Hey, what are you looking at?

Amelia glared at her classmate's face. The students in this class knew that she disliked Gabby. And now her fellow classmate talked to Gabby? She couldn't bear the embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry." The man raised his glasses, "I won't talk or teach Gabby anymore."

Amelia sighed and looked away. She turned and saw Gabby's head down. The girl looked serious about working on the problems in her book.

"You all prefer Gabby to me. Now you are united and trying to corner me, right?" Amelia grunted in a low voice before looking away. She played with the hand that was on her thigh and pursed her lips.

"Amelia, it's not what you think." The boy touched Amelia's shoulder, "I only like you, I don't like Gabby."

The corner of Amelia's mouth pulled upward when she heard that. But when she looked up, her expression was sad. She sighed again and turned her head, looking at the school scene from the classroom's window.