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ethan: who else would it be on my number!?

Woo he is really still mad!

Me : chill dude I was just checking coz we never talked on phone before.

Ethan : what's it you wanna talk about?

He says as if he wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible.

Me : why'd you...I'm me-

Ethan : "yaa!don't ask me, you already had yours..hsjsjk . ..no no!',........ umm sorry it's my little cousin brother, so what were you saying.

Maybe I shouldn't bring it up....

Me : oh, !nothing! Why didn't you come to college yesterday.?wt were you busy with?

I ask nicely but his reply is jus cold

Ethan : *scoff* nothing you should be worrying about!

Arrogent bastard! I'm so close to loosing my sanity

Me : I was j-


I could hear ruffling and shuffling noises along with giggles...as if he was chasing someone

Me : pfftt! What's wrong? Why are you so ragey?

I say grimacing

Ethan: everything! just fucking everything!

Me: looks like your in a big mess

Ethan: yess! The Satan like cousin of mine ate all my lunch! And I don't have anything for myself!

I could literally see his sulky face infront of me

Me : why don't you prepare something for yourself

Ethan ; I can't cook, and no ones gonna be home until evening! I'm starving !!I don't know where does all that food goes inside his tummy, I could just throw him with with my left arm!and he could do nothing "

"No you can't! Ethy! Looser! "

Ethan: don't laugh you peanut looking human I'm gonna come for you be prepared!

I laugh at their conversation

Me :Now I see what's going over their hahaha 😆

Ethan: not funny! You didn't tell why did you call?

Umm!!I think propping my elbow on my knees.....ok! let's do that

Me: yeah!!can you meet me at the regular cross? immediately!?

Ethan; what!!in this rain? Nope!not happening!

Me :stop complaining,I'll be there in about 10 mins

Ethan: no- but why?

Me: you'll know!!and you better be there...

Ethan: no-

Beep beep beep. Aand.... she hanged up

adley's pov

I get myself into something comfortable along with sweater, coat and a muffler....its really cold out side., collecting my wallet and umbrella I leave the apartment!

I get inside the Chinese rameyon shop

"2 special pack of those please"

"Sure, anything you'd want to add?"

"Yeah! Add eggs to one and meat to other"


"Thank-you for coming!hope you enjoy your meal!"

"Your welcome!!"

I quickly go to the cross with the rameyon cups and water bottles in one hand and umbrella in other.

Ethan is already waiting for me at the cross in a plain yellow shirt,sweat pants and a not-so-thick jacket.

I run towards him with a big smile!

"Heyyaaa!!!"he smiles big after seeing me,but tries his best to conseal it!

"Your 5 mins late!!!" He complains

"Its not that long!"I say glaring at him

"Whyd you call me in this pouring rain! Your bandana friend didn't tag along?! He says with a sour face .

Ohh!!I laugh a bit at the nickname he gave to samuel

"I smell something burning!!?" I say sniffing in the air . teasing him.

"Did you call me all the way from my home just to see you sniffing like a dog!!"

I push him playfully

"No!I have to take you some where !take this"i give him the noodle bag and drag him along with me .

"What's this!?where are we going?!"

We both walk along on the not so busy streets, with umbrellas clashing and bickering with each other

"Will you be silent for a while!! "

We were sitting at the bottom of the bridge to save ourselves from the pouring rain,the river in front of us was flowing a bit violently.

(It was raining)

I was removing our rameyons from the plastic bag,as he sat in silence staring at me,

"When did you plan this?!" He asks breaking the silence

"Its nothing sort of a plan!" I say handing him his meat rameyon

He stares at with I don't know what look....

"What?!you said you were hungry right?.. you were all over a child for eating your lunch jus sometime ago!what happened now! Eat!"

I shove the cupnoodles in his hands,he takes them and smiles my way

It felts like an era passed to see him smile honestly!

"Thank you"

"Bon Apetit!"

We both have been eating in silence,when

"You have a different rameyon for yourself !?"

"Yes!I prefer eggs!why?you don't like yours?"

"..I just wanna taste it"

He dips his fork inside my cups slurps down the big amount of noodles from mine! Without me giving him the green signal

I stare at my now almost empty bowl and his stuffed up face with my rameyon, my mouth agape

"Wasn't it a bit too much for a taste?!!"

He just gives me his I'm so innocent bunny smile. And says.."naah!...and!mine is better then yours "

But I just give up at his cuteness and laugh along with him!

"Ethan!give me your hand!"

He thrusts his hand forward without paying much attention,still enjoying His meal

I wrap a shiny thing around his wrist at which he looks at me puzzled

"Whats that ?"he asks examining it

"It's an infinity bracelet!a really important person of my life gave it to me,she said it would tie us for infinity. I want to give it to you."

"Its beautiful Adley!but i don't know.... I can't take it!"

"I'm sorry...i- I know how it feels to be left alone, how it feels to left lonely.when we don't have anyone to lean on to and cry! "I say talking about the luch incident with stingy eyes,and look away so he couldn't see my face.

"I want to give it to you to remind you that I'll always be there for you, the one first and the last person you can hold on to ,I want to be the shoulder you can cry on at your emotional peaks.in your good,hard and even in worst times just for you to know that I'm still with you! " I say with stuffed voice .

"I hope you won't deny it and treasure it as much as I did and st-"

my words get cut off when i feel a pair of arms wrap around me,his face at the crook of my neck as he mumbles


"Thank you for caring for me,it means alot!ive never felt this important in my life before,..jus- just don't don't leave me alone,i- I'm scared, I'm sacred that I'll be isolated and miserable again like before...." he says between his sobs.

I didn't expect him to react this way, I pat his back to calm him down, this is the first time I've seen him breaking down in front of me! And this is the moment I know that I'm never leaving his side no matter what!

"I know I'm quiet annoying and weird but I also know that you are the one who can keep me collected!you won't leave me right? "He says again still in my embrace...




"Never!I promise"

I say as he snuggles a bit more closer.
