I saw the angel of death!

"Hey! You were the one asked to bring this, not me!" Billy shouted as he watched Michael walk away.


After morning practice was over, Billy entered his class. The boy carried his white sneakers in his right hand. He sat in front of Gabby and looked at her attentively.

"Gabby, what do you want to eat?" Billy put his hand on Gabby's table. "I'll treat you,"

"Why do you ask me that?" Gabby asked.

"I told you earlier that I wanted to take you to lunch," Billy shrugged. "Come on hurry up, I'm so hungry,"

"If you're hungry, just eat by yourself in the cafeteria," Gabby frowned. "You're not my close friend so I don't want to eat with you,"

Gabby put the pen on the table and glared at Billy's face. She hoped the angel of death would come and keep Billy away from her life. It sounded cruel but she was really fed up with Billy.

"Gabby," Michael turned his head. "Let's eat, I'm hungry,"