You have to go home?

Kristina bit her lower lip as the nurse gave medicine to her fresh wound. Sometimes she heard a grimace from her lips along with a frown that appeared in her forehead. As she looked up, she saw Gabby frowning too. With a smile, Kristina raised her hand and waved it in Gabby's face.

"Do you like drinking it that way? It's not good if it's not cold," Kristina said.

Gabby's lips formed an o, then she looked at the plastic cup in her hand. She brought the straw to her lips then drank it quickly. Less than 5 seconds later, she was choking on the boba bubbles.

"Ugh, slow down when you drink," Kristina laughed as she shook her head. "Anyway, it's better to throw it away if it's not good,"

"Uh," Gabby frowned. "It still tastes good. Even if it's not good, I'll still drink it. The price is expensive, so I have to finish it,"