Hiding in the boys' toilet

"We're cool, okay?" Michael replied without looking at Gabby's face.

"If we're okay, look at me now." Gabby ordered him. She walked over and grabbed Michael by the collar.

"Ouch!" The taller boy was brought down to match the girl's height. He took a deep breath, "Don't pull on my shirt, what if someone sees us?"

"Look at me first." Gabby exclaimed, bringing her face closer to Michael's.

"Jeez." Michael shook his head as he removed Gabby's hand from his collar and straightened his back. The boy adjusted his clothes and pulled Gabby's hand into one of the men's rooms.

"Why don't you want to see me anyway?" Gabby grumbled as she followed Michael's steps. She didn't think of anything and just let Michael take her hand away.