Everything will be alright

The few remaining people from the crowd looked at the source of the sound. Even the man's hand stopped midair, then his eyes searched for the owner of the voice. Their eyes then shifted toward a small girl glaring at the old man.

Kristina, who was still lying on the road, also looked up. The girl's eyes widened in shock when she saw Gabby. She was shocked to see her interprovincial opponent there.

"Hey brat, don't interfere with other family matters, okay? Stop meddling in others' business and mind your own," the old man snapped.


Gabby dropped her jaw when she heard that. She wanted to walk over and scream in the man's ear that she was 19 years old. 

"Don't hold me back," Gabby glanced at Momo, she then walked over.

"Who wants to hold her back?" Stefan whispered.

"Shh, don't be noisy!" Momo replied.