Did you and Michael have a fight?

"Oh, yeah, hahaha," Gabby rubbed her arm. "Today, umm, Michael was a little busy I guess? I saw him rushing out of the campus."

Gabby bit her lower lip, afraid that her mother would ask any further questions. Finally, she chose to run a little and climbed the stairs, "Mom, I'll study first."

"Ah?" Agnes' eyes followed Gabby's feet who took 2 steps at once. "Why are they both looking weird lately..."


"Young master." Adam greeted when he opened the fence.

Michael started the engine again and went into the garage. 

Feeling the cold aura that still enveloped the boy made Adam sigh. However, he couldn't do anything about it, nor could he ask what was on his mind.

Who would have thought that Gabby and Michael could have such a big fight when they were always seen clinging to each other?
