Rig had to say goodbye to Jordan. he left the town with his siblings. before leaving. he talked with everyone on Rig's family. he laughed with them. he had breakfast. there was a pure smile on his face and his siblings. he was so grateful for everything.
Rig felt sad because he knew he would never see Jordan again. but at the same time he was happy that Jordan a good guy, was out of this horrible town with dreadful mornings and lethal nights.
Jose Miguel is still affected by last night. he wasn't able to sleep properly. his wife came home while they were cleaning. he had to explained the best he could. his daughter was so affected she asked her mother. if she could sleep with them on their room.
this mourning Rig had to answer some questions to his mother and father. they both are worry and angry with him. Rig tried to explain things the best way possible.
that same day.
Samuel went back home. he is terrified. he knows that his two friends are now dead. he saw Rig taking the bodies inside of a car. Samuel takes a beer bottle. he smashed it on the wooden table. then with his right fist he hits the same table until he bleeds.
"I din't give up then. and I am sure like hell that I won't do it now. I will have his head on a stick in my backyard. smart bastard."
he screams. he takes a pistol from his pockets. he puts it on the table. while looking at it he thinks of when and how he is going to kill Rig. Tiziano enters in that house. he walks behind Samuel. the boss takes a cigar out.
"you can't deal with a man like him because he isn't human. Mr Mendez is a beast with no limits when he feels threatened. that type of beast are territorial which mean he is not just uncontrollable, but also unpredictable."
"he is no beast. he is just a rabid dog."
"if you really loved your dear brother. you would understand that he would prefer for you to stay away from a man like Mr Mendez. it is for your own safety."
Tiziano was just saying his name. even with just saying a name he felt some sort of fear that make his body tremble. Samuel didn't seem to care. he was starting to see his boss as a weak man. that is pathetic and weak.
Tiziano goes outside quietly with cigar on hand. he stands in front of the door. he is in there appreciating the beauty of the sky. he feels intoxicated with this town's shit.
Samuel looks at his bleeding hand. he starts to laugh like a maniac until he is tired. he closes the front door. he then goes to his bed. he looks at the ceiling.
that morning.
Detective Brandon Williams woke up at six am like always. following his routine he ate a bread roll with coffee. he reads a newspaper, unlike modern people he hates to used his phone to read the news. also there are no news about this town outside of Inflictionville.
the Detective stands up. he knocks at the door of his teenager daughter. but she was in that phase in which she is a rebel. she hated him for dedicating more time at his job than at his own daughter. he felt guilt.
the detective asked her to forgive him like he always does. then he takes his newspaper and leaves the house with some teary eyes. he drives thinking in the mistakes he has committed on his life. the things he has done. is it really worth it? he asks.
"we have a new criminal on the streets named 'the midnight grim reaper.' it looks like the creativity of journalist is limited when it is about naming a serial killer. even comic writers have more creativity when naming their C-listed villains."
the detective puts down the newspaper. in the main page is written about the midnight reaper's murders. his kill count is about 10 so far. that is only including some missing people on circumstances similar to the Killer's modus operandi.
the newspaper further explains. that the killer loves to leave note saying 'the reaper came to claim a soul.' the Detective keeps driving, as he keeps reading. it seems like this new psycho on town may be his next case to solve.
finally it is Monday. so far no one seems to know about Rig's 'cleaning' the other day. Rig is in class drinking water from a bottle of plastic. Joan puts a note on his desk asking to meet her at lunch in an empty room. Rig looks at her feeling fear.
"don't worry I will suck you whole. I will give you pleasure like no one else has ever done it. I will eat the hell out of you. I will make sure to leave your bags empty."
Rig feels regret of ever meeting her, or ever accepting her sexual requests. Rig looks at the teacher really nervously. then his regret is gone. the whole sexual side of life is new to a newbie like Rig. but no matter how scary it can get. he loves the hell out of it.
one thing that makes Rig feel uneasy. is the fact that Joan is the schools 'whore.' it is not like he cares about her on an emotional level, nor that he cares about who else sleeps with her. he is just afraid of getting any nasty STDs from her.
Mickey is observing Rig's actions and reactions. he is hoping to find any excuse to annoyed the shit out of Rig. he is hoping for a sign to tell him to turn Rig into his toy. he can't wait anymore. Mickey stands up. he walks towards Rig.
"Mendez. I saw that and let me make this clear. if you keep doing that with her, I would break your stick. so please keep it on your pants were it is going to be safe from ever breaking in two."
Rig pictures the painful outcome. he then looks at Mickey. he thinks that Mickey will break on half before he gets to touch him at all. Mickey looks weak as hell. Rig is tired of him and for a time now, he has being thinking about finding the 'right time.'
after a while the class is over. Rig is on his way to his home. then someone from behind calls his name. Rig turns around. the teammates of Mickey are surrounding him. Mickey is behind them laughing.
"well Mendez. I want to know what do you think of the upcoming prom? is in two weeks. will you come?"
"yes, I think your whore is going to be my date. she actually asked me a few hours ago, she asked me when she had my dick."
Mickey is about to hit him. Rig points at some teachers looking at them. Rig leaves. he is so nervous knowing that he has to face that jerk eventually.
four months later.
Rig is getting ready for the prom. is going to be in an area closed to the woods. he puts on a bright yellow suit. he is a bit nervous. he gets out of his room. he looks at Joan whom is in the living room talking with his parents.
at first when his parents were told that he had a girlfriend. both of them were nervous, for all the things that Rig has done so far. but after meeting Joan. both of them were convince that Joan is a nice girl. they hope for Rig to get merry to Joan soon.
Rig tries to smile. he is staring to regret accepting being her date for the prom. Rig talks to his parents. they are proud to see that he has a nice and polite girlfriend. they adored their daughter-in law.
Joan is simple looking, but pretty. right now she has a short haircut. her hair is of a natural light tone of brunette. her eyes are of a honey-brown color. she has a bright smile and joyful personality. her body is skinny, but not too skinny. she is pretty.
"son I am proud of you. she is a good girl. don't break her heart."
"she is adorable. I already want to be a grandma. don't forget to be a gentleman. that is what girls loved the most. someone that makes them feel protected and loved."
after an eternity, finally Rig leaves the house. Joan and Jose Miguel follow him. Jose Miguel is going to take them to the prom. on the way Jose Miguel listens to rock from the 50's and 60's. Rig feels shame.
Joan playfully whispers naughty things on Rig's ear. she holds his right hand with love. she kisses him on the face. she then licks his neck. she bites on an erotic way his neck. Joan smiles feeling power over Rig. she thinks to be on control of him.
Jose Miguel keeps driving and singing. they finally arrive at the building in which the party will take place, right on the border of the woods. Joan and Rig get out of the car.
Jose Miguel goes back home. he calls his wife. he asks her if she wants to do some 'Shakespeare' with him, but the cheap porno type of Shakespeare.
inside of the building.
the building looks old. it is a big building with a rustic style. the design of the inner area is gorgeous and elegant. there is a lot of space in the building.
Rig dances with Joan. for the first time in a long time. Rig is smiling. but he is actually enjoying of the dance. he starts to think about a future with Joan included. a future on which he works on an office. that type of future isn't so bad. it can be the ideal future.
while no one is looking. Joan gets her right hand inside of his pants. she starts to touch his genitals. she bites his ear. Rig used to hate this kind of thing. but he has got used to Joan's behavior on the last few months.
Rig hates everything that can be described as dirty, filthy, or disgraceful. he is good looking and he has a charm of his own. jet Joan was the one who took his virginity. to put it even more simple. Rig avoided girls thinking that they usually look filthy, or behave on a disgraceful way.
Rig thinks of sex as something disgusting. the idea of practicing something that even the pigs do to procreate, always disgusted him. but even with his grumpy personality. and with his dislike for sex. he has fallen victim of Joan's seduction.
Martin gets closed to Rig. he tells him that he wants to help. Rig tells him that they can talk about that later. he doesn't have time for that. he wants to enjoy of the rest of the night at Joan's side. he came to enjoy of the night and its pleasures.
Mickey is furiously looking at Rig. he is ready to kill with Robin at his side. they talk with the boys about giving another message to Rig. they want to see Rig on the floor crying. they want him to drag his pride on the floor.
Rig asks Martin if he can stay with Joan, just for a minute or two. he wants to go outside to take some fresh air. Martin accepts. Martin can do anything for his hero. Rig goes outside where he tries to breathe.
Randy Lopez is outside of the building. he saw Rig coming out. he awaits on the shadows of the night. slowly he gets closer to the light. Rig looks at him. he recognizes the man in front of him.
"what the fuck are you doing in here? did you miss me that much?"
"I just got free. I decided to came see how my friend is doing. by the way you seem to be doing fantastic amigo."
Randy has a beer can on hand. he talks about the guys on prison. he tells Rig that no one is as entertaining, nor friendly as him. Randy looks at the time and leaves. he seems less scary now.
Rig is about to follow Randy. but Jack stops in front of him. Jack whispers the words "run now." before Rig can say anything. he is hit on the head. he falls on the ground half unconscious. Rig sees Mickey's face.
Rig is being drag into the woods by Mickey and Robin. they are laughing. with them are other four guys from the football team. they argue about what to do with Rig. the boss, Mickey is angry because Rig took his girlfriend. this is about Joan.
Rig wakes up in the middle of the woods. he is tied up to a tree. his head is bleeding. he can see six people in total around of him. they are laughing. they are drinking beers. they see all this as a game. Rig is getting angry.
Rig asked them what the hell is going on. but they don't answer him. some of them decide to kick Rig until they get tired. Rig smiles as he endures the pain. then Mickey gives to Robin a pocket knife.
"I got tired of you Mendez. so now I will leave you here until someone finds you, or not. because I am such a nice guy. I would allow you to borrow my pocket knife. so you can untied your own self. damn am I not a perfect guy. no resentments Mendez."
Robin nails the knife on Rig's right leg. they all laugh. Mickey goes deeper on the woods to take a piss. he is whistling for the emotion.
Robin is leaving with the other guys. they walk slowly. some of them are drunk. they keep walking for some time. until they stop. the lights of a car makes it hard for them to see. Robin gets closer to the car.
inside of the car is Martin. with the car he runs over three of the guys. he gets out of the car feeling like a champion. he thinks of his hero. he knows everything. he heard them. he feels ready to prove himself.
Martin is holding a metal bat. with it he hits Robin in the face twice. Robin falls on the ground bleeding a lot from the mouth. he spits about ten teeth. Martin hits Robin so hard in the head that he starts to bleed a lot.
another guy is just standing in there. he tries to run. Martin runs faster than him. he hits him behind the legs. the guy falls on his knees. the guy asks Martin for forgiveness. he wants to be a better person. Martin hits him on the throat with the bat. Martin hits him so hard that the guy falls unable to breath.
Martin walks back towards Robin. for so long Robin has being his tormentor. for so long Martin has endured the bullying. today is the day that it ends. Martin grabs Robin from the neck tightly.
"do you remember me asshole. you made fun of me so many times, so many I loss the count. until now, I wasn't able to pay you back for all the humiliation. do you like it bitch. how does it feels like to be the bitch for once? ANSWER ME."
"do you think you are going to get away with this? my friends are there, inside. they must have hear all the noise by now. you are so dead. you retarded mediocre loser."
"you seem to be lost. in there is a party, and parties are noisy. they would never know. plus I won't let you walk away alive, so no one will ever know."
Martin throws him away. Martin looks at a guy, who is under the car bleeding a lot. Martin gets inside of the car. he moves the car back. he removes the guy from the road. Martin puts the bodies of the four guys inside of the car. he runs over Robin by accident. he then drives towards Rig.
Mickey pulls his pants up. he laughs. he turns around. he takes two steps. he takes a can of beer that he left on the ground. he walks around on circles. he is kind of lost. he looks at a light. he walks towards the light.
Mickey is about to say something thinking one of his friends was waiting for him. Mickey is in shock as he looks at Rig and Martin holding the corpse of one of his friends.
"what are you guys doing? why is Jackson bleeding so much? why isn't be breathing? answer me. damn it."
Mickey tries to run. Rig runs after him. he hits him on the feet with the bat. Mickey falls on the ground. he is scare. he feels like his life is in danger. Mickey tries to laugh. he calls his previous actions a joke. a prank among friends.
"it didn't felt like a prank to me. it wasn't fun at all. lets see how funny is it now that is your turn to get the 'prank.' I mean, you are not getting out of this one safe."
"come on guys. it is me Mickey. we're friends. aren't we? please, come on. yes, for a tiny bit I may had crossed a line, or two. but who doesn't do that."
Rig stabs Mickey on the knee with his own pocket knife. Mickey screams. he starts to warn them about his father. they tied Mickey on a tree. Mickey laughs like a maniac. he screams and yields.
"Mendez do know who my dad is? you have no idea. I will destroy your entire families. I will turn you into my personal bitches. I will force you practice bestiality with pigs. I will removed your manhood. you will be nothing less than a pigs. you will see, you will see. money is god, I am god."
"hey rat, go and find your damn ears. I always wanted to say that Mickey."
Rig and Martin leave the bodies deeper on the woods. they come back. they say bye to Mickey one last time. Martin puts some tape on Mickey's mouth.
they leave Mickey in there. they didn't killed Mickey, but they didn't left him much options to survive. it is unlikely for him to live. this isn't revenge, it is justice. it was time for Mickey to get a taste of his own actions.
Rig is inside of Martin's car. Rig thanks him for saving his life. Martin drives with a smile. by 'accident' he runs over Robin once more. this time Robin's body seems to be twisted on different ways. he is probably dead by now. or soon to be.
"go for my girlfriend and tell her what happened excluding the bodies in the woods. those facts are irrelevant."
Martin goes to the party for Joan. Rig looks at his leg which is still bleeding. Rig is tired. he looks at the moon which is bright and beautiful.