Don't ignore me

"Billy said he wanted me to be the boss of the Black Snake gang and teach him Karate. Has he lost his mind?" Gabby said furiously.

Michael was idling as he patiently listened to her, "I should have told him to go to the hospital and do a CT scan." She continued and looked into Michael's eyes seriously, "Next time you get bullied I'll finish him off."

Gabby's mouth had never stopped talking about Billy. Billy this Billy that, that what made Michael feel bad. Finally, he only let the girl rant and did not say a word.

After a while, Gabby felt something was strange and asked Michael, "Husband, do you hear me?" She tugged at the boy's right arm, trying to tease him.

Michael looked at the girl's little hand on his arm then took it off and turned his gaze to the book on his desk. Gabby thought, 'Is he having a problem?'

Since then, Michael didn't invite Gabby to talk at all. The girl felt that something was really wrong with Michael because he usually talked to her first, whether it was about his piano practice yesterday or even about what Adam cooked for him last night.

Gabby even took the initiative to ask Michael to talk, but she didn't get a reply. After Gabby felt ignored by the man, she pointed at Michael and shouted, "Alright! Ignore me at will! I will also ignore you!"

Startled by Gabby's screams, Michael lowered his head then folded his hands on the table and slept facing the classroom window. Annoyed at being ignored, Gabby walked out of the classroom, not forgetting to pound the table softly and then leave the boy alone.

When Gabby came home from school, she immediately took her bag and walked over to Angela and Lauren's desk, "Let's go home together!" She demanded loudly on purpose for Michael to hear.

Angela and Lauren looked at each other, then asked, glancing at the seated Michael, "Don't you usually come home with Michael?"

"Today I want to go home with you, can I?" Gabby replied.

"Eh... Yes, of course, wait a minute." Lauren replied with uncertainty, they then put all the books on the table into their bags.

Gabby had always loved keeping her word, and today she promised to ignore Michael. After Angel and Lauren finished stuffing their books into their bags, Gabby stood in the middle of them and walked out of the classroom, hugging their shoulders.

After Michael saw from the corner of his eye that Gabby had left the classroom, he let out a long sigh. He hadn't understood what the feelings in his heart were called.

At the school gate, Gabby, Angel, and Lauren separated because the two girls still wanted to eat at the depot in front of the school. Actually, Gabby had been invited to come to eat with them, but the girl refused because she was still full and wanted to go home.

Gabby's eyes widened in surprise when she saw her father's car parked not far from the school gate. She walked closer to the car and was immediately greeted by her father who was still wearing his work clothes.

"Father? Why are you here?" Gabby asked when she was already in the car.

The reason Daniel picked up his daughter today was that he wanted to separate Michael from her daughter for once. All this time he always saw Gabby spending time with the boy.

With a curious tone he asked, "Is Michael not attending school today? Father wants to invite you to eat together."

Hearing Michael's name made Gabby want to curse the boy. She looked away and faced the window and said, "Let's go home quickly, I'm so hungry."

"Okay! Father will make you the most delicious food." Her father said with enthusiasm. He happily thought, 'Is this a sign that Gabby and Michael will cancel their wedding plan?'

Of course Daniel saw Michael coming out of the school gate which made him rush on the gas, afraid that his daughter would see Michael and take her home together.

Arriving at the house, Agnes saw her husband and daughter walking into the house without any sign of the presence of her future son-in-law. She closed her laptop and frowned, "How come you guys came home together?" She looked at Gabby, "Where's Michael?"

"To hell with that boy! Never say his name in front of me again!" Gabby replied, frowning. She then walked up the stairs and left her parents confused with her attitude.

"Ah ..." After seeing her daughter leave the living room, Agnes looked at her husband and asked, "Hey, do you think there is a problem between Gabby and Michael?"

Daniel grabbed his nape and replied in a flat tone, "How do I know? But I know for sure if Michael is wrong. it looks like he can't be the future husband for our child."

After saying that, Daniel left Agnes alone and went to his room to change into the house clothes. Agnes frowned and thought that it was impossible for Michael to make a fatal mistake.

No matter what happened, Michael would still be her future son-in-law. Without thinking for a long time Agnes stepped into Gabby's room then opened the door slowly.

Upon entering her daughter's room, she was immediately greeted by Gabby's light brown wall, the white curtains blown by the wind slowly. She saw her daughter sleeping with her back on the bed.

If Agnes wasn't curious to death, she would probably scold her daughter because her room looked like a broken ship, the floor was covered with books and some dirty clothes. Agnes exhaled and walked cautiously towards her daughter's bed.

"Gabby." Called her mother slowly.

Gabby turned around and sat hugging her bent legs when she found out that her mother was sitting in the corner of her bed, "What is it mom?"

Her mother sat over and stroked Gabby's arm and asked, "I'm just wondering, are you and Michael fighting?"

"He shut me out during school." Gabby replied, pursing her lips.

Hearing her daughter's answer made her raise her eyebrows, "Shut you out? Why did he do that?" Agnes asked.

Gabby hugged her legs tighter, looked at her mother's face and replied, "There is a boy at school who always follows me because he wants to make me the boss of his gang. I refused and the boy finally asked me to teach him karate, which of course I refused. .When I came back to class and told Michael about it, he ignored me."

Gabby exhaled and continued, "He didn't pay attention to me, I felt so angry that I shushed him back and finally came home from school with dad."

Her mother saw Gabby's angry face and laughed loudly. She did not think that her quiet and cold future son-in-law could be jealous. Seeing her mother laughing made Gabby feel confused, she frowned, "It's not funny mom!"

"Hahaha" Her mother tried to stop laughing and then saw Gabby's face with a smile, "You really don't know the reason why Michael didn't talk to you?"

"Yes, I really don't know."

"Ouch, are you stupid or what?" Her mother muttered, she then ruffled her daughter's hair slowly, "Michael is your future husband, obviously he feels jealous! If you see other women approaching him do you feel happy?"

"Yes, I certainly don't feel happy, Mom!" Gabby answered seriously. Remembering that Michael had lunch with Elizabeth the other day made her feel angry.

"Well, you have the answer, right? You shouldn't have told about other guys in front of Michael. Before the sky gets dark, hurry up to his house and apologize." Said her mother as she stood up and straightened her back.

Gabby was silent. What her mother said felt oddly right in her ears. She thought for a moment, then looked at her mother before going out of her warm bed and said, " Mom, I'll go to Michael's house first."

"Please, be careful." Her mother waved her hand, then shook her head when the child was not in the room, "Ha .. Why are those two teenagers so stupid? It's clear they like each other."


Daniel was humming happily while slicing chicken in the kitchen when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. The sound was so loud as if he thought there was a pig in his house.

He quickly ran outside with a kitchen knife and saw that it was his daughter who was running. Daniel saw Gabby dashed towards the exit without paying attention to him.

"Hey! Where are you going? Father is making—" He shouted.

Not finished asking, Daniel already heard the door slamming.


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