Trash guy

Michael's heart ached when he heard Gabby's answer. The man looked at Gabby's hand, "Then don't be angry, I'll come back here."

"You don't have to go home either." Gabby shook her head and tried to smile, "You can go anywhere without telling me. Have a nice holiday, goodbye."

Having said that, Gabby hurriedly left Michael alone. She heard Michael call her name but she didn't turn her head. Gabby kept walking briskly toward her house. Raindrops and tears blurred the girl's vision.


Arriving at the house, Gabby did not say hello to her parents. She ran up the stairs and slammed her bedroom's door.

Seeing his daughter's frantic attitude made Daniel think, 'Did Gabby and Michael fight?' If so, his heart felt relieved. He thought maybe this was a sign. A sign that his daughter didn't match with Michael.

Daniel stopped his wife, who looked like she wanted to scream at Gabby. Daniel grabbed Agnes' wrist and looked into her eyes, "Looks like our daughter is fighting with Michael again."

"Fighting?" Agnes raised both eyebrows, "I wonder why?"

Daniel shrugged his shoulders and then stroked the back of his neck, "I don't know, I told you that men are not good for our child."

"Never mind, you shut up." Agnes pushed her husband's shoulder lightly, "If you say nonsense like that again, I'll stop feeding you." She then left Daniel and walked towards Gabby's room.

Agnes slowly opened the door to her daughter's room and saw the floor was wet. She frowned and walked over to Gabby's bed. Agnes hoped that her child had changed into her home clothes.

"Gabby?" Asked her mother softly, "Hey, I want to talk to you."

Agnes patted Gabby's body which was covered with a blanket. When she didn't receive a reply from her daughter, Agnes snorted in annoyance and then threatened Gabby in a cold voice.

"If you don't look at me in three seconds I will cut your pocket money." Agnes pulled the blanket that covered her daughter's body.

Hearing threats from her mother made Gabby lower her blanket. The girl turned and showed her red face. Her cheeks were filled with tears and her nose was red. Her slightly wet hair looked disheveled.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Agnes grabbed Gabby's shoulder. She raised her hand and then wiped the tears on her daughter's cheeks.

"Mother ..." Gabby's lips quivered, "Michael is going back to America."

"Back to America?" Agnes's hands felt weak, "When did he say that? He returned to Indonesia, right?"

"I-I," Gabby sobbed and then continued, "I don't know, Mom. Earlier when he came home from school he told me."

Gabby didn't let her mother talk, "That man is trash! I won't trust men anymore." Tears continued to flow from the girl's eyes.

Agnes frowned, she felt even sadder than her daughter. Maybe her child was sad because she was afraid of losing her friend. Meanwhile, she was sad because her future son-in-law left her!

If Agnes lost Michael, maybe she would cry even louder than Gabby. Michael might find a woman prettier than Gabby in America. Michael would forget about Gabby and choose the woman. Then they would get married and live happily. Agnes didn't want that!

Being silent and doing nothing made Agnes even more concerned. She quickly rose from the bed, "Mother will talk to Michael."

"Don't!" Gabby held her mother's hand, "If you see him I'll hate you!"

"Gabby..." Her mother stroked her hair. She lifted her hand when she felt Gabby's hair slightly damp. Agnes walked to the cupboard and got a towel.

Gabby wiped her tears, "He doesn't want me, I don't want him either." The girl took a towel from her mother and then pulled her blanket as she laid her body, "I have lots of friends, I don't need him!"

Agnes sighed when she saw Gabby's body covered with a blanket. She picked up her daughter's uniform which was scattered on the floor. She watched Gabby for a moment and then closed the door quietly.


Michael rarely smiled these days, his face looked cold again like before. After Michael and Gabby had an argument, the man wanted to go to Gabby's house and apologize. But he was afraid that his apology would be rejected, so Michael threw away the idea.

Adam was busy taking care of visas, plane tickets and the others when he realized something was wrong with Michael. The thing that worried Adam the most was Michael's small portion of food. The boy only ate two spoons and then said that he was full.

Another thing he realized was that he rarely saw Gabby visiting. Usually, the girl was in the music room with Michael almost everyday. Were they fighting?

"I am full." Michael put down the spoon and left the dining room.

"Ah, young master..." Adam adjusted his jacket and rushed to follow Michael.

The blinds in Michael's room were closed causing the room to go dark. Adam opened the door wider and scanned Michael's room with his eyes. And of course he saw Michael sitting on the bed.

"Young master." Adam walked carefully to Michael.

Michael looked up and frowned, "Get out."

"Young master, forgive me," Adam paused, "Are you having an argument with Miss Gabby? If yes, do I need to see Miss Gabby?"

"Don't!" Michael shook his head, "Don't go to her."

If Michael or Adam went to Gabby's house now, maybe she would hate him even more.

Adam sighed, "Young master, we are leaving in two days. You will stay in America for two weeks. If Young Master doesn't apologize, maybe Miss Gabby will forget about Young Master. "

Like a sharp knife, Adam's words pierced and then tore into Michael's heart. His biggest fear was that Gabby wouldn't forgive him. He was afraid Gabby would go and left him alone.

"Never mind, forget it." Michael lowered his head.


When Gabby came alone to the basketball court the next day, she was greeted by Steven. The man walked up to Gabby with a curious face, frowning.

"Oi, where's your husband?" Steven asked when he didn't see Michael around.

Gabby took off her jacket and put it on the long wooden chair. Her face was grim and her eye bags were dark. Last night, Gabby could only go to bed at eleven at night and wake up at three in the morning. The woman looked down and took her drinking bottle.

"I don't want to play basketball with him anymore." Gabby closed the bottle.

"Oh." Steven nodded his head, afraid to ask a longer question, "Let's warm up."

When they were warming up, Steven suddenly saw a familiar figure. The man nudged Gabby's arm, "Hey, your husband is standing there."

Hearing that made Gabby stand straighter. She folded her arms and then looked away from the floor, "Don't look! Let him be."

"But he looks sad." Steven grabbed Gabby's hand, "Are you guys fighting?"

"That's none of your business ok?" Gabby freed her hand. "Come on, you said you wanna play?"


After they finished playing, Gabby could still feel Michael's eyes following her movements. She could feel Michael watching her from the start. But the girl insisted not to give him any attention. Gabby opened her bag and took out a small towel.

"He's still there." Steven whispered, he then drank the water from the bottle.

Gabby pretended not to hear it and still wiped the sweat off her face. It wasn't long before Steven grabbed her arm and whispered again.

"He's walking this way." Steven released his grip, "I'll give you some alone time."

Not having time to answer, Gabby could hear Steven's voice greeting Michael. Steven walked away from him and tapped Michael on the shoulder.

"Keep your spirits up." Steven said as he approached Michael.

Michael just nodded his head and walked over to Gabby. His head felt dizzy and his eyes were heavy, the man couldn't sleep last night. His mind was filled with Gabby and her smile.

Suddenly, Gabby felt warm. The woman could feel two hands pulling her back. Gabby lowered her head and could see two hands wrapped around her waist. The girl sighed and tried to release the boy's embrace.

"Gabby, I'm not going to take my hug off until you forgive me." Michael's breath was cold against Gabby's ears. The man clenched his hands as he felt Gabby trying to break off his embrace.