Jace stood proud as he stared at the project he had been working on since he turned fourteen, there were pictures of various people with tatoos on the wall,they were all the same scorpion tattoos and some were tattoos of some kind of dragon,the man that killed his father had either of the two but he didn't know which one,he picked up the paper where he had sketched his memory of that man and just stared at it,intently staring at the neck of the man where the collar had blocked him from seeing the full tattoo,he had to know because that was the only way he could find that man,it was his only lead,he had noticed that the people with the dragon tattoos where different from the once with the scorpion tattoo,the scorpion guys where the ones that caused more problem in town but still he couldn't be so sure that the man was from that group and even if he was how was he gonna find him,Ah!! he groaned and slammed his head into the desk, maybe he should just give it a rest,he thought then he was suddenly pulled into the depts of his own thoughts, it was like a dream....
He appeared to be in a place of war,there were dead bodies everywhere and then out of the distance came a multitude of people walking alongside each other,they all had the same red eye and it sent chills down his spine,they kept coming closer and stopped when they were only few feet away from him,they stared at him with a look of hatred making him take cautious steps back,wh..what do you want?? He asked,but no reply and this made him more nervous,you know exactly what we want,someone said from behind him making him turn swiftly,it was a girl she looked about seventeen years old,her hair was blonde and wet with blood,her clothes were torn in different places,she looked like she had put make up only it had been smeared all over her face,her lips were covered in dry blood,and the way she stood made her look like zombie,We want revenge Jace,and you know that,she said moving closer to him,he took three steps back but then he remembered that those people were still behind him making him jump to the side so he could have his eyes on both the girl and the people,Stop running from us jace we are just like you,she spoke slowly which made him even more uncomfortable,we all want revenge,she finished and he shook his head, true but that doesn't make us the same,he said and she furrowed her eye brows,yes it does jace you just can't see it!! she said and he could see she was getting angry,Okay,Okay but what do you want from me?? He asked,We want you to help us get our revenge,she said,On who and why me,why don't you just get it yourself,you all seem powerful enough for that kind of stuff,he said and her lips twitched in anger,YOU IGNORANT FOOL!!! she screamed and moved her hand in a motion,like she was going to slap somebody making him fly back and before he understood what was happening he slammed into the wall and then to the ground,he groaned in pain as he felt like his back bone was now broken,Can't you see we are ghost?!!! look at all this innocent people,look at the children,they should have been living souls like you but because of the greedy heart of men,we were all murdered like animals,left to roam this horrible place forever!!! she shouted,why?? why.... don't you just leave??!!,he said,and she knelt down to his level,because we can't,we can't leave until all our hearts is at peace...But how can we be at peace when those that put us in this misery hasn't been punished,they don't deserve the life they enjoy, they deserve death and you will bring it upon them,she said,How??and who do want revenge on?? He asked and struggled to get back on his feet,"we want revenge on the Mafia" she said and as soon as he heard that he became interested,so they wanted revenge on the mafia huh?,How nice....and how are you going to do that??? let me show you,she said and walked away,he followed slowly behind her.
For many years we have searched for a soul with such keen thirst for revenge as yours but we were never able to find one because those other humans that lost their loved ones to the mafia never wanted revenge because they were scared of death,but your anger alone was able to draw us to you and that is why we chose you for this task and you will not fail us,she said and pointed at him...."Now we are all the help you need for this task" how..how are you going to help me?? He asked curiously and she chuckled,we will give you strength,she said and some of the spirits joined together and became one,they ran suddenly like a flash of light in his direction,a force hit him making him fly back,Ah!! he shouted as he hit the ground,he touched his body as he couldn't feel any pain,Which made him look behind him in shock,the ghost had just passed through him and then disappeared.
We will give you the brains and speed,she said and some more ghost joined into one and passed through his body,making him fly further back,what are they doing?? He asked the girl who was looking excitedly at him,but then her look turned to a horrified one,look!! the building is gonna collapse!!! she suddenly screamed,making him look up at the buildings on both side of him, What the?! he shouted and tried to move but the building parts fell in front of him and also behind him,he was stuck and there was no where to run, suddenly the shadow of a big part from the building appeared above him and his eyes widened.....there was really no where to run so he formed an x with both his arm and everything went black.