Watch horror movies together (2)

Michael shook his head, looked away and focused on looking at the LCD screen in front of him. 

The corners of Gabby's lips lifted even more when she saw the words 'Danur 3: Sunyaruri'. He leaned his back on the sofa, turned his head again, and showed a broad smile.

"Michael, he said this film is a bit horror, but the storyline is really good," Gabby frowned, "But, you've never seen the first and the second, huh? Ah, it's okay, this movie is more horror- "

Gabby blinked a few times," I mean, this movie is better! "

Michael just nodded his head, and his expression looked lackluster.

The smile on Gabby's lips if possible widened and widened when she saw Michael's face. In fact, she increasingly has the desire to tease the man, "But not everyone can see this film, because it's so horror! So if you're scared, just say so, I promise I won't laugh! "

"Shh," Michael turned his head and raised his eyebrows, "The film's starting, keep quiet."