Step over our corpses first

"Don't bother auntie! I'll buy it!" Stefan said with enthusiasm.

Before Momo could reply to Stefan's suggestion, the boy had turned around and walked out of the room. He rushed to the hospital canteen. Luckily, he brought extra money today.

That night, Stefan bought 10 kinds of food, but Momo didn't want to eat any of it. She didn't even want to have a bite. Finally, Momo's mother had to force her and feed her daughter.

"Eat." Momo's mother ordered while bringing the spoon to Momo's lips. Momo chuckled in annoyance and complied with her mother's request.


After the incident that day, Stefan always visited Momo's house. Even though Momo always refused him to come inside, Stefan still insisted on going to her house. Without the slightest feeling of embarrassment the boy introduced himself as Momo's future husband when the security guard asked.