Throw away your dreams!

"Oh yeah! I also got 300 thousand earlier!" Gabby continued enthusiastically.

"You didn't drop out of the race?" Daniel read Gabby's certificate. "Wow, it's okay, dad is proud of you! So you won the 1500 meter race huh?"

"My daughter is really great!" Daniel turned his head, looked at the sofa in the living room. "Honey! Hurry over here and see this. Our daughter won first place!"

Agnes lazily walked over to them. The woman took the certificate from Daniel's hand and read it. Before she had time to finish reading the certificate, Gabby opened her mouth again.

"Look at this mom, I even got money too!" Gabby exclaimed.

Agnes was seen whispering something but Gabby couldn't hear it. The woman rumpled the certificate and threw it aside. Gabby watched in shock as her certificate fell on the floor.

"Mom…" Gabby whispered.