

Whether Jeremy was probably eavesdropping or something, he suddenly walked back into the room with a disbelieving face, "Is the boss crazy?! You want this girl to be our boss?!"

If Gabby weren't confused like this, she would have turned around and fought Jeremy. But now, Gabby's mind was filled by this crazy request from the man in front of her.

"Do you have any other opinions?" Billy replied while looking at Jeremy then turning his gaze towards Gabby again.

After hearing his boss' response, Jeremy just shook his head and walked back out of the room. He couldn't figure out why his boss wanted her to be the new boss of the Black Snakes gang when all the members were male.

"What do you think?" Billy asked when he saw Jeremy had come out of the room. His big eyes looked scary, but Gabby wasn't afraid. She was still confused whether the man in front of her was drunk.

Gabby looked at Billy's face calmly, "Are you drunk? Last night, what did you eat?", After not getting an answer from the man, she continued, "I'm not interested in being a boss in a gang extorting money from my friends."

Without waiting for an answer, Gabby turned around and left Billy with a flushed face. She walked out then slammed the door hard.

Not long after Gabby left, Jeremy entered the room and stood next to his boss and patted him on the shoulder, "Be tough."

"I have never been rejected by women in my entire life." Billy softly shook his head


When Gabby returned to class, Angela and Lauren immediately approached her and asked questions that made Gabby's head dizzy.

"Are you alright?"

"They don't dare touch you, do they?"

"If they touch you, I'll report them to the counseling teacher!"

Gabby looked at them and smiled faintly, "I'm fine, Billy wanted to talk to me for a moment."

Relieved to hear Gabby's answer, the two friends then left her and returned to their respective seats. As Gabby sat in her chair, she felt an eye had been watching her from earlier. She turned her head to find Michael looking at her with a curious gaze.

"I am fine." Gabby answered with a chuckle.

Michael wasn't sure about the woman's answer and told her to stand up so he could make sure Gabby was really alright. The girl followed him while rolling her eyes.

After Michael was sure that there was no wound on the woman's body he told Gabby to come back to sit beside him, "Don't get hurt." Michael said quietly, so quietly that Gabby thought she was hallucinating.

"I know." Gabby replied, nodding her head. She then took out her lunch and ate the bread in it, "You know I can do karate, right? So you take it easy, I can take care of myself."

Hearing that answer made Michael blink his eyes and then looked away from Gabby.


Billy made Jeremy promise to always follow Gabby at school and keep him updated about what the girl was up to during the day. Even when Gabby went to the toilet, Jeremy would be waiting for her outside.

At first, Gabby just let him be and hoped Jeremy would stop following her. But when she went to the canteen, Billy and Jeremy still trailed behind her, as if they were her bodyguards.

"What do you want?!" Gabby shouted impatiently.

Billy, first time escorting a woman who'd violently beaten him, walked back one step. The man saw the flames in Gabby's eyes, then immediately looked away.

"I-I ... I want you to be my new boss, please teach me Karate." Billy stuttered, his face and ears flushed red as he looked back at Gabby's face.

"I don't want to teach you karate." Gabby replied curtly, her hands folded across her chest, "Just find someone else to teach you."

"I want you to teach me!" Shouted the man. Feeling tired by the boy's whining in front of her, Gabby exhaled a deep breath and replied, "I said I didn't want to teach you karate! Go now! If you bother me again, I'll beat you up!"

"Just hit me now!" Billy exclaimed loudly, his face flushed as he said that.

'Wow, this guy's crazy.' Gabby thought to herself.

Jeremy, who had been standing behind Billy, almost fell backwards when he heard his boss's words. He looked at the back of his boss's head in disbelief. Jeremy was 100 percent sure that his boss was currently possessed by a demon.

Having heard enough of the man's nonsense, Gabby turned around and left them without saying anything. As Gabby walked away she heard Billy shout, "I won't give up! I will always wait for you—"

Ignoring what Billy said, the woman walked faster and faster toward the class. Arriving in the classroom, Gabby saw only Michael and her two classmates.

Gabby stepped over to her desk and sat down next to Michael. She looked at the man's face and said, "Looks like Billy's braindead! I'm fed up with him."


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