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27.the pity act

Ethan's pov.

Ok!I know I kinda overreacted today,but It was her fault too,she abandoned me for that rascal.

I can't claim her mine either that's why i felt helpless to defend my anger.

Only if she knew...

I shake my head getting back to what I was doing, searching for the infinity bracelet she gave me in the bushes.i don't know what my dumbass thought before throwing it away when I knew I was gonna regret it,and here I am for searching for it like mad coz she adored it like hell.

I can't stay angry at her forever.

"Ahhh!" I feel a cold surface on the ground as I pick it up.

A smile appears in my face.

"Thank god!" I sigh as take the bracelet in hold and tie it,when I see someone leaving the building.

"Adley!?Where she might be going at this hour?" I get confused.

She might be  really upset because of this whole drama today.

I look at her leaving figure and at my watch....its too late at night its almost 11

Should I follow her.?


I keep my hoodie up,so no-one observes me as I follow her.

My heart starts beating faster everytime she takes turn.anticipation getting the best of me.

She stands in front of a crowded club.as she plucks out her phone and and talks to someone on it.

My confusion gets worst. The words Adley and night club  doesn't go together...then why would she be here at night?...

Well! Whatever it is.i won't want to see her wasted or worst molested by a drunk guy .

The place is crowded with drunkards,and people are all over eachother.i try to jump and see where adley is heading to.she gets stoped and teased by some guys making me wanna punch the life out of them but she ignores them and makes her way through.

She waves at someone who I can't see from the place I am.

Wait! She isn't alone? She gotta company.?

..I feel my heart aching at it.

I follow her determined to find the truth.

She enters a private room in the club. I feel my hands go numb.... wait she isn't here for that right....no she can't!..I know how she is . Maybe she is in some trouble?

I run past through people and get near the rooms door.

The music isn't that lond here it's complete silence with just some light beats of music entering In.

I peek inside the room after convincing myself its gonna be fine.

The room looks luxurious, there is couch and set up table,fairy lights and decoration with purple colours.. balloons and flowers everywhere

As if it was all planned.

Adley walks inside with no expression.

She stands there as she speaks  to someone in the room.

"What's all of this?? What's happening?" She asks

"Oh!! Your here!! Thanks for coming please sit down"

The speaking person comes near her holding both of her hands.

My eyes go big after seeing the figure, my heart shatters to peices after seeing the man in front of her.after all the mess this evening she is here to spend time with him,when she didn't even bother to text me a simple sorry?


.....he is all dressed up .

He takes her to the couch making her sit.

I can't swallow,my breath is been caught in my throat...but i want to know what they are doing here. With heavy heart I listen to them

"Samuel this is-" he doens't let her finish her sentence before he says

" No! please listen to me first! And you can say whatever you want...ok?" He says rubbing his fingers on her palm,talking to her calmly.

She just silently nods

"Ok! Now I know isn't the best time.but I can't keep this in anymore, not after ethan thinks that I'm with you for my selfish desires, which is absolutely wrong." He says...he closes his eyes taking a deep breath

"Here it goes! Listen Adley! I know we don't know each other from long time, probably I'm annoying as heck for you,maybe I don't deserve you but trust me when I say this.... when it comes to you I feel I could sacrifice the world just to see you smile. I- I really like you! Since the very first day I saw you at University,with your big sepcts,hand full of books and curious eyes.the innocence you have makes me wanna protect you form everything,I want to be by your side not just as a friend but something more...so would you let me??"

"I- " she is unable to get words out of her mouth.

"And....I know everything about ethan you told me the other day! I know he needs help as his mental state is breaking down,I can see how hard your trying to keep him together. Thats how i know how good of a human you are. Trying to stay by his side so he can lead a better life,it is a great decision and I would support you too,...but I think he thinks of you as something more.... please leyy!! Just give me a chance I swear I'm not gonna dissapoint you."

He says my world goes crumbling down as I see her nod

The strength I had till now is smashed down to nothing.

Water runs down my eyes as I see her hold his hand as she gets up.

"It was all a pity act?" Is all runs in my head.

So the connection I thought we had was all a sympathy not- not love

I close my mouth shut as sob out

Is this all worth it?? Why this had to be like this,I was all good by myself depressed and alone.but you came into my life gave me hope showed me light just so that you can crumble me down to peices?

It would have been better if I had took my life that day itself.

I try to rub my tears away with my sleeves but they don't seem to stop.

I am tired of fighting, for once I want to be fought for....

I can't hurt myself anymore. I know I'm getting my punishment for what I did to Ezra. And for hiding it from her.

I just hope Adley would be happy with him.

It's better if she laughs in his arms then cry in mine.💔

I run away from the scene,i can't! my life can't change.

The truth that she can't be mine peirces my heart and soul.

I'll remain that weird psyco kid everyone calls me. I can make none happy.

I am weak! I don't deserve love I just deserve fucking sympathy!

It was all a act!

The first time I met her,she approached me I thought someone wanted to know me ,talk to me,*sob* when she was clingy to me even after me always pushing her away.I thought she cared for me.*sob*

After she broke down in tears in my arms and held me for  her support I thought she trusted me!.*sob* when she came to my house treated me like her own made me comfortable I thought we were meant together.*sob* when I kissed her in my arms and she responded back. I thought I could call her mine *sniffle*

But this was all a lie to gain my trust so that she can keep me sane?! Tears go rolling down my cheeks.

Her adored stares,those shy smiles,warm hugs,our roof top talks everything was a act!

The memories smack out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

I fall on the floor on crowded club crying loudly in the loud music.

Am I this bad to deserve all the bullshit in my life.

I thought she was the reason for my smile but never knew she'd be the reason for my tears too.

Why Couldn't I just be like normal people?...why can't I just be with her to protect her ,love her,make her laugh....is this a lot I ask for....

If that is selfish! Then I want to be selfish for once.

Even after knowing ive been played and she doens't look at me like that.....

But I still want you..

I close my ears as Samuels words repeat in my head!!!! 'keep him collected,mental state,I like you'

I run out of the club!! shaking my head.

I don't care what happens next anymore!.
