I want to sleep at your house!

Gabby let go of Michael's hand and ran away. Every now and then she turned and pointed at Michael, frowning. The girl then stopped in front of a big tree and hugged it tightly.

"Please help! A pervert wants to kidnap me!" Gabby shouted.

The drunken girl's scream was extremely loud. Gabby's yelling certainly made several passersby stop walking. They shook their heads and pointed at Michael sometimes.

"Mother, father, I don't want to leave you!" Gabby pursed her lower lip, her eyes burning hot. "Police, police! Where are you guys, help me, someone wants to kidnap me..."

It wasn't just the pedestrians that stopped in their way and turned their heads toward her. Several security guards walking around the street also stopped. They hurriedly walked towards Michael while shouting.

"Hey, young man, stop there!"