Go sleep at Michael's house!

Gabby was fast asleep on the velvet carpet. Michael guaranteed that the girl would not wake up anytime soon. He crouched down and touched Gabby's arm.

"Hey, wake up." Michael corrected Gabby's hair, "Don't sleep on the carpet. You'll get sick later."

"Come on, let's get up." Michael shook Gabby, "I've brought you this orange juice."

"Go away." Gabby opened her eyes, her forehead creased, "I'm so sleepy."

Michael sighed. He had no other choice but to stand up. He looked at the clock in his room and decided to let Gabby take a nap. The time showed it was 11.

Michael frowned as he realized Gabby's parents hadn't told her to come home. Wasn't it nearly midnight? Weren't Gabby's parents worried about their child?

As Michael took a deep breath, he could smell the orange juice filling his room. The man walked over to his desk and went back to studying. Silence enveloped the boy's room, sometimes with the sound of the page turning.