We're good, right?

"Let me go." Gabby gripped Michael's hand, "If you don't let me go, I'm going to get even angrier."

"Then don't ignore me." Michael softly said, his voice sounded very low.

Before she had time to reply, Gabby could feel her shoulders getting wet. The girl turned around and saw Michael crying on her shoulder. The boy's tears continued to stream, like a leaky faucet.

Feeling sorry, Gabby finally turned around. She could feel Michael loosening his arms. His face was pale, his lips trembled and his hair was messy. Gabby held Michael's cheek lightly and then wiped his tears.

Gabby bit her lower lip and then parted the hair that was blocking Michael's face, "You will definitely come back, right?"

"Of course." Michael closed his eyes, "I'll go to college and work here."

"We will definitely keep in touch right?" Gabby asked incredulously.

"Certainly!" Michael nodded his head, "I'll send you messages every day."

Gabby smiled when she heard Michael's answer, her hand wrinkling the frown on the man's brow, "Don't forget that every day you have to send your photo."

"Yes, I will definitely do that." Michael smiled back at Gabby. His hands were still wrapped around the girl's waist.

"Good." Gabby looked at Michael's shirt and realized he was still wearing his pajamas. She frowned and then gently pushed Michael's shoulder, "Why are you still wearing your pajamas?"

Michael took his hand off Gabby's waist, then took a step back as he lowered his head, "Oh, this..." The boy then looked at Gabby's face, "No wonder Adam gave me a strange look."

"Then hurry home." Gabby chuckled as she saw Michael's expression, "You'll be cold! Hurry home and change clothes."

Michael saw Gabby's eyes and hugged her back. The man tightened his embrace and then let out a sigh of relief, "We're good, right?"

"Of course," Gabby returned the boy's hug, her chin resting on Michael's shoulder, "We're good."


"You mean you can make a snowman over there." Gabby pursed her lips, feeling a little jealous.

"Hmm," Michael nodded his head, "Not very good, but not bad."

As a child, Michael always played in the snow with Adam. The man always helped Michael build a snowman. Even Adam also taught him to ski. Nobody knew Adam could ski before.

Seeing the change in Gabby's expression made Michael feel awkward. He took Gabby's hand and then waved, "Why? Are you jealous?" Michael teased.

"No way! No!" Gabby looked at Michael's face, "Why should I be jealous of you?"

"Yes, maybe you've never seen snow before." Michael shrugged his shoulders. It didn't take long before he lost his balance when Gabby pushed herself aside.

"I've never seen snow!" Gabby could feel Michael's warm hand back on hers.

"Should I bring home snow later?" Michael smiled as he watched Gabby frown, "Ok, I can't take it home. But I can take a lot of videos."

"Yes! Don't forget to send it to me!" Gabby waved their hands.

"Ouch, my future wife is so tacky." Michael teased.

"Ha ha ha" Gabby laughed sarcastically, "Just keep it tacky." The girl stuck out her tongue.

After Michael changed into warmer clothes, they decided to walk around the housing complex. Even though the sky was already dark because of the cloudy weather, none of them brought an umbrella.

"You know," Michael looked at Gabby's face, "I'll take you on a trip out of the country sometime."

"If I don't want to?" Gabby teased.

"Yes, of course you do." Michael looked away, "As I said earlier, you are tacky."

Michael laughed loudly at the sight of Gabby's flushed face. The girl removed Michael's hand and folded her arms. Her forehead creased and her lips pursed.

"I took my words earlier—we are not good." Gabby snorted in annoyance.

"Hahaha," Michael stopped his steps and then turned to Gabby, "Don't be angry, I'm just kidding."

Gabby rolled her eyes and then grimaced in pain as Michael pinched her cheek, "Ouch, it hurts!"

Suddenly, it rained heavily when Gabby caught Michael's hand. They quickly covered their heads and ran into the shade. Michael ran ahead of Gabby and turned and smiled mockingly at her.

"Ouch!" Michael shouted.

Michael was too busy flirting with Gabby that he didn't see the rock in front of him. The boy tripped over a rock, causing him to fall forward. With reflex the boy's hand held his body.

Gabby laughed out loud when she saw Michael fall. The woman ran over to Michael and helped him up. Gabby took Michael's hand and looked at it. When there was no cut or scratch she mocked Michael.

"So don't be arrogant." Gabby pushed Michael's shoulder lightly.

"Let's go." Michael ran again, "Let's hurry home, the rain is getting heavier!"


Time seemed to pass so fast, the day for Michael's departure to America finally came. Michael did not bring much clothes and only carried a small suitcase. Nearly all of his winter clothes were in his parents' home in America.

"Young master." Adam knocked softly on Michael's room.

"Yes, just come in." Michael closed the trunk, "I'm done."

He could hear Adam's footsteps approaching. He then turned his head and handed his suitcase to Adam. After Adam confirmed that Michael's suitcase was locked, he picked it up.

"Is everything ready, young master?" Adam asked.

Michael's eyes circled his room and then his eyes were fixed on the table near his bed. The man walked over, took the gloves Gabby had given him and put them on.

"That's all." Michael replied.

Adam nodded his head, turned around and walked away from Michael. Once again the man's eyes circled the room, making sure that nothing was left behind. Michael turned around and walked out to follow Adam.

The smile on Michael's face expanded as he saw a familiar figure sitting on his sofa. The man walked over and grabbed Gabby's shoulder. When Gabby turned around, Michael could see her lips were trembling.

"Oh," Gabby wiped her tears, "Hi."

"Hi." Michael stepped out and sat down next to Gabby.

"Oh my, are you sad because I'm leaving?" Michael teased, the boy was trying to make Gabby smile.

But Gabby didn't smile. Instead, when she heard Michael's teasing, Gabby's tears came back. The girl then looked away and then wiped her tears quickly.

"Geez," Gabby saw Michael's face, "Your house is so filthy that I am twitching."

Michael smiled a little and then pulled Gabby closer. Without thinking, the boy hugged Gabby tightly. He stroked Gabby's back as he felt her body tremble.

"Stop crying," Michael whispered, "You know what, if you cry your face looks like a monkey."

Gabby snorted and then tightened her arms, "Don't be so loud! I'm sad again."

Suddenly, there was a hand forcefully releasing their embrace. Michael looked up and was greeted by his nightmare—Gabby's father. Michael quickly stood up and rubbed his hands on his jeans.

"Good morning." Michael smiled nervously.

"What are you doing hugging my child?" Gabby's father frowned.

Before Michael even had the time to reply, Gabby's mother suddenly interrupted them, "Daniel! What are you doing?!"

"They are hugging!" Gabby's father sighed, "Of course I separated them!"

His wife then stood beside Michael and folded her arms, "You're always like that! Gabby is all grown up!" The woman looked at Michael, "And this Michael is also her future husband!"

"It's always about the future husband." Gabby's dad grumbled. The man walked over and sat down next to Gabby.

"Ah, excuse me." Adam adjusted his jacket, "Sorry to disturb, but it is time for the young master to leave."

Hearing that made Gabby's mom turn around and hug her future son-in-law tightly, "Have a safe flight, michael." The woman patted Michael on the back, "And don't forget us."

"Of course, auntie." Michael returned her hug.

Gabby's mother released her hug and looked at her husband, "Let Gabby hug Michael."

Without waiting for her father's approval, Gabby walked over. The girl tried to smile and then hugged Michael tightly. Gabby let go of her arms when she heard her father cough lightly.

"Don't forget to send a message to me." Gabby told him.

"Yes, I'll definitely do it." Michael nodded his head, "If necessary, I'll send you a picture of my face every day."

It wasn't Gabby who was laughing, but her mother. She clapped her hands together then shook her head.

"Ah, young love." Gabby's mother teased.

"Never mind." Said Gabby's father, "Adam's been waiting for him to leave for a long time."

Michael nodded his head once more then straightened his jacket, "Then, I'll be going first."

"Alright." Gabby's mother touched his shoulder, "Be careful on your way."

Michael nodded his head then turned his gaze to Gabby. The girl had been trying hard to hold back her tears. The boy smiled then hugged her once more.

"Wait for me." Michael whispered, "I'll be right back."