Are you avoiding me?

"Jeez!" Michael shouted. He accidentally dropped his cellphone onto the asphalt road.

"Sorry, Sorry." Gabby laughed as she picked up the boy's cell phone.

"It's okay, just relax." Michael said as he took his cellphone from Gabby's hand. He put it in his trouser pocket and looked down.

"What's wrong with you?" Gabby also looked down, "Do you see anything here?"

"Nothing." The boy's face flushed red as he realized Gabby was looking at him, "Let's go now. Looks like we're late."

"Oh, yeah!" Gabby hurriedly put on her helmet and waited for Michael to sit on his motorbike.

Michael's face turned red when he saw Gabby wrapped her hands around his waist. The man took a deep breath and started the engine.

Arriving at school, Michael quickly turned off his bike's engine, "Come on."