Don't forget to use safety, OK!

"Young master!" Adam hurriedly unlocked the fence. "What's this?"

Michael tightened his grip on Gabby's leg. "SHe's drunk, please prepare a room and make vegetable soup,"

"Ah, alright," Adam replied.

Arriving at the guest room that Adam had prepared, Michael put Gabby's body on the bed slowly. The young man took off Gabby's shoes and then fixed her top that was showing her navel.

When Michael wanted to turn around and leave the room, he felt his hand being held. He turned his head and leaned forward, "What's wrong?"

Gabby blinked a few times. "Where are you going?"

"I just want to tell your mom that you're sleeping here," Michael replied.

He touched Gabby's hand and then removed his hand from hers. The boy stroked Gabby's hair, then straightened his back and pulled his cellphone from his pants pocket.