Watch horror movies together (1)

Michael was on ahead, slightly lowered his head and picked up Gabby's bag. He looked up and opened his lips, "Come on, you don't want to come down?"

"Oh," Gabby swallowed and then stood up, "Come on."

The two teenagers got off the bus and walked side by side in silence. 

The afternoon sun to the afternoon was warm. The sun's rays fell on the chairs on the street, the sidewalks, and the plain white T-shirt Michael was wearing. 

When Michael sensed that Gabby was not walking beside him, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned his head and frowned, "Why do you think it's so slow?"

The smooth outline of Michael's face, his black eyes, and the sun shining on the back of his head made Gabby squeeze. She blinked a few times, closed her mouth, and jogged toward Michael.

"Sorry, sorry, I was suddenly tired of walking." Gabby said.

Without stalling for any more time, Michael immediately took Gabby's hand.