Michael's Birthday Party (2)

Michael wore a white coat with a black shirt. With his hair slicked back, the boy looked like a prince. Michael hurried down the stairs and stood before Gabby.

"Good afternoon." Michael bowed to Gabby's mom and dad, "Thanks for coming."

Daniel folded his arms and snorted softly, "Don't pretend to be kind."

Michael blinked his eyes many times, was there something wrong with his words?

"Do not talk too much!" Agnes glared at her husband, the woman then looked at Michael and smiled kindly, "Don't mind him. Happy birthday, Michael."

Agnes handed a gift into Michael's hand, "Auntie, don't bother." The boy then took it in his right hand, "Thank you auntie."

Michael then glanced at his watch, "Oh by the way please have a seat." Michael pointed to the table near the stage, "The party will start soon."

"Where will you sit?" Agnes asked, her eyes catching the table Michael had pointed to.

Michael bit his lower lip and his cheeks flushed, "Oh, I'll be on my way later."

"Okay!" Agnes clapped a little, "We'll sit at the table near the stage and wait for you!"

Michael nodded his head then turned his gaze to Gabby. The boy looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped his intentions.

"Gabby, come on!" Agnes invited with enthusiasm.

"Yes, yes mom." Gabby smiled sweetly at Michael and then went after her mother.

At exactly six in the evening the party started. A host appeared on the stage wearing formal clothes. The emcee informed him that after this, Michael would appear on stage with his parents. They would perform a song composed by Michael's mother.

Suddenly, the lights on the stage became dim. Brenda was wearing the same dress as before, except that it was light purple now. The woman sat with a cello between her legs.

While Mark was wearing a black coat, his hand was holding a baton stick. Next to Brenda, Michael was sitting on the piano chair. His gaze travelled around the audience and then looked at the piano keys.

They looked like the perfect family.

Mark smiled at his wife and then Michael, not long after he raised his baton stick. Brenda smiled broadly and began to play elegantly. Almost at the same time, Michael played his piano.

The combination of cello and the piano being played gave off a melodious sound. Like little singing birds or a gentle flowing fountain. The three people on the stage seemed to work together to make the entire audience feel calm.

"What a beautiful appearance." Agnes closed her eyes, her chin supported by her right hand.

'What's so good about them? They're not living as a harmonious family.' Daniel thought to himself.

At the end of the song, Mark put down his baton stick. The man walked over to Brenda, grabbed her waist and then took Michael's hand. The three of them smiled broadly then bowed their bodies.

The entire audience applauded happily. The emcees returned to their feet on the stage, giving them their compliments. The faces of the three people were radiant, as if they had no problem.

"Thank you for coming to our son's birthday party!" Brenda smiled broadly, "Thank you again."

After they got off the stage, Mark and Brenda were greeted by some of their friends. The couple drank red wine and hugged each other. Only the two of them knew that the affection they were showing was for Michael's good.

After Michael's family's music performance, a band entered the stage and replaced them. Again, there were voices of people talking and laughing. There were also voices of children crying and whining to go home.

When Gabby took a meal, the girl couldn't see where Michael was. Feelings of disappointment rose inside her, so she took her food quickly and then returned to her seat.

At the end of the program, at half past nine in the evening, the main event finally made its entry— the cake-cutting. The two waitresses brought a large birthday cake. On top of the cake were eighteen lit candles.

"Michael, make a wish." Brenda adjusted her son's hair.

From earlier, Michael's eyes were around his busy garden. He was busy looking for Gabby and her family. When the man could find them, he closed his eyes and made a wish.

A few seconds later, Michael opened his eyes and blew out the candle. There was a sound of clapping as the man took a knife and cut his birthday cake.

"Oh, I can't see anything." Agnes protested. The woman looked up and still couldn't see Michael.

"They just look like they don't want to accept us." Daniel frowned, "Let's go home."

"What's that nonsense?" Agnes chuckled irritably, "We don't meet Michael's family so often, of course we don't seem close!"

"Yeah, but they don't seem to like us." Daniel said. Since the incident with Brenda who did not want to talk to his wife, the man wanted to go home quickly.

Gabby watched her parents who had been unable to stop fighting. The girl looked away, lowered her face and then played with the skirt she was wearing. The material was smooth, but it's just a skirt. And Gabby didn't like skirts.

"Michael?" His mother's voice sounded startled.

Gabby looked up and saw Michael walking over. Both hands carried pieces of birthday cake. Gabby adjusted her seat and smoothed her hair.

Because she was not used to being seen by many people, Agnes's face turned red. She received a cake from Michael and then asked, "Why did you come here Michael? You can just give it to someone else."

"I want to give this to you." Michael smiled then looked at Gabby, "Wait a minute, okay, I'll take yours first."

"Ah," Hearing that touched Agnes's heart. She grabbed her chest, "Thank you."

"No problem auntie." Michael nodded his head.

Michael looked back at Gabby who was looking at her parents' piece of cake, "Wait, okay."

"Hmm." Gabby nodded her head quickly. Suddenly, the girl felt hungry when she saw a piece of birthday cake belonging to her parents.

Michael chuckled then turned around, walked back to the center of the room. Even though the man was seen by the crowd, Michael still casually cut his birthday cake. He put fruit on top of the cake slice for Gabby.

Behind Michael, Brenda was standing observing Agnes' family. Brenda felt she rarely saw her son smile. But when Michael talked to Agnes' family, a smile always adorned the boy's face.

"Eat slowly." Michael put a paper plate in front of Gabby.

Gabby quickly picked up a fork and devoured the cake. When the cake was in her mouth, Gabby closed her eyes. 'How sweet!' She thought.

Seeing her child eating like a hungry person made Agnes embarrassed. Even though Gabby had eaten a lot earlier, why was she still hungry? Agnes covered her face with her hands, trying not to look at Gabby's face.

"Ouch." Michael wiped the corner of Gabby's lips with his hand, "Told you to eat slow."

After Gabby finished the piece of cake from Michael, the boy asked Gabby to take a walk. Michael grabbed Gabby's hand to line up for food, and the girl happily followed him.

Daniel and Agnes remained in their seats, finishing the cake from Michael. Suddenly, Agnes smelled a strange perfume. She turned her head and found Brenda standing behind her. The woman was still wearing the light purple dress. From up close Agnes could see that Brenda really looked elegant.

"Ah, Mrs. Brenda, why did you come here?" Agnes looked shocked, not expecting Michael's mother to be standing in front of her.

When Daniel saw the woman, he immediately became furious. The man pointed at Brenda, "What are you doing here? We don't want to talk to you!"

Hearing that made Agnes' eyes widen in shock. She stepped on her husband's feet with her high heels.

Brenda smiled sweetly, ignoring Daniel's words, and looked at Agnes, "Can we talk for a moment?"

Brenda took Agnes to the end of the garden where there were hardly any people. Agnes was standing nervously beside Brenda, her hands couldn't stop sweating.

"What can I do madame?" Agnes asked formally.

Brenda folded her arms across her chest and raised her right eyebrow, "Why does it have to be so formal?"

"Oh, sorry I thought ..." Agnes felt embarrassed, she turned her face and saw the flower next to her.

Brenda lowered her face, watching her black heels, she whispered, "Mark and I don't have a good relationship. It means we are very busy with our own world. Since Michael was born we never gave him enough attention."

Agnes nodded her head slowly, trying to digest Brenda's words.

"Mark and I certainly can't give up our jobs," Brenda continued, "Being a father or mother and having a job that takes twenty-four hours leaves us no time to be with Michael."

Brenda looked at Agnes's face, tried to smile, "Your family is the first family that can make Michael smile. Please take care of our child, I beg you."